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Everything posted by Dragonemperor

  1. This character is Republic and now you've told me this I feel even more annoyed.
  2. Why is it when ever I queue for a warzone I always get Huttball! I'm tired of it, it's not even a war zone, just a silly game. Can someone please tell me why this keeps happening, is it to do with level or location or is it just a coincidence?
  3. My Jedi Consular is called Dagoran which was inspired by Dragon then just trying a different order, then adding letters etc. You could take a mythical create, say griffin, change it bit a come out with something like Grayfus or Grinafin. My Sith Inquisitor is called Zaadrak which just came from stinging sounds together until I found one I liked.
  4. Don't worry about which is the best class and go for the one you think you would have the most fun playing. I have a sage and a sorcerer, not because they are easy but because I like having playing characters with lots of supernatural power at their disposal. So just have fun with it and don't worry about the end game, you'll be able to overcome it with any class anyway.
  5. Traya and Sidious because they manipulate everyone around them.
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