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Posts posted by Mass

  1. No, you are not. What we are seeing here is very narrow thinking by companies and people alike. I have a Smart Phone with an extra cost data plan, therefore EVERYONE must have one, too. I have a Facebook account, therefore EVERYONE must have one, too, therefore I will not have a web site and put all my stuff there. I have a Twitter account, therefore EVERYONE mist have a Twitter account.


    To a certain extent this may be age-related and generational, but there are very valid reasons for not having a Facebook account, for example. You give up freedom and privacy and there's no doubt you are being tracked, by government and companies alike, when you spill your guts on Facebook. And the Smart phone issue is serious. Right now I pay $60/month for two cell phones on an unlimited talk plan. To move to Smart phones would more than double my monthly cost to $130. Ironically we have people here claim they can't afford $15.00/month for SWTOR, yet I'll just be they have a Smart Phone. Go figure.


    The real issue for me is the unnecessary complication. This OTP system is simply not necessary. You can do authentication that is every bit as secure as the OTP, perhaps even more so (After all, the OTP is in the wild for a certain period of time, unencrypted), which is much simpler to use WITHOUT the necessity of multiple devices. Banks can do it. Why can't these guys?


    And, of course, this all begs the question. How secure does an SWTOR account really have to be?


    Agreed. Incidentally, requiring a facebook or twitter account for any type of service is an automatic deal breaker for me. Have actually not used products because of this 'everything has to be connected' philosophy. When I play SWTOR, just want to launch, log, and go. It's a farily 'low security' priority for me, and like you say, my online banking is easier than the current OTP implementation. If they can reduce the OTP to like once a month or find some alternative system that does not require extra data input, I'll be ok. But I seriously have enough hassle in my life; to add some more to be able to play a video game (that I mostly enjoy) is going to be hard to swallow.

  2. your mobile phone is now an inconvinience for you too !!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Obviously, we have different lifestyles. Yes, my cell phone is occasionally an inconvenience and for that reason I don't always carry it with me. I used to be able to say I didn't have a smart phone, but can't anymore. Ultimately, though, it's just inconvenient having to do more than a password. You obviously think that's ridiculous, and that's ok, but I'm not alone in this.

  3. LOL.. what you quoted reaffirms my statement. Learn to read please.


    It establishes that the weighting scheme for triggering a OTP is different between launcher and website. This is then supported with the experience of being able to login to the website without OTP generation and then having one generated by trying to login to the launcher. Ask Phillip as you are unable to test this unless you deactivate your authenticator. You think you understand the system based on a partial disclosure of operating parameters and no observational experience because you are not exposed to the OTP. So, your understanding of this system is largely theoretical and does not make full assimilation of disclosed operating parameters. This may seem like I'm making some leaps regarding your understanding, but not near as far as the leaps you making regarding peoples' actual experience with the system.

  4. So whats more inconvinient hmm, pressing a button and getting a code plus 100 cartel coins a month and a much more secure account, or doing the one time password which if your using alot of systems could turn into alot of one time passwords.


    Well, I was hoping there might be a third alternative which would remove both of those barriers. I'm not looking for a lesser of two evils; I'm looking for zero evils.

  5. hmm, hold keyring, press button, look at number, type in number, press enter. account secure. ye thats terrible. This form of torture must end people i tell you, MUST END !!!


    It's fine if you like it and want it. I never said it was torture, I said it was inconvenient. Just because it approaches my threshold for inconvenience doesn't mean I'm wrong, just different. I'm likely in a minority, but not alone.

  6. Oh I am very aware of how it works.


    And I am aware of no cases where you can log into the web site but not the launcher. The reverse however is fairly common because of how people have their browser settings.


    One example is listed on the developer explanation:


    "Deleting cookies in a browser forces a new OTP every time

    This is specific to using a web browser and our website. The game launcher is not affected by this behaviour."


    You know, it's ashame that some people are lazy and don't do just a little research as to how this game software works, just like they would with any other software, and read some developer posts about it. But hopefully, directing you to the developer post about this will enhance your understanding of the system.


    In terms of actual cases of affected users, I'm aware observationally of one case where this is true (myself) and anecdotally of other cases where this is true (forum postings). I"m surprised your extensive analysis of end user experience has produced no examples. How many cases did you analyze again?

  7. So you have a key, its apparently to heavy to move, you have dificulty inputting the numbers from the keyring to the launcher, possibilty that the buttun is to dificult for you to press in, yes we know pressing a button can be hard for some.


    It's inconvenient, I don't need it, I don't like it, and until recently I wasn't forced in to alternative two factor authentication schemes. Why would I have used it?

  8. This is a poor solution for those of us who do not want the hassle of two factor authentication. My CE came with a security key, but I have no intention of using it as it is inconvenient. I have multiple systems and don't want to be dependent on having it, or going through the extra excercise of typing in those numbers.
  9. LOL...




    And he apparently needed his very own thread too.. instead of using one of the active ones.


    Since you seem unfamilar with how the system works, let me explain. The parameters that are checked for the launcher to generate the one time password are not the same parameters that are checked for a browser to login to the website. Because of this, it is possible to be able to login and post while still being locked out of the launcher login.

  10. Regardless of the protestations otherwise, if we did allow people to choose their own level of security, and then they did have their account taken over by an attacker while set to the minimum (no password for the win right?), they would still expect their account to be restored to its original glory. Choice is all well and fine right up until a compromise happens, especially if you just lost multiple level 55's. Sadly there are a number of groups attacking MMO's for a multitude of reasons, and we have a duty to protect players accounts from their attacks. To counter some of the more advanced attacks, we have to provide advanced security as mitigation. To even consider providing some of the self-service options, we have had to move to the OTP model.

    TL;DR: Personal preference on levels of security of your SWTOR account is not an option.


    Appreciate the communication and explanation. While I can sympathize with the perspective on individual security options from the service provider perspective, as the consumer, it may ultimately be a deal breaker. This is recreation for me, so if the barrier for entry is too inconvenient, I’ll do something else for recreation. I often log in for only 20 minutes or so. If it takes 20 minutes (or really more than 2-3) to login, it’s no longer an enjoyable experience. The distrust you have of folks not being able to read and accept a service agreement that states lowly secured accounts will not be restored is a little confounding. Does this mean you don’t expect anyone to follow any of your terms of service? After all, you implied customer expectation would trump a TOS. But I digress. When the security questions were in play, I was rarely asked for those in the launcher. Perhaps your 'trigger filter' for OTP could be set more closely to the security questions filter.


    TL;DR: If logging in is too much of a hassle (as it currently is), some people will not continue to play.

  11. Why is there no discussion of an option to opt out of two way authentication? Clearly, some value the extra security. Clearly, some are experiencing frustration with the barriers two way authentication presents in logging into the game. If I were offered the option of having password only login under the 'scary' condition that I would receive no support from customer service if my account was hacked and resulted in the loss of virtual items, I would gladly take it. Two way authentication is a resource burden for SWTOR -- having the option to not use it is a win for the service provider and a win for customer satisfaction.
  12. Seriously, you guys? Go to the customer service forum and search for 'security key'. More than 500 threads pop up. I'm guessing one or two of those are complaints. If you have security problems with your network or system, I think it's great that they give you the option of two-way authentication. For those of us who don't, it would be nice to have the option to remove the nuisance of two-way authentication.
  13. Did you know... with the changes they just made.... you can now add/remove security keys/apps yourself. ;)


    One of the benefits of the changes they made is more self-service, less dependency on live customer support.


    Did they add the option to opt out of two-way authentication for those who do not need/want it (e.g. no security except password)? Because that's the only security option upgrade I think some of us are looking for.

  14. They really need to give the end user more control of their personal security needs. I've been using services like this for over a decade and have never been hacked or hijacked, because I have a basic understanding of how to keep stuff like that out of my home network. This way, I can minimize the barriers to the services I use and largely control the barriers that need to exist. When a service decides they will dictate all security terms, and puts up a lot of undesired and uncessary barriers to accessing the service, it reduces my desire to continue using that service. I don't need secondary authentication. I should be able to accept this risk. This is just a game for me...when I want to play, I'm willing to enter a password, but that's about the extent of it. Let us choose to get out of secondary authentications. Put up a big sign that says if you are hacked, EA won't restore you're account because you chose to opt out of the 'enhanced' security features. I don't want enhanced security; I want fewer barriers between me and the game.


    It's a little annoying to me that I pre-ordered a CE version specifically so I would be able to access all fluff content, and then they hide some of that content behind a security vendor that I can't access because I don't need secondary authentication. Now, because some of us restrict cookie/tracking file access (for security reasons), they end up forcing this secondary authentication through one time email passwords. Just let us opt out. Put up a really scary sign that says if you do, zombies will eat you while you sleep, but give us the choice.

  15. I always at least get my ship before starting the PVP grind :) What I've found is most enjoyable is to do mostly PVP with some space missions here and there all the way to 47. At that point, you can go through pretty much all of the class quests from level 10+ uninterrupted, without having to take level up breaks that disrupt the story. For me, doing the main quests split up over a period of a month or two with other little grindy things in between just isn't that enjoyable. I recommend all xp boosts available.
  16. Seriously??? I was kinda excited about the new space missions because I heard they would give you (besides fleet comms and dailies) blackholes comms too.


    So this wasn't true? Just normal fleet comms for really hard missions?


    Anyone have a qualified answer to this? There's a lot of conflicting statements all over the forums.

  17. Hope this is a mistake and that they look into it. The XP was a major thing that kept me coming back to warzones; I wonder if reducing the XP will reduce player interest. I know things are always subject to change, but it feels like there are a lot of little irksome changes with this patch. Casual players really do need a supplement to the Class quests that quickly allows you to continue it. The story is a lot less compelling if I have to take a two week break between planets to level up.
  18. Just wanted to say thanks! Had 8 gigs of ram doing nothing, and now they are helping increase performance. I'm not getting the results reported by others, but the difference is very noticeable (like from 15 fps on fleet to ~28 fps). Be warned it will take much longer to load the launcher with this; I assume it has to build the ram drive each time. Worth it though if you're planning on playing a few hours.
  19. Several people have pointed out that this is likely a preemptive move to initiate a real money microtransaction system, and is one of the reasons for the high credit cost (to make you more likely to eventually spend real money rather than in game credits for the perks). If this speculation turns out to be fact, is anyone interested in spending real money for legacy perks rather than the current in game credit costs?
  20. I'm kind of like the OP in that I do mostly solo stuff, but I transferred anyways because:

    1. Character names will get only more scarce the longer you wait.

    2. I believe there is a high probability they will shut down most of the current origin servers before the end of the year and forcibly transfer your characters somewhere else anyways (they will never call it a merge, despite the fact that this system is currently a defacto merge). I'm betting, to avoid the bad PR of shutting down servers or using the word 'merge', what they'll announce is "Super servers are up and running so we are 'reorganizing' the servers to integrate into the new system."


    I can sympathize with the OP; sometimes an overcrowded server is less immersive. Like finding that super secret datacron only to come out of the cut scene to see 30 other people standing around (although this game does a much better job of instancing out the riff raff than any other MMO I've played). There's something cool about having the whole galaxy to yourself. But I'm guessing they're gonna make you move eventually.

  21. I typically only make level 23 and above, but on my server, there's usually a pretty diverse selection on the GTN. If you were a preorder, there is a vendor on the fleet that sells all levels of yellow crystals.


    They couldn't start keeping the deposit on the GTN without reworking all sources of credits in the game. Right now, you have to be a little clever and put forth some effort getting all the resources to make crafting more profitable than just doing dailies. If they put a lot of taxes on selling stuff (or experimenting with price points) I'll bet you'll see less goods on sale as selling will be higher risk than just doing quests to make credits.


    I'm actually surprised at how much 'green' stuff is on the GTN considering half the time it's priced right around a vendor buy price.

  22. Anyone know what level space missions become available?


    I have an alt I only want to do class quests and space missions with. So, at level 10 I got my ship, and the missions show up on the board for me to accept, but the space missions don't show up on the galaxy map. Is there a certain level needed before they are added to the map?


    Edit: Found my answer. In case anyone else tries this, space missions don't show up on the galaxy map until level 12.

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