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  1. Apologies if this is the wrong place. when it gets to the cut scene using the holocrone on the final chapter i'm unable to continue becuase I can't cleanse my memories (0/5) I've tried restarting the game, my PC and also restarting that chapter 3 times. http://imgur.com/a/87FjA and I made a video of it here https://www.twitch.tv/englad/v/109945885 please help, because i'm desperate to finish it!
  2. You are entitled to up to 5 days of pre-order access. This means that they can give you 1 hour of it, and are within their rights, ISPs do the exact same thing. You didn't know you had to put the pre-order code in so you're raging Seriously, read receipts then, rather than skimming through? This is not hard. It is your fault, not biowares, they informed you, you didn't read it.
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