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Everything posted by Chicktopus

  1. I agree that would add a lot of atmosphere and make the worlds feel a lot less sterile.
  2. This is pretty much what I was going for -- more interaction so we don't feel inclined to watch Police Squad on TV rather than looking at what we're doing in the game.
  3. I've fallen off my fair share of cliffs using it and it is annoying how it is so easily cancelled. That being said, it's visually my favourite rest animation.
  4. For me it would be combat mechanics. I would like to see player-controlled dodges to avoid damage and promote attacks of opportinity for all melée and the use of cover for all ranged classes. I think this would make gameplay more 'realistic' as well as more interesting for solo play.
  5. You may change (not add) one thing about the game. This thing can be as major or minor as you like. Briefly describe what would it be and why.
  6. Oh good, saves me linking it. Yes, criticism is useful as long as you clearly explain what you don't like and why, it's the best kind of feedback.
  7. I'd say that's quite astute. I don't PvP but I'll certainly be trying Starfighter. On a different note; is it too much to hope that with all these big releases coming up for PvP and hints from Bruce Maclean that we'll see some sort of exciting PvE update in the not-too-distant future? A revamp of combat animations, new mechanics? Perhaps it's wishful thinking.
  8. Reasons to play: 1.Star Wars 2.Fully voiced 3.Great stories and cutscenes Reasons against playing: 1. Dull, slow-paced PvE combat 2. Restrictive exploration 3. Non-influencial character decisions
  9. Unlike the OP, I'd prefer something which does not involve a using targeting, rather an empowered jump. I never said anything about allowing flying mounts, I'm talking about extra mobility here. Slow effects in shouldn't really be a problem as there's no reason to simply not be able to jump away whilst slowed (it even makes sense not to allow it). I'm not saying they just whack this one change in without impact analysis. There are probably instances in which it is abused, but these instances can always be reviewed and fixed, as they did with Gil in Mandalorian Raiders. I'm not sure why you want extra restrictions on your characters.
  10. This is the olnly bit I don't like, for lore reasons. The Sith have a very open interpretation of their code -- it's perfectly possible for a Sith to be Light side but still bend the Force to his will. It's simply a different philosophy. Most Sith aren't Light of course, due to the nature of their training, the fact that power corrupts and their techniques may be empowered by negative emotion. In this, there is no reason for them to change their abilities to fall in-line with the Jedi, whom they likely still consider the enemy. Conversely, Dark Jedi do not have this problem as in turning Dark they begin to use the Force more freely. This being said, players may prefer their Jedi animations (maybe this could be a feature of the 'Show Dark Side Corruption' menu option?
  11. No, I get they're using it as a boundary, I'm saying they *shouldn't*, there are too many boundaries. I hate to have to make this comparison yet again, but look at WoW. They had an identical setup until they introduced flying mounts, which completely removed the restriction on the players. That's far more freedom than a jump ability would allow. I don't see why it can't be done in the future with some creative ways to manage zone boundaries.
  12. I would acutally like to see this, the extra mobility would be nice and I don't see any reason we shouldn't have the freedom to explore more of the worlds. One of my major gripes with this game is how restrictive it is -- there's very little room to play the game as you want -- specific abilities, specific skill tree configurations, specific rotations, specific pathable areas, the list goes on. For an open-world game, it's really not all that open.
  13. I also play on my laptop while watching TV, mostly because I find PvE fights so boring and slow-paced. You can absolutely get away with paying no attention to the game. Hell, fighting a Champion mob on my Assassin tank is five minutes of me going "E, R, MM, 3, 3, s+2, R, 4, E, R, MM, 3, 3, s+2, R, 4, E, R, MM, 3, 3, s+2, R, 4..." I don't even have to look at the screen during the fight, I'm not even joking. I'm not taking enough damage to be in any danger, I'm just whittling down their hp and if I *were* taking more damage then due to the nature of the mechanics it would be a fight I could never win in the first place. It kind of feels like this on loop: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7853328896/h8A1E22BA/ I'd like to see much more mobility and funky phsyics in PvE fights so they they're actually engaging and I'm not pressing the same set of 5 hotkeys every time I have to fight something. hell -- I love the Macrobinocular missions for the puzzle phases because it means I get to use my brain while I'm playing and not mindlessly repeating the same thing whilst I get distracted by something more fun.
  14. I've played all but the Consular and Smuggler stories through to completion. To date, the IA has had my favourite storyline, with an ending I could not have predicted.
  15. I don't know if this is a stupid idea or would even work (although I understand it's a massive undertaking), but what about ability combinations replacing some abilities, for example in lieu of the Assassin's Thrash ability, the equivalent would be attack->attack. Volatic slash, when taken as a talent would then be attack->attack->attack, in which the third would be the more powerful strike. Another example with the Sith Warrior's Vicious Slash, which would be triggered by holding down the attack button. The advantages are that this would free up ability space and add extra ways in which o control your character. Naturally the GCD would need to be replaced with some kind of weapon speed modifier. Thoughts?
  16. I *have* noticed this, actually. Terminate now seems to appear much more frequently. I don't know whether this is an attempt to make solo fights more interesting or what. If they want to do that, they'll need to do far more than giving mobs a knockback.
  17. I should certainly expect to see graphics improvements in the future, we've already seen some so I see no reason we won't see more.
  18. I finally had time to do Oricon yesterday and I too was very impressed by the planet design, overall story and how it fit naturally in to the Ops. I would like to see more zones added in to this planet in the future.
  19. We've all been there -- grinding down that stubborn Champion, slowly chipping away at his health with one hand on the keyboard and another on that precious last slice of cold pizza, TV in the background keeping most of our attention until we hear our opponent fall. My thought is to remove the restriction preventing melee attacks from being used without a target and tighten up player and mob hitboxes. In this sense all melee abilities would function in the same manner as Sweep or Cleave albeit single/multiple target as the ability specifies. This would make melee combat significantly more enjoyable without affecting pre-existing mechanics. You *could* stand stationary and face-off against your opponent as you presently do and choke down that last slice of pepperonni, or you could move about for a more cinematic experience. If this seems like an arbitrary change, understand that this change then sets in place the foundations for an enhanced solo experience later on with such features as dodges, should you choose to use them.
  20. I'm not claiming it's sufficient evidence at all, I'm simply providing support to it. I also played WoW from Vanilla to Cataclysm and the only difference I'm seeing is that you now have to press a button to do your default attack, which you are correct in saying makes it more interactive. True, but not in any meaningful way. I'm not sure what you mean by more 'mechanic-based', I'd appreciate an explanation as I haven't noticed any difference. Secondly, I'm not complaining about quickbars, but I'm imlying that perhaps classes are becoming bloated with abilities we don't need and that perhaps there's a better way than simply adding a new ability every time a class needs something new. As a fellow WoW player, I'm sure you noticed in the later years that your quickbars quickly filled up and you were struggling to find space for everything. I want to avoid this and I'm suggesting that perhaps there is a better way than only using quickbars, there are many more ways to interact with a video game than icons.
  21. No, I agree with what you're saying about friends, but I've spoken with many people in-game that share my view about the combat system. I also agree that it's a fundamental change and may alienate some existing players, but it's not off-the-table if enough people want it. I wouldn't call it an 'absurd' suggestion -- I'm painfully aware of the scale of this change. What *is* important is that it's discussed whether the system in place is actually the most appropriate. I may have been a little cavalier when I called for an 'overhaul', I would simply enjoy a system in which there is no static exchange of blows until the party with the lower numbers falls over. For a prime example of this, I would direct you to a case of my Sith Assassin vs. 1 or more Elite/Champion melee mobs. these fights consist of the same four or five abilities being used in rotation and zero character movement. It would take less than a minute to record a macro to do that fight for me. I don't find that fun.
  22. I appreciate it's just opinion and speculation, but I'd just like to let people know a little bit about how these things work so they can gain an appreciation for the process and use this knowledge to make increasingly informed suggestions, it was in no way meant as a criticism. Teams in companies tend to focus on areas, which is why you'll have something like a 'Space' team, a 'Missions' team, an 'Operation and Flashpoint' team etc. Each team which will, be working on a number of small tasks in parallel, depending on the personnel resource available. It is worth noting that these tasks are not necessarily complete features, but may be parts of or enable larger features (such as separate the hood from robe models (but leave them in place) so we may later add a toggle option). These 'tasks' may take minutes or days to develop and test, depending on their relative complexity. Which 'small tasks' are being developed at any one time depend on deadlines for certain features -- as you would expect, tasks for long-term features are delayed when deadlines for other features are approaching. I'm not claiming this is exactly how BioWare does things as I do not work there and do not know how they manage their projects, I'm making a speculation based on how the developers phrase their responses and professional experience.
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