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Everything posted by gravegiver

  1. Anyone know where this is from or how to get it I've been unable to find anything on it on any sites. I really like the look of the gun for my operative. Any help is appreciated. Heres a link to it if there is any other gun that has this shell i'd really appreciate if you can tell me as well. http://db.darthhater.com/items/3923/e_113_rancor_x_disruptor/
  2. awesome thx for the quick reply
  3. So with the early access i know they start today but what about class talent trees an what not im ok with waiting for the planet and 50+ content .But will we have access to our new talent trees and reworks or do we wait till the 14th?
  4. The much better question is what server are you and whats your guild name so everyone knows that guild isn't worth our time in case we want to raid. Because any leader who makes decisions on information that isn't actualized yet isn't fit to be a raid leader. Its people like this that seriously erode a good experience in a raid environment. This is coming from a person who raided in pre bc and got to Naxxramas where I still believe attunement is the best raid environment tool ever made to really make "hardcore" you think your a part of a reality. Especially as someone else stated grinding a instance is not hardcore. But your raid leader seems like a genius I heard from a unreliable source that in 2.1 Operatives are going to get a 300% modifier to backstab and corrosive dart will always double tick no matter the spec. So soon in your raid group it should be all operatives right because they have scamper defense screen and dodge so they have great defensive cds as a melee and proficient AOE's. Lastly why is this person your raid leader if they don't grasp skill over gear yet?
  5. so a quick question when I hit around 30 an have shrap and wounding shots is cover necessary anymore in a pvp situation?
  6. Yea i think i understand your point why use a channel ability out of cover that can be interrupted when you can use it carefree in cover. From what I've seen is basically if a melee gets on you an your knock back is on cc you can still kite them which is what looking for. I watched Brums video so i understand now what DF is like it really is dirty fighting when you think about its play style the underhanded play style is pretty cool. Thanks for reassuring me on my choice you both have been most helpful thanks.
  7. Thx for the reply I think ill stick with my Gs an take all your advice I do have to say one thing in your first post you said dogs instead of dots as a typo an it made me crack up was really funny.
  8. How mandatory is cover for DF spec gunslinger because i want to lvl a GS but dont really wanna use cover to do dmg I like mobility an love to pvp were mobility is key so was wondering if df gunslinger is a nice fit for me where the alternative is a watchman sentinel. Thx in advance for any responses
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