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Everything posted by Barrechor

  1. Bare in mind that Obi-Wan had just watched someone he had trained from a young age, turn into the most notorious sith lord of all time. I dont think he wanted a repeat with Luke. Yoda however couldve done a great job on Dagobah, teaching Luke the ways of the force.
  2. Its widely known that Sidious was far from being the most powerful sith lord ever. He was a choir boy compared to some of the earlier emperors. Mace Windu was a very powerful Jedi and would rightly give Sidious a run for his money. The big question however and the thing that really winds me up is; How does Sidious kill Kit Fisto so easily. A true master of Shii-cho and a Jedi legend, gets cut down in half a second? I dont think so Mr Lucas....
  3. According to modern science. They used to think the Earth was flat once too....
  4. It is annoying. I accidentally bought the wrong pair of gloves with my champion token while I was arguing with the wife about playing SWTOR so much. I sent a ticket in, hoping they take those damn sentinel gloves back and give me my precious glove token in exchange
  5. Hate to agree with Mr Trollface here but hes right. It sounds like youre doing something wrong m8.
  6. Balance? JKs make up for probably 1 in 10 players atm. Every man and his dog is either Trooper/BH or Sage/Inq PS. thats not aimed at you, thats aimed at the apparent ignorance that BW have regarding the situation.
  7. You take the extra stack of sundering from Improved Sund Strike and use it as a follow up to your saber throw (After using force leap) which guarantees your next Force sweep crits due to "Felling Blow" which puts 2 stacks of Sunder Armour onto your target through sundering throw (Thats 4 stacks of sunder armour on your opponent before he even knows about it = 16% armour reduction) - Combine that with Shii-cho forms (Shii-Cho mastery) 20% Armour ignorance perk for 36% armour bypass!!!! You follow that up with force exhaustion which gives you the required 4 ticks of singularity (+25% dmg bonus to your next Force Sweep) so when you finally get to using force Sweep it does 25% extra damage and is a guaranteed crit. You will usually hit for anything between 3k and 5k damage (Dependant on your Surge rating) with Force sweep alone, but combined with the previous builders youll do about 7-8k damage on average. THATS ONE HELL OF AN ALPHA BABY! You can then do it all over again with a waft of force stasis and a sniff of zealous leap. Focus build AKA Force Sweep pwnage is really very nice indeed. EDIT: Also, Focus offhand as shield is useless unless youre in Soresu form. Build sundering strike up with as many perks as possible, its your main focus builder. It also has a seriously smexy bonus effect, so use it whenever possible.
  8. Watch Star Wars episodes 1-3 and tell me how many times Ewan McGregor sounds emotional. Once. At the end of Revenge of the sith, just after hes chopped off the whiney brats legs.
  9. Agreed, I havent ran Sent yet (And I dont intend to as the whole dual saber thing puts me off as im a purist) but I would always assume that due to your squishyness, a well kitted T7 or later would be a better choice than Kira, as you do enough DPS not to need her at all.
  10. You arent wrong m8. The main problem with Troopers/BH is that the damage they do is too high for a class that can hit at any range from 0m-30m. In most MMOs the ranged guys are usually quite squishy in order to offset their high DPS count, in SWTOR however you can have the best of both worlds. Troopers/BH's do as much (Probably more) DPS as my focus specced guard, yet they can do it from practically anywhere they want. They also have the huge benefit of heavy armor which also makes them as tanky as my focus specced guard in any fight. How do you say overpowered in galactic basic? Oh thats right "Overpowered". I havent played the class extensively but I do know just by looking at the scoreboards at the end of matches that they need a tweak.
  11. The OP can login you moron, hes just having problems with his Sec key android app not working now. My advice? Unintsall and reinstall the app and re-apply the keys to it. Basically just an android re-install....
  12. Barrechor

    500k+ DMG Club!

    Yup, its pretty much all they do. SPAM SPAM SPAM, cooldown, SPAM SPAM SPAM. Then they think theyre pro.....
  13. Nice guide m8, I was trying to think up a similar build myself. The sweep crits made my mind up though, thats some nice crits right there.
  14. I know, I'ts surely a coincidence though m8
  15. Hey, just a quick question as the title implies; Best companion for when I'm soloing on my tank? I havent unlocked Doc yet, but I would assume he will fit the bill or do other people recommend going with a DPS pet instead? Thx in advance. PS. I did search for a similar topic but had no joy.
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