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  1. my only issue is why they charge me 5 bucks as same as the people who order in july, if i dont get the same right to early acces, the fair things is i should get the same time, if not, well they should charge me 2 or 1 buck instead because i order in dic 1, am i right, or im silly man...........................STILL DIE FOR PLAY
  2. My only issue is why they charge me 5 bucks as same as the people who order in july, if i dont get the same right to early acces, the fair things is i should get the same time, if not, well they should charge me 2 or 1 buck instead because i order in dic 1, am i right, or im silly man...........................STILL DIE FOR PLAY
  3. This isnt a troll or QQ but, if we pay 5 buck same as the guys who preorder in july, isnt fair we had the same time for prerelease. i order on december 1, but they dont charge me 2 dlls of preorder, they charge the same 5 bucks as any other so some one had an idea why is so restricted whit the pre launch?
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