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Everything posted by Kingstonian

  1. According to George Lucas, Luke Skywalker is the most powerful Jedi that has ever been, with Revan and Yoda coming in close, in fact Luke considers Yoda the greatest Jedi there ever was although Luke has surpassed him (that's pretty humbling of Luke if you ask me). Emperor Palpatine was listed as the most powerful Sith ever, although Darth Bane would get my vote. Wookieepedia.com
  2. This pretty much. Who ever had the most medals, damage/healing done, and kills gets my vote everytime.
  3. Get a Nostromo Pad and a Naga Mouse and you will be set. Key binding is needed to be successful in PvP. I'm not saying that a clicker can't do well in PvP, but most PvPers use keybinds.
  4. That "WoW bad" he mentioned is on the Crucible Pits. My guild is on the Swiftsure and we love Open World PvP...in fact my guild is a cross game guild that is pretty well known on their respective servers for coordinating Open World PvP fights with cross faction guilds.
  5. My guild is Sith right now, but as in other MMO's they always make a cross faction guild and when that happens I'll probably slide on over.
  6. Kingstonian


    That just means guaranteed pvp at 4 in the morning. Who's laughing now?
  7. Kingstonian


    Right on right on. That sounds good and shows promise. Look forward to the PvP.
  8. Kingstonian


    Haven't seen much love for Swiftsure. My guild was placed on this server and I was just curious to see if any top pvpers from other games were rolling on here? I know The Fatman and Prophecy of Five have some pretty well known guilds from other games. Just wanted to see where Swiftsure stands.
  9. Just curious....everyone keeps talking about Prophecy of the Five, Tarentatek, and The Fatman servers as being PvP heaven. I though from things that I've heard and seen that Swiftsure has a lot of top pvpers from other games too. Am I wrong?
  10. I will add....Empire Guild - The Earthbound
  11. Too true...who cares about how much dps you can do? All that matters is killing the bosses, having fun pvping, and all around just enjoying the game. Its effin Star Wars.
  12. Too funny and true. Thanks for the chuckles.
  13. And I thank you good sir for your commendation.
  14. DeathKorps is serious, unlike WoW PvP.
  15. No Macros, and no Addons for this game. PvP will be balanced except for player skill. I wonder how many WoW Glads will QQ that they are getting beat down in PvP.
  16. I hear you, I'm just stating that to flat out say that they don't use macros is a lie. I only wanted to point out that a lot of high level Glads use macros as a lot of them have posted How To's on the WoW forums that is all. And all I was saying about my 3 year old is that he could do well in a game that has been beaten to death with the nerf bat, brought back to life and then beaten to death again. It is just too easy now.
  17. He does use macros. And he is not that bad at WoW. How can anyone be bad at a game my 3 year old could play. And he is not the only one. Tell me that Glads don't use macros. You know they do.
  18. Don't use macros? You're joking right? Ever watch any of Swifty's pvp videos. He talks about using macros all the time, and he's the best warrior in WoW. Aside from this good PvPers will dominate this game, no matter what MMO they have previously come from. WoW, Aion, DAOC, WARHAMMER, GW...etc. All of them have great PvPers.
  19. I'm on Swiftsure and it seems to be pretty well balanced as far as emp and rep guilds, also I was able to play for about an hour before work, and there were quite a few Aussies talking in chat, so that means no lack in 3am PvP.
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