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Everything posted by ravenhrt

  1. id love to join. shoot me a email in game Mevasha look forward to hearing from you. FYI i almost never break character
  2. im on the ebon hawk. i useualy play republic but im starting to change my mind
  3. every so called RP guild ive tried never takes it seriously. im always Ic because its a game. i never go OOc cause i dont want to be me. im me 24/7 i want to be my character. thats the whole point
  4. Im tired of trying every RP server and all i find is a bunch of players that do nothing but PVP. Nobody on RP servers RP anymore. every time i try to RP with a guild they always yell at me for RP or if i try to say hi to somebody in RP they tell me to F-Off with that RP crap. ITS AN RP SERVER FOR BLEEPING SAKE this is getting on my nerves, swtor is a game for story and fun but nobody seems to care about the story or care to make there own. if you wanna PVP only thats fine, but you have your own servers, leave the RP servers to the few of us who actually take it seriously
  5. Im a gamer for story and looking for a few people or guild thats into heavy RP but dosent require constant play as my work schedule is hectic. you can contact me on the ebon hawk server, name is mevasha
  6. Forgive my igronace but how do you use the preorder crystal to choose your color? All I get is the black/yellow combo. How do I pick the color I want? And where's the CE vendor. If anybody can help please let me know.
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