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Posts posted by Aiwan

  1. 1 : L2P

    2: Internal testing says its fine

    So, we can assume, that it needs a pro sniper to be equal to any average other dps class. Or that all non-sniper players that contributed logs in that other threads knew their class better by far than those who put up sniper logs.


    I find that somewhat improbable.


    I'm not even half in rakata, so I guess I can't provide any meaningful logs myself. :o

  2. Did someone save those two dev replies from the other thread in the pts forum? The thread got deleted :(



    EDIT: I'd like to thank everyone that contributed in gathering the data, though I did not actively participate in said thread, I found it an interesting read - and was quite set back by the devs response (as were most of you guys, I'm sure).

  3. I'm in Ohio, it's 3:06 A.M. What GMT is that? I keep getting it wrong & seeing the wrong time atop posts is starting to irk me.



    Ohio is GMT-5h during Standard Time

    Ohio is GMT-4h during Daylight Saving Time


    So, it's either 07:06 a.m. or 08:06 a.m. depending on daylight saving (I'd guess 07:06 for now) :)

  4. Och, also mir fallen da schon ein paar Situationen ein (gerade in Flashpoints oder Raids - hier wird aber eine mit 1.2 verschwinden), wo ich mit der Frag-Grenade mehrere normale umschubse und dann einen per Kopfschuss ohne zusätzlichen Energieaufwand "aus dem Spiel" nehme.


    Und nicht vergessen, das geht auch, wenn der Stun von einem anderen Mitspieler kommt. Also "sinnlos" sind die Skills nicht (obwohl einer auch gereicht hätte).



    Von zwei ähnlichen Skills ist z.B. auch der Juggernaut betroffen, hier wurde auch gesagt, sie seien den Platz auf der Leiste nicht wert und ich ertappe mich immer wieder, wie ich beide, zugegeben situationsbedingt, (erfolgreich/sinnvoll) einsetze.



    EDIT: Um Ontopic zu bleiben: Beids Skills sind, wie schon andere sagten, im PvP völlig ungeeignet.

  5. so the entire purpose of having this was to be able to still use your OPENER AMBUSH and still efficiently use explosive probe.
    I'm sorry, but when did ambush become our opener? That's kinda stupid (even for marksman), energywise.




    But hey, I'm only an engineer :) - and happy with that.




    The only situation when I use probe after the shot that detonates it is when I forgot to do it before :)

  6. It's not playing during the SOA fight, but during the council fight (Eternity Vault, 4th boss encounter).


    It's even playing sometime during your class quests (I remember it playing at least once while my Sith Warrior was battling someone important (for instance the end of act 3).


    It's being played on various occasions.

  7. I'd like to add, that only those flashpoints not on the dropship can be run in hardmode. Which leaves you with (in no particular order):

    • Black Talon / Esseless
    • Boarding Party / Taral V
    • The Foundry / Maelstrom Prison
    • Directive 7
    • Battle of Ilum
    • The False Emperor
    • Kaon Under Siege
    • Lost Island (coming with patch 1.2)

  8. Since you are the "this is all a game" type.. Games have rules, don't they?

    --is there anything preventing multiple specs? no. just the design of the devs...thats it.

    Yes, the ruleset of said game.


    --is there anything preventing multiple professions? no. just the design of the devs...thats it.

    No, most classes can change between two professions in an instant (with the cost of a few credits). Apart from that - yes, the ruleset of said game.


    --is there anything preventing solo instances? no. just the design of the devs...thats it.

    No, you can do that (and probably die) - except operations where you need to be in an ops group to even enter.


    Rules may change over time, though.





    EDIT: What's "eierlegende Wollmilchsau" in english? Somthing like: an egg-laying woolen milk cow. That's what you are looking for in your char without "limits/set rules".

  9. Since there is no advanced class that can do all three, you just have to get two toons and respec... (oh wait, the costs are too high, am I right?)


    But since it takes you like a week to level to 50, I guess that is just too much to ask for.




    BTW: Dual spec is already confirmed of being looked at (and coming "soon") , so why bother us with another thread?

  10. I get the same issues and my all 4 cores never go above 60%.
    You do realize that SWTOR does not profit from more than 2 cores (yet)?


    So both of them were on 100% ...

  11. Basically I like the idea of adding augment slot for Armormech and Armstech - but I see a huge imbalance. You see, as Armstech you build weapons and a character/companion will have up to 2. So there are 2 possible augment slots available. As Armormech you can have at least 4 (head, torso, legs, boots) and eventually even bracers, gloves and belt. That's 7 augment slots opposed to 2... That would be a good reason to drop Armstech actually.

    EDIT: Who crafts shields?



    But I have a suggestion on my own :)

    Armstech could get some kind of buffs (could even be an active skill) to weapon damage (something between 1%-5%, so that there is an notable advantage but nothing unbalancing), similar to the buff every class has. This could even be a group buff, so it would make sense to get every crafter into the raid at least once.

    Armormechs could accordingly increase armor rating/defense by the same amount.


    I'm pretty sure we could derive something similar for the other crafters.


    EDIT (just made up some possible buffs):

    - Artifice: Maybe increase Lightsaber damage

    - Synthweaving: Increase Force power

    - Cybertech: Increase Tech power

    - Biochem: Increase Healing (maybe received only)

  12. Playing in groups can also be a little complicated sometimes depending on the makeup, because your burst DPS means being more careful with aggo management.
    Unless you pull the boss, this is usually a non-issue. If you pull aggro on the focussed target, it's usually dead before it reaches you (or you even can take some hits without being in danger).



    And pulling the boss from a tank is quite difficult if you give the tank a few seconds to build threat (and if (s)he knows what (s)he is doing).

  13. I did that one successfully last week on an alt.


    In those hives there should be some kind of "podest" (at the center) you can click (if not, there should be some brown bag on top of it and someone else used it earlier - sadly, respawn time is quite long on those). Once you do, there should spawn a few colicoids you have to defeat. Repeat at the next hive.


    See http://www.torhead.com/mission/a8MG1n5/colicoid-feast#screenshots;view:6819 for an example.

  14. Since he mentioned "equipping" I guess he crafted a focus offhand item, and wonders why his presumed Sentinel (or JK without any advanced class selected yet) cannot use it.
  15. Let me say it again, you can take everything out of the end-game tier gear (tionesse, columi, rakata, centurion, champion, and battlemaster) except for the armoring, which dictates armor rating, part of the primary stat (aim, willpower, strength, or cunning) and part of the endurance.
    ... and the set bonus you get - at least that is what#s in the making for the next major patch.


    The Main hand, off hand, bracers, belt, implants, earpieces, and relics don't have removable pieces.
    I hope that's about to change, too. At least for main and off hand and belt. Gloves and bracers would be nice as well :)
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