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Posts posted by Phinion

  1. We had the same problem with the blue beam. We tried transferring layers and still no luck. We finally did get it a layers with no blue beam and were able to click on the rock then came the next bug that we were not able to click on the anchored rock. I noticed a brand new layer had formed so I went there, clicked the blue beam and traveled to the rock and clicked with no problems. So, give that a try and transfer to a newly formed layer and see if it works.
  2. As I started to read the OP, I was in disagreement until I hit this paragraph. I have no problem if there is lack of OWPvP on PvE servers which I was assuming was the case here. But if this is happening on a PvP server, I totally agree with the OP.


    This. If you choose to play on a pvp server then OWPvP should be happening anywhere and be expected. On a PvE server I would expect people to just want to do the quests.

  3. I have seen other games use an unlimited com system and simply roll the ultimate coms into elite to make the grind start over again for every new raid they release. That way the people who choose to grind out the coms really fast can and the coms would be converted into a lesser com later when an update releases a new op. But the BiS may still be a problem with this game as people would still buy 9 sets of bracers or belts for the mods due to the price differential of the other pieces.
  4. Exactly!!


    If it was 3 hours before or after this time it would be no issue at all.


    You mean it would not be an issue at all for you. However, it would be an issue for someone else. Since you have the issue you have the right to complain. But, if it was happening to someone else you would simply tell them to deal with it or welcome to MMO gaming. Can't make everyone happy in this world.. yet I agree BW could make a better effort to try.

  5. No no no. The next thing they will add to the cartel market will be the /hood command that we have been asking for since beta. It will cost 3500-4500 CC's and 1500-2500 to unlock in character perks. (1500-2500 per character)


    ^This. Welcome to F2P. The company has to pay the bills somehow, though I think they will over-price the feature. But the market will speak for the price.

  6. I'm all for it, but only if they implement it with not just bugs, but little immersive experiences for us Roleplayers in the game so it would at least have some VISUAL update as opposed to some bug fixes that are ever-present:


    1. Hood Toggle

    2. Day and Night Cycle on a couple planets

    3. The ability to sit in CHAIRS!!!

    4. Some more companion cutscenes/missions. I mean Bounty Hunting event is awesome, but I'm also a fan of the personal stories too :D

    5. **** load of cartel market items to even it out and for cheap prices.


    Just little things along with the patch fixes. Yes there will be a mountain of QQ-ing. And I do mean a MOUNTAIN, but oh well! At least the game will be functioning properly.


    1. Be ready to pay $20 for it as they would likely put it in the store.

    2. Agreed, but have not heard anything from them for quite sometime about this.

    3. Look at number 1. They gave you the ability to sit in chairs as an emote as a way of getting around the work.

    4. Would be nice but that would be content not quality of lifel.

    5. They will add more packs to buy, but they will be anything but cheap.

  7. Is maintenance going to be semi-permanently moved to Wednesdays AEST now? Because our raiding schedules are set for Wednesday nights and if this is the case it would help let us know if raiders need to work around this. Our prog1 Ops only run Wednesdays and Sundays and it's annoying only running once a week because of maintenance so we need to know if we have to reform prog1 into our other prog teams throughout the week which run on the other days.


    This was probably a one time deal since Monday was Labor Day in the US so BW probably had the day off work.

  8. Good evening. I am sure most of you are aware of who I am, but if not please allow me to introduce myself...


    I'm Sir Copperfield. I'm a Gaming Legend who has been playing MMO's since 1995. Now that the introductions are over, let's get onto business.


    Any true gamer will tell you. The scoreboard matters. Rankings. Stats. You name it. This is why I need there to be a leaderboard for the achievement points. The only stipulation I have is this. Keep the PVE servers separate from the real servers. I don't think I, as a PVP player, should be lumped together with carebears from PVE servers. It's obviously easier to get achievements on carebear servers.


    I have almost 12,000 achievement points and I am pretty sure that I am the leader by far. However, I don't want to be "pretty sure". I want to be sure. Give me some rankings, Bioware.


    Or, they could just make a ranking system that will show overall achievement points for the entire game then have an option to show individual servers. That way self-indulgent people like yourself can feel good about themselves.

  9. It is free to play. No where did they say it would include every creature comfort in the game. If you chose to spend over $400 bucks on the game then the fool is you. You could have spent that money on a sub for $15 a month... which by my calculations would total $180 a year. Plus, that does not even include any bargain discounts that BW may include for buying a multi-sub plan... such as the 6 month plan.
  10. ^ This.




    That's an interesting perspective. Rather than having a content lockout, maybe you could have a gear-lockout to where you can only be eligible for loot (other than credits) once per week. Honestly, I could get behind this if it's done right.



    However, iMO SM lockouts isn't that big of an issue. The larger issue for me is that HM and NiM share the same lockout.


    If the lockout is gear only then that could work. First run, player can roll on everything, every run after that players are locked and cannot get gear at all. However, No locks at all, gear or otherwise would not work at all. Other games have no locks and the first several weekends people just ground out their gear then moved on. Content was eaten up so fast by players that the company could not keep up with the demand for group content. Once players have the gear they want, rarely did they return to run the instance again.


    That being said, can't raid drops be traded to other players within 2 hours of the raid or doesn't the item become bound to the carrier once they leave an instance? If so, then you have to stop the trading of gear to the locked player as guilds will just run the same few bosses and gear themselves up by trading gear amongst themselves. That would negate the entire lock system on its own.

  11. I would not go that far, but I would say that end-game content is simply not a viable long term option if you choose not to group. There are eight class stories, 16 Advanced Classes, and a myriad of "character concepts" to play out with regard to alignment that can all be played out completely solo.


    You are correct. but, the OP did not specify playing other toons or just the one toon he started with. If he is wanting to only lay one toon then he will be extremely limited on what he can do for an end-game. This game is designed for group content. I don't see solo players having much to do that would not become extremely boring fast.

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