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Posts posted by mikedee

  1. Because marauders always have their defensive cooldowns available. Yep, you're right, what was I thinking. /sarcasm


    Seriously though, sentinels/marauders are easy to kill. Focus them for a few seconds, use a stun or two to prevent their CDS. If they do manage to pop their defensive cooldowns, then have one single person stun them, and everyone who was focusing them should start to focus another target.


    5s later their defensive cooldowns are gone. K now kill them. Its not hard, really it isn't.


    Because with 7 teammates, 8 enemies, and objectives to have to worry about. I should have to remind myself of every mar/sents cds...

  2. Call me crazy, but shouldnt DPS class (sent/mara) have the most DPS:rolleyes:


    DPS = damage


    Tank = health/defense


    Healer = healing




    Know your role gibroni.... dont run a sage/sorc as DPS and whine that sent/mara is better DPS than you, because they are supposed to be!!


    So why does the class have the best defensive cd's too?

  3. I'm lieing.. i use to do so much damage in warzones.. 400k avg. now i cant even get over 200k some warzones.. yeah im a liar lol


    Respec lol. Your old spec is no good. The new one is...

  4. Summary:


    The entire other team should manage their cooldowns around what one Sentinel is doing. It's also ok to instagib people even faster than triple proc, triple crit HIB resets of old.




    Sentinels / Marauders think they're raid bosses.


    Full of win :cool:

  5. 1: leran how to counter

    2: learn your class and theirs to know what to counter

    3: ??????

    4: profit


    While I get there are bad sents/mars. The good ones are unbeatable...sry bro. No fix for that we can do. BW will fix it though don't worry. Keep trying though^ eventually you might make yourself believe it is really how awesome you are at the game. Not the class you are playing.

  6. marauder yes, school no. unless you kids get out at 1:00 nowadays.


    I guess your timezone is the only one the world goes by?

  7. VS a carnage marauder, no. 30 second cooldown on ravage, and it is a majority of their dps.


    what does it matter if they cant die for 4 seconds if they are doing piss-poor dps to you since you avoided gore+scream+ravage?


    I guess this marauder just got out of school...welcome to the party better late than never

  8. Hi, I have cooldowns too. You pop yours, I pop mine, you end with 75% health, I'm dead. Why?


    Run away? Then I can't hit you. And you charge me. Wait, that's your solution? Run away? LOL. Why should a marauder be the god of 1v1? You absolutely need a friend to have even a chance against them BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION.


    On my marauder I can easily 2v1 people as Rage/Focus, which is weak apparently.


    The truth will set up free!

  9. Don't exaggerate! It's more like 3 shot.


    Good marauders killed anything before the patch. Now good marauders are godly and crappy ones are good.


    That is correct the attack does hit in 3 parts...Last part hitting for 6-7.5k first two for about 4k...I feel bad for the ones that don't have their gear/spec right and complain about it not being correct. More like 14-15k on 3 crits no 10k...

  10. You are smoking something bro. Post you combat log files, k? thx!


    Its very obvious who is mar/sents. They have more single target dps than any class. Even more dam than aoe classes. They have some of the best defensive cd's in the game. Wait they have stealth too. I guess none of this exists either?

  11. This is accurate. 5-6k over the whole duration.


    Is that what tooltip says? That is completely in accurate from what I have encountered. Maybe a 3 hit non crit for each hit...We haven't even touched on any other op skills they have right now lol...

  12. If you can't take two steps away, or use a knockback, id suggest getting more than 4k health if ravage is 3 shotting you


    You must be a marauder. At any point that I stand still for 2 secs I should be dead to a class? They are out of control right now. Oh I play a sage. I guess that I deserve to get 3 shot...wait 2 shot now in 1.2

  13. Relax bro. Take a breath. I am on your side here. I get the ranked wz's not being ready. Just plz give us a 8 man q'ing ability. For any real pvp guild this is crucial. I have more than 12 people I want to play with whenever I am on nowadays. The fact of having to party with 3 people is a little sad. Knowing that half of your wz can always be bad pugs. When we try to q 2 groups of 4 together. We end up waiting like 15 mins for different wz's anyway. Don't care about having to re invite people to the group. It would be nice but would only save 30 secs- a min. It does add up though :eek:
  14. So I am full BM and yesterday with the release of 1.2 I get 1 shot now with master strike/ravage abilities. Mar/Sents were fine before the buffs. Now they are way better than any other class. They have more single target dps and with their defensive cd's they have more durability than any other class.
  15. It's because I make him OP.. maybe you should do the same with your class? I know some very strong sent/marauders and have spoken with them, you know topics like holy **** I have 28 key binds, things like that.


    The simple fact is my other 2 lvl 50's are no where near as challenging, and don't have nearly enough things for me to be doing. Damn right it is rewarding.. but so many are against risk/effort vs reward now a days.

    Bc hitting 2 buttons is hard? It must be real hard to rotate a two button dps chain. Especially now with 1.2

  16. There is no 8 sec stun. There are 8-10 seconds mezzes, but you cannot be damaged during a mezz or it breaks. And 10 sec mezz gives you full resolve right away. So you can hit someone with 8 sec mez, and then hit him with 4 sec stun. Then he heas full resolve and 16 sec CC immunity, you taken him out of fight for 12 seconds max (if he dont use his CC breaker) and you could damage him for 4 seconds. Longest period of stun lock (ie. you can damage target without him being able to respond) is 8,5 sec (3x1,5sec stun + 4 sec stun) and requires incredible timing.


    Resolve system is so simple and yet so many poeple dont have a clue about it. Incredible.



    No spammable cc in game either. Just think if one person could really cc u all day like so many claim...

  17. What in gods name is taking so long?



    BW make a 150m * 250m room and let us do the rest.


    Afraid your game can't stack up balance wise?


    I don't UNDERSTAND!

    +1 im in. I always wanted a straight deathmatch! :D

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