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Everything posted by ClaudeTaylor

  1. A while back I quit playing this game because it was next to impossible to get the materials needed to make augments. When I found out that the materials were dropping a lot more I started playing again. I made my augments and I had a blast playing. Now it seems you have made it impossible for some of us to fully augment our toons in the best augments. Some of us have a life out side of this game! Please do something about this.. Why should I pay to play when there is no way to max out a toon or two. Make the materials drop alittle more and make then drop from more activities
  2. 150,000+ server lag in "A Traitor Among the Chiss" WOW! Whats up?
  3. There was a person in game harassing me about a warzone match. He was on my team. He marked me so the opposing team could see me and I wouldn't be able to cap a console. He late admitted that he marked me and said that he would throw any future matches that we were in together. he then continued to message me. I sent in 3 reports in game and neither report went through. I came here to this support and guess what. There was no way to report it here either. Yes I read everything. I was linked to BS that did nothing.
  4. I just got stuck in a loading screen while switching characters and had to restart the game. When i logged back in all of the east coast servers were down. Whats up?
  5. Yea i figured as much lol. I guess i was just wishful thinking lol. I finally got in contact with someone on the phone. I took for ever for someone to answer but i got the alt account back up. Thank you very much for responding to this post. Have a happy Valentines day :-D
  6. Im trying to get into my alt account. The security key was on my old phone which got crushed. I clicked on "lost security key" and it doesnt send any emails at all (with a one time code). Im trying to call support. They said wait time 5 minutes. Its been at least 20. How in the world am i to get my alt account back up if i cant talk to any one?
  7. I noticed months ago that my Jaesa Willsaam stronghold decoration was missing after i transferred all of my characters from the BC (west coast) sever to the EH (east coast) server. I just went to the companion terminal and reclaimed all of my missing companions. I figured after i reclaimed her i would get the decoration back. Still no Jaesa decoration. Did we all lose our Jaesa decorations or was it just me. If its just me will i get that decoration back?
  8. Uhhh! Yea they are. If we old time customers want the rewards we have no choice. So please stop licking Bio boot!
  9. Make it so those of us who have been in the game from the day it went live can participate and get the same rewards. This is BS. I quit for a year because of BS and no support. I come back to the game and resub. Just be told i cant be involved with this even because/ I admit i dont understand much about this event but i can clearly see your screwing your long time customers. DO away with this event or make it so old time customers can participate and be rewarded the same
  10. I believe you are right. Thank you very much :-D
  11. I think i got to chapter 11or 12 before i transfered. I think she got lost in the transfer
  12. No lol. The companion decoration is gone. It says "0" available. it should say at least "1" is available. I want to put it in my stronghold but she is gone. Im wondering if it has something to do with her being "Unavailable" Due to the chapters (storyline) . Im assuming i get her back sometime in the future. Malavai Quinn is "Unavailable" Also but his decoration is available. That means Jaesa is lost or something
  13. I had it. I transferred to another server a couple of months ago and now i dont have it.
  14. Do we loose the Decoration to a companion if that companion is "Unavailable"? Mine sure isnt there.
  15. Thank you for your response. I Put it on fullscreen window mode like i had it beforte and the problem stopped. I dont know how it got switched to default mode
  16. I transfered 10 characters from BC to EH. My understanding was that after tranfers i could reactivate all 3 of my strongholds. The Nar Shaddaa, the Drumund Kaas and the Corellia. Only the nar shaddaa allowed me to reactivate it. The other to are saying i have to repurchase. WTH? If i repurchase i will have to re unlock all of those rooms again and im assuming that all of the decorations that were in those two strongholds are gone for ever. I will never be able to get a majority of those decorations, ever. Whats going on.?
  17. As a matter of fact. I just saw someone with the droid.
  18. I'll take your word for it. But! There are people in game claiming they have gotten theirs?
  19. I did that also. Still nothing :-(
  20. Im a subscriber, i have logged in by the 4th and still no droid. Whats going on? Has anybody else had this problem? I logged completely out and back in and still no droid
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