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  1. I just do my black hole dailies save up the coms and buy a peice of gear with that then rip out the mods/enhancements and reverse engineer. Its still requires some work but not pve/raids everyday. I know what you mean about pvp though I farmed for a whole to get the war hero gear and went to reverse engineer the lvl 26 pvp enhancement only to find out that "no research available".
  2. I specifically bought that on ship repair droid for 1 million credits so that i could give my 2v-r8 +2 artifice crit only to find out they only have +efficiency 0_0 . Hopefully when 1.3 is released they will add it to the repair droid but with my luck that probably wont happen. Bioware Please Please add +artifice crit option to my astromech repair droid!
  3. Artifice worthless!?!? I would say artifice is the second most useful behind cybertech. Think about how many peices of gear have enhancement slots. Weapon, head, chest, gloves, boots, and legs. That is six or seven if your a marauder/bounty hunter. I have three level 26 enhancement recipes I have gotten from reverse engineering blackhole gear. With those recipes i can have a toon as soon as he hits level 50 in nearly half black hole/campaign grade gear. Thats not including color crystals, augmented weapons, and you can also reverse engineer campaign relics and get augments in those. Combine that with my cybertech who has level 26 armoring and mod recipes all of my toons can be nearly fully geared minus implants, earpeice, maybe relic, offhand, belt and bracers. Of which you can buy on the gtn with the millions you will make from selling your level 26 enhancements, relics, augmented sabers, and color crystals. Artifice is far far from being worthless.
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