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Posts posted by ColdLogic

  1. What is good for PvP should also be good for PvE. Time invested to obtain gear to be competitive in PvP = time invested in PvE to obtain gear to be competitive in PvE progression. You want welfare PvP epics? We want welfare PvE epics. Let "skill" in both aspects be the deciding factor. No more gear progression be necessary to complete top tier ops on nightmare mode. Only skill right? Don't get me wrong, I participate in PvE and PvP and like them both. But pvers can't be so egocentric to think that PvPers are second class citizens.


    Pretty much, PvE'rs get the royal treatment.

  2. I'm seriously starting to think that there are a huge amount of people on the forums employed by Bioware, whose sole purpose is to embarrass, demean, or bash the hell out of anyone that criticizes or critiques this game. Either I'm spot on, or the intelligence and morality of the human species is degenerating at a faster rate than I previously thought possible.....
  3. This would be like Bioware saying to the PvE community.


    PvE progression should not exist... we are going to start dropping Rakata gear tokens in all flashpoints or allowing people to purchase top level gear with money so everyone can wear the best gear without effort or time invested in nightmare ops. (Basically what they did to PvP'ers with Valor)


    Having an unfair gear advantage in PvE takes away the skill factor and makes it all about gear. Letting people buy rakata gear for money or from easy flashpoints should be considered so it's all about skill and no gear differences. No reward for clearing hard content, people who do lvl 50 flashpoints doing far less work should be able to attain the same gear as a coordinated ops group would.

  4. I want to clear up a few misconceptions people have been interjecting into my thread..


    I am not a dpser, I'm a healer.

    I worked for my valor the honest way (didn't even use Pure Shockfrozen water, I was against it.)

    I believe in balanced gameplay.


    Now with that said, I do not agree how they are treating their 3 month vets already.


    It's the same stuff SWG did that made me quit in 05' with the NGE (worst update in MMO history.)


    They need to tell us thank you in some way for investing hundreds of hours to get +60 valor by supporting their game.


    Like I said before, an exclusive title (Like no longer attainable BM title after patch 1.1.5), or a pet, or some kind of recognition beyond a reskinned mount.


    I mean as it stands the PvE'rs are getting treated way better while the PvP'rs have to start from scratch again.... I could have went and got full rakata instead of wasting my time on a failed PvP system.

  5. Yeah this is what happens when you reach the final gear tier in an MMO. Everything you do is basically useless until they release the next tier of content and gear. this guy speaks as if this is his first MMO.


    I guess this is the entitlement generation, and any amount of grinding or meaningful time investment is UNACCEPTABLE. MMo's used to be about building on your investments, showcasing what you've done over the years. Some of us are oldschool MMO'ers that are not into the welfare state of modern day gear giving and forgetting the founders of the game.


    When you market a game as meaningful and every choice you make is important, like with Valor, and than tell us it's a useless and temp system that earns you almost NOTHING, it's a slap in the face.

  6. It not that some people get rewarded for lack of commitment as you put it. Remember some people have a life outside of the game. Gear shouldnt matter anyway it should come down to player skill. If I am a more skilled player then you but I have a job where as you just play 22 hours a day to grind up gear then it make killing you harder...Not because you are skilled but because you have no life...P


    Um excuse me, what kind of highfalutin jerk do you have to be to claim people have no life because they got something you were not motivated enough to achieve? 1.2 isn't going to make gear about skill, you are still going to get Warhero Comms for losing to purchase the gear.




    I've made almost no alts.

    I've done almost no PvE content. (not a fan)

    Thus I've spent the majority of my in-game time PvPing.


    Bioware could have handled valor in 40 different ways (even incorporating it into the legacy system), instead they chose to render it complete crap and a timesink until 1.2..


    Nope, sorry, I and every other BM player who feels the same will probably just stop logging in until 1.2

  7. All these personal attacks are from people who can't form a coherent argument.. how droll... stop acting like dunderheads. We get it you like the welfare gear system.


    I like the majority of PvP changes too, but what they are doing with valor is a total SLAP IN THE FACE to any serious player pre-1.2

  8. only the people who abused valor in Ilum, and valor traded are crying. Valor farming was a terrible excuse for a pvp experience. Don't cry


    You're misguided, I put in hundreds of honest hours pvping with guildies and friends earning my valor....



    and Biowares reward for my investment is to get a chance to be the ops leader and 2 lame mounts? I feel like they should reward the people who invested and stuck with their game from the start, like taking away the Battle Master title after 1.1.5 only letting those who earned it keep it.

  9. It's basically a slap in the face for your time investment. I probably won't be on much PvPing till 1.2 now since the War Hero gear grind cannot start until then, I have nothing to do with BM gear and useless valor.
  10. What is being said here is that we should stop all PvP grinding till 1.2 because everything we grind will be useless untill ranked commendations for War Hero gear and all we will get is one or two lame mounts and to be the leader in a wz (which no one cares about) for our valor grinding.
  11. Taken from Guild Summit on Valor/Gear in PvP.



    Q: we have a few guildies that are battlemaster – are you going to make it less grindy to obtain these gear as right now they are farming daily and weekly quests to get those commendations?


    A: Right now if you are valor 60, the only way to get BM bags is via quests – winning warzones. This leads to bad behaviors of leaving warzones you are losing. It took away the incentives to get commendations and the incentives to get performance in warzones. In 1.2 the ranked warzone commendations will be used to purchase War hero gear directly (no valor rank or warzone rating required to equip the new War Hero gear) . Warzone rating will allow you to get a different color version of the War Hero gear (its more of a prestige thing, especially in the pre-season). Valor rank requirement for battlemaster gear was a temporary measure – valor rank is suppose a PvP prestige thing and not a gear progression. More valor ranks give you prestige things like being able to be the leader of a warzone, cool mounts etc.

  12. This is Durzo... and yeah every time I get you on me in a warzone Tidus I try to stun the hell out of you ^_^




    /shields + health gen.

    2 Insta Heals + bio heal






    Though I didn't see me, Indo, or Psychrome, or any of the other top repub players in the video. :(


    I run into you a lot too ^_^

  13. I sign this thread. Hopefully we will get to see this come 1.2


    Yeah, I pretty much stopped logging in except for the dailies, and that is even meh.. I don't like not being able to progress my character because of RNG.

  14. So what? Both systems are bad. Thankfully, Bioware isn't limited to those two options. With any luck the new system that's coming in 1.2 will be an improvement. Unfortunately the change will likely come too late for some players.


    They haven't revealed too much information on how the new system will accommodate token costs.

  15. To OP,


    You know you can use those champ comms to gear up your companions in champ gear right? My main healer and DPS are both in complete Champ gear while I finish off my BM set.


    The gear doesn't need a fix, but you qq'ers won't let it go. I got my BM set in like ten days doing dailies and weeklies. Most people don't understand what a RNG is and when they don't understand that EACH bag has it's own unique chance of producing a comm, so no one is certain they'll get two comms for every eight bags they open.


    Try to take a breath, because what you're going to end up getting is, a comm a bag, but the comm cost for each piece will go up by ten times. So in all reality I think the majority of people will have a longer grind to get their sets, because BW knows how long they want it to take, and the RNG just allowed for some people to get it a little faster.


    1. No one gives a flying crap about the companions, like I said, they are already geared, that has nothing to do with the real issue.


    2. The gear system does need a fix obviously, calling me a qqer doesn't prove your point, nice try though. Got your Bm set in ten dailies and weeklies, that's a blatant lie and troll/baiting or you've got some kind of godly gamblers odds.


    3. You have no idea what you're talking about.

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