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Everything posted by Ilayas

  1. 140 - Flammable Surplus - In which Darth Malgus is contacted and Mendiloquence takes a trip down memory lane. You can also view this comic on: Deviant Art Tumblr
  2. Salih makes a point to leave Sparky behind whenever she goes to meet with high ranking sith. Somewhat out of respect but mostly out of fear for Sparky's safety. P.S. I like your avatar.
  3. 139 - What's in a Name? - In which introductions are made. You can also view this comic on: Deviant Art Tumblr
  4. I can't speak for all Sith but this bunch at lest can.
  5. 138 - Kind of a Big Deal - In which Darth Malgus is discussed (with great enthusiasm). You can also view this comic on: Deviant Art Tumblr
  6. 137 - An Important Mission - In which Imperial Entanglements makes it's triumphant return from hiatus, and Salih get's an important mission. You can also view this comic on: Deviant Art Tumblr
  7. This is the last of the filler I swear! - In which I take an artistic trip down memory lane. You can also view this comic on: Deviant Art Tumblr
  8. 136 - Q and A: Head Canon - In which the final batch of questions are answered. You can also view this comic on: Deviant Art Tumblr
  9. 135 - Q and A: Nekgoul - In which there is a Nekgoul, with a top-hat. You can also view this comic on: Deviant Art Tumblr
  10. It would make me very happy as well. A lot of people started reading my comic from this forum because a picture is far more enticing then a link. I feel I'm missing out on a lot of potential new readers because of this. Plus I like seeing everyone's artwork.
  11. And here I thought you had left us Ixum. Glad to see I was mistaken.
  12. 134 - Q and A: Knife Fight - In which there are trandoshans and more questions are answered. You can also view this comic on: Deviant Art Tumblr
  13. 133 - Q and A: The Un-Murdering - In which questions are answered and Mendiloquence uses a staple gun. You can also view this comic on: Deviant Art Tumblr
  14. 132 - An Important Public Service Announcement - In which the comic goes on hiatus and I open up for questions. You can also view this comic on: Deviant Art Tumblr You may ask your questions here by replying to this thread if you want. Any of you unable or unwilling to post on this thread can do so on the website. You do not need to log in or register to post a comment there.
  15. Thanks! Say it as many times as you want I always enjoy hearing that! 1- mend-del-o-quince It rhymes with eloquence. It means artful lying, a skill his parents were very disappointed he did not develop. 2- Yes. Hammer station will be next. 3- Hoth is going to be a fun planet to write, and that's all I want to say for now. 4 - Art as a full time job is a dream of mine but given my current skill levels this is still very much a hobby. In fact I need to leave for work right now.
  16. 131 - Letters from Droumnd Kaas Part 2 - In which Mendiloquence sends a letter home. You can also view this comic on: Deviant Art Tumblr
  17. 130 - Letters from Dromund Kaas Part 1 - In which [Redacted] sends a letter home. You can also view this comic on: Deviant Art Tumblr
  18. Thanks I actually really appreciate that as I spend a lot of time on the backgrounds. Mostly because perspective is actually rather difficult for me. I'm getting better but it's still a struggle. Luckily I have lots of good reference material to work form and that really helps.
  19. 129 - Epilogue: Crime Scene - In which an important question that literally no one asked is answered. You can also view this comic on: Deviant Art Tumblr
  20. He's being in the service of the empire long enough to know when it's a good idea to have the blood and viscera cleaning towels on hand.
  21. 128 - Relevancy - In which Salih requests some very important information. You can also view this comic on: Deviant Art Tumblr
  22. You gotta take your victories where you can find them.
  23. 127 - Collateral Damage - In which Salih wins a bet! You can also view this comic on: Deviant Art Tumblr
  24. 126 - Boundless Optimism - In which everything is good and will be good forever. You can also view this comic on: Deviant Art Tumblr
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