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Posts posted by MacOda

  1. The Focus spec is intended for slow players and mostly mouse clickers. It was designed so that bad players can enjoy the game too.




    Enjoy the fun you are having with only the four buttons you mouseclick, but Focus is not the path of the advanced and capable Sentinel player.





    Focus is what I would have my Dad play, if he wanted to play SWTOR, and only intended on playing through the quest story.



    Translation: I am a wannabe l33t boi that is ube because I play the most commonly accepted spec for Sentinels. This obviously means that I am superior to other players for this reason and any one that prefers any other play style is inferior and terrible.

  2. Focus is AOE...


    While I play Watchman in PvP currently, Focus is a perfectly fine spec to utilize. The play style is quite fun and it punches out some nice burst damage. It is true that Focus is definitely a much more potent AOE damage spec for PvP, but the single target damage is still very solid as well.

  3. That's an interesting arguement. Where in his post did he say? My maruder and scoundrel lost to two sorcs? ... or mention anything other than a 1v1?


    Oh wait you're on of those people that don't read posts from the start ;). Or worse are you saying that a marauder has no role in group pvp?



    Pro-tip: The context was the maruader vs sorc matchup.


    It is to point out that 1v1 doesn't really matter at all....regardless of the context.



    Pro-tip: Putting a Pro-Tip at the end of your post makes you really cool.

  4. This is a latency problem..I.E. your one of the few with crappy internet that this will happen to often with any class..

    Maybe getting DSL wasnt such a good idea .




    If you use an ability that gives you DEFENSE against ranged attacks chances are your still going to get hit..


    If you use an ability that says immune to TECH and FORCE abilities you take 0 damage.

    guess you need to read what you use huh.




    When resolve works they cant.

    When resolve doesnt work anyone can, not just sorcs.


    So far I havent seen resolve not work.

    So im guessing this is either a server issue or Im running on a really really good comp.




    Heavy armor, leap, and enemy pull with a little bit of Defensive CD's in the middle..




    want a cookie?




    ...O so your playing a different game..nvm..thought you were playing SWTOR



    Translation: Hi, my name is Sirolos. I obviously play a Sorceror. I will post insults and things that are completely irrelevant in a thinly veiled attempt to make my class seem like it is just fine and that I am really a good player (just like I do in every thread about Sorcerors).

  5. you must be new to logic, welcome. my post is a direct response to yours saying how the volume of a class relates to the relative "power" they have.


    because if your argument was valid, that would also indicate that why there is a faction imbalance, ie there are more imperials than republics because imperials have some advantage (OP) over republics. get it?!


    No. You are trying to apply that the logic driving the population/faction imbalance is the the same thing driving the class choice being played. That simply isn't the case...anyone that has played MMOs for any appreciable length of time knows that.

  6. Yo umust be new to MMOS. Welcome. The population imbalance has nothing to do with one side being more powsrful that the other. In any mmo the "bad" side is overpopulated, especially on pvp servers.



    Stupid sayings like "valid arguments are valid" are stupid.


    Perfectly stated.

  7. All of these classes have tools to kill a Sorc bubble and all ( the bubble abosrbs all of 3.2k)


    That must be terrible to "only" absorb 3.2k damage. If that seems so neglible to the class and how it performs, it shouldn't be a big deal to get rid of it then.

  8. #2 will never happen, sorry to say. Mythic = Bright Wizard = Sorc/Sages.


    They won't even fix my three outright broken talents in heal agent tree, what makes you think they will tone down the god mode classes?


    The only other option is letting PvP continue into a ranged versus ranged fest (where it is almost at right now) or buffing all the other classes. I can tell you for certain they are not going to go through and try to buff everything else when you have very fixable overpowering mechanics on two classes.

  9. That is more plausible that asking them all to reroll, or nerfing them, which seems to be what you expect?


    I don't think that is what the original poster was trying to imply at all. Rather, they are pointing out a very common theme im MMOs (especially in regards to PvP) that more powerful/capable classes are going to be represented the highest due to their relative effectiveness. This is why you are seeing so many ranged classes in PvP currently (primarily Sage/Sorceror and Trooper/Bounty Hunter). These two class types represent around 75% of the opposing team that I face regularly on my server at level 50. It isn't uncommon at all to see 7/8 of the opposing team represented by these classes. This same trend is starting to show up on the Republic side now as well.


    With being the case, there are only a handful of possibilities...


    1) PvP continues to evolve into a heavily ranged dominated game and melee will continue to disappear from the War Zones and Ilum.


    2) The Sage/Sorceror and Trooper/Bounty Hunter classes are adjusted downward to put them on a more even playing field with the rest of the classes in the game. This will make the other classes no less appealing to play in PvP...so the populations would theoretically start evening out.


    3) The rest of the classes in the game are buffed to bring them to the level of Sage/Sorceror and Trooper/Bounty Hunter. This, too, will make the other classes no less appealing to play in PvP...so the populations would theoretically start evening out.


    Given the track record of these situations in previous MMOs, it is likely that number 2 will happen. That is what they were trying to convey.

  10. When is a fix for this going to be implemented? It has been going on far too long and it is incredibly frustrating when you have to playing many more games than are necessary due to this bug. It baffles me how come this hasn't been addressed and appears that it is not in the patch for tomorrow.
  11. im so sick and tired of all the fix x NOW! or i will unsub, do any of you realize how complicated it is to fix software bugs? you only pay 15 bucks a month to play..... thats squat in the scheme of life. play the game how it is and have fun. Thats what games are for after all.


    Fifteen bucks a month across a million peoplle is fifteen million a month. That is a ton of cash to maintain a system and hardly "squat in the scheme of life".

  12. They were the closest any MMO has ever come to balancing PvP. To say they didn't cater to the PvP community is simple a false statement.


    Arena has redefined MMO PvP. Blizzard currently holds the title as king, not these nobody's they grabbed from the unemployment line after Warhammer flunked out.



    WoW was most assuredly not the most balanced MMO in terms of PvP and Blizzard is a far from being the a King of MMO PvP. Pretty universally that title goes to DAoC as it focused on end game PvP and was quite successful at it (not that it didn't have its problems mind you). WoW wasn't even remotely close to touching that game in terms of a PvP experience. As for Arena, it was trash...as the majority of the season brackets were primarily (not completely) determined by your group's composition. It tried to provide a way to generate a less time demanding system for PvP progression system in lieu of the ridiculous Rank system they originally rolled out. The bottom line is this...a game cannot primarily be a PvE game and provide a satisfying PvP gaming experience.

  13. So I will say sages are OP..nerf them!!!!!


    I don't think anyone here will argue you on that point. It is not just something specific to the Sith here. As I mentioned in my earlier post, it is a matter of time until the Sage population dramatically increases on the Republic side.


    The only difference between the two is that Sorcerors do Elemental damage and Sages do Kinetic damage.

  14. A) BioWare won't want to nerf the most played class in the game. They'd lose a ton of subs over it. And we, as the playerbase, are to blame for that. There are a decent chunk of people who would quit a game if the class/way they played wasn't the easiest or had the biggest advantages. So until we, as a community, get our **** together and stop wanting everything to be easy mode "or we quit!!!", then they probably won't get nerfed.



    I really don't think this is the case. If you bring a class in line with other classes in terms of balance (or somewhat close to it), they will still continue to play that character...even though it won't have the same advantages it once possessed. The notion that a nerf would result in mass exodus doesn't really seem likely. An example of this was the Death Knight class in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion for WoW. It underwent significant nerfs for a year to bring it more in line with other classes...yet it still was easily one of the most played characters.

  15. There are a lot of arguments being made here which has nothing to do with the core issue. The bottom line is when a class is more powerful than others...people will migrate to it to have an advantage. This has been going on in MMOs since they were created and will continue to do so. The key indicator for this in PvP is when you see class diversity starting to drastically reduce in Warzone populations. As has been pointed out, people are seeing that the overwhelming amount of people on the Sith side are primarily playing Sorcerors (usually about 5-6 per WZ) with the next highest represented class being the Bounty Hunter (usually 2-3 per WZ). Not all groups do not consist of just these two toon types, but they do represent at least 75% of the groups I see on my server. With this being the case, it won't be long until Republic sides start consisting more and more of Sages and Troopers (already seeing it more and more in the 10-49 bracket).


    The claim that class PvP performance does not impact its representation in Warzones is not accurate. That is why people think it is obvious the class should be toned down (the most likely case) or other classes should be buffed. From a developer's viewpoint, it is easier to adjust one class instead of multiple.

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