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Everything posted by Bloodhulk

  1. Hey guys, SoulTakers are looking for a DPS for our weeknight progression team that runs Tues and Weds 8 - 11 pm est. We also are looking for all roles that would like to join a rebuilding of our progression weekend group 9 pm to 12 am (Time will change based on group) Lastly we are looking for any player who is willing to join our gaming community. SoulTakers History - Formed in 2005 in SWG, we have been playing Star Wars games ever-since. We have branched out to other platforms and games including Destiny - PS4 Please look us up or send BloodHulk a message!!
  2. Hey guys. The SoulTakers community has come back to SWTOR, and is currently recruiting active players to rebuild our ranks. We played from launch and left last May. We formed in 2005 in SWG and play various games including Destiny, FF, Diablo III, ect. We will raid mon - thurs 7:45 pm to 10:30 pm est and run various actives throughout the week. We use vent and have a guild website (Currently getting fixed). We play for fun but love to progress. The people you meet in SoulTakers will become not only gaming friends but RL friends as well. We often meet up in RL for drinks and such. We range in location from Canada, NY, NE, FL, CA, and TN. Please Email me at bloodhulk@imperialsoultakers.com or message me in game if you have questions or would like to join us. Thanks much for reading and hopeful see you soon. Bloodhulk
  3. The progression group is locked in with DPS, thank you all that applied. Still looking for DPS and a healer for our 2nd group. Will be starting a third group shortly!
  4. We currently have an opening for an EPIC DPS, in the main progression group. Please PM BloodHulk
  5. Currently starting a second group, still shy a few DPS spots!
  6. Fixed the link to the "Call Out" system.
  7. Thank you all for inquires, still recruiting. Welcome to all the new members!
  8. SoulTakers (Empire) Established in 2005, we are comprised of Star Wars fans and core gamers. We are currently seeking mainly DPS for our operations groups (Other Roles are Welcome). We are extremely serious about doing progression, and prefer DPS that want to compete in high end “END-GAME” operations. Our spots in progression team are based on a “CALL OUT” system, which is unique to SoulTakers. The “CALL OUT “system refers to one player calling out another for their spot in the progression group (i.e. A DPS player believes he can outperform another DPS player. We bring both on a random ops of the progression groups choice and all player join torparser and we complete the op and at the end compare the results. The player that outperforms the other wins the spot. For more details regarding the “CALL OUT “system please refer to http://www.imperialsoultakers.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=93. Operation schedule is Monday – Thursday 8 pm EST till 11 pm EST. We use Ventrilo voice service have a guild website and a muti-tap guild bank. We are extremely friendly, and mature (with the politically incorrect jokes). Please leave a PM here on the swtor.com forums or PM BloodHulk in game (7-11PM EST) For more information about the guild please feel free to leave comments below or visit http://www.imperialsoultakers.com
  9. Hello people, I have been looking at these general forums recently and all you people are a tad crazy. You expect all these bugs and improvements to be fixed overnight FYI the game was relased a few days before the WORLDS two biggest hoildays. I am suprised we are actually getting any response from customer support and the swtor team. Sure I dont agree with the release date being so close to those two hoildays but w/e. I am having some bug/ game issues but w/e, heck the game has been live to the massive public for what 7 years....oh wait i mean a week or two. No i am not a fanboy of bioware and deff not EA. ( I am of starwars tho ) but try to understand, that these people have familes which you people all have. So stop with the " I have cancalled my account stuff" 1- No, you most proboly diidnt, 2- The world dosent revolve around you, so chill out, 3- wait the first two-three months for all major bugs to be worked out or at leaset wait till the WHOLE SWTOR team returns from there hoildays ( wait I forgot you guys are Jabba the Hiut and the swtor team are your slaves lol). 4- leave actually helpful feedback for the team. Well I just had to get that out there ahhhhh. I feel better. Please let the haters and trolls start.( I bet one of the 1st 10 comments are one of these people ....)
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