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Everything posted by Blaac

  1. I would like to exclaim in advance my jealousy over your soon to be newly acquired deliciously sweet digital tacos.
  2. Where exactly are you getting this "fact"? Is there some source where you are able to see exactly how many players are logging in on every server every day, and get a daily comparison, that's providing different data than the TOR Status page previously linked? Because on that page I see heavy and standard server populations remaining relatively constant since the transfers occurred. Please enlighten me.
  3. I think it should be more like: Standard subs get: A DDE subs get: A + B CE subs get: A + C Then they should finally do something with the CE vendor.
  4. I think its funny that the galaxy map (a piece plain old paper with a picture of what you see on your ship) and BOX (yup its a cardboard box with pictures, that opened up to another cardboard box) are considered "bonuses" of the CE. But only slightly more than the DD players saying the CE players don't deserve anything else because we "got what we paid for" (which we didn't) but then say the DD ones DO deserve a bonus... because they didn't get what they paid for??? Nope, they did. Because they paid more for the game??? Oh, sorry no that's not it either. Then they call the CE players childish names and say WE are the greedy ones for just wanting what we were promised. Just wow...
  5. EA will get plenty of money either way, with their The Sims and Madden games alone.
  6. You will never get what you want, large companies will never outright state anything that could have an obvious negative twist added to it. If they say "well it was ok, but the cost was better than the rest" they get the "Oh, so BW is cheap" responses. If they say, "At the time we thought it was the best" they get the "Oh so BW doesn't do their research" or "Oh so BW is stupid" responses. ect. ect. ect. Its always about PR. No matter how long this thread gets, or how many players get mad and yell at each other, or call each other names, or threaten to cancel their subs... If all you want is a NON PR answer, you will never get an answer.
  7. EA owns BioWare, its kinda hard to tell your boss to "shove off" when they control your paycheck. In fact it says on the BioWare homepage right under their name "A Division of EA".
  8. Except you DID use the CE items we received as your defense when it suited your needs. When it no longer did and we used it as our defense you turned around and said they had nothing to do with the situation. The term hypocrite comes to mind. It doesn't matter though, since your argument of 'you shouldn't get a bonus just because you own the CE', when the DD is getting the bonus just cuz they are DD, is simply flimsy and just as "entitled" as the CE owners you keep looking down your nose at.
  9. Xippo, I'm not sure what you being a "co owner of a business" has anything to do with the discussion at hand? Is it supposed to mean you know more than anyone else pleading their case? I'm sorry but a 10 year old can "co own" a lemonade stand... that doesn't mean anything and has absolutely nothing to do with what we are talking about, nor does it make them any more of an expert on the subject being discussed. You have said multiple times that CE owners don't deserve anything because we are already getting "1000 coins and a bunch of items" am I correct? When I asked what these "bunch of items" were you quoted me and listed out the items that came with the CE for some reason, but later say that the items that the CE players should get has "nothing to do with f2p". You have ALSO stated you have posted and agree that BW told us the vendor would be "dynamic" and would have "regular updates". You have said that our definition of "dynamic" meaning changing is questionable but haven't exactly given an idea of what it could REASONABLY be defined as... other than what was stated (at least not that I have seen). Finally, you say that WE are changing OUR argument as to why this should happen, but it looks more to me as if YOU are changing YOURS. You cant use the CE items to defend your argument, then turn around later and say we can't use them as our reasoning in this matter because they don't apply to the current situation. Its not unreasonable to expect that giving items to the DD players is disrespectful to the players who not only spent more for the game, but never got what we were told from the get go. This has everything to do with the f2p switch... when BW made the decision to give any specific version of the game items as a part of this transition, they turned this into a debate about which players deserve what. I am still not arguing that CE should get exactly what the DD players get, but you have said that "Bioware owes you absolutely NOTHING past what was contractually agreed upon when you bought the CE at the price that they determined". Since that has not happened, us "entitled" CE owners have every right to fight for what we are owed... and since BW has decided to give DD something, and this thread is a discussion regarding that, this is as good a place as any to take our argument to.
  10. You are ignoring the fact that LORTO had customers that had been around for years. They had more TIME under their belts, so giving those players a bonus made sense. Giving players who have only paid for 6 months at most special treatment as if they had been around for years is just foolish. **And yes thats 6 months max... 1 free month, and BW gave us one MORE free month as a "bonus".
  11. QFT Unfortunately, players these days just have low attention spans and need more stuff to grind while they wait for new content, and unfortunately WoW already has left a lot of content in its wake so players have something to fall back on while they wait longer.
  12. Wasn't LORTO sub for like 3 years? You haven't even been playing this game for ONE. You aren't a veteran who deserves to be grandfathered into anything. You are a guy who's paid for a game for a few months. You want the content sub, you wanna play for free then you get to sacrifice the content, its your choice.
  13. 1) Took post directed at someone else personally. 2) Obviously didnt read the post quoted OR previous posts before it. 3) Calls others "entitled" as a nagative thing, then says DDE players should get a new companion and extra experience in game. Overall post rating: Fail.
  14. You keep throwing the word "entitled" around as if it were a negative thing and I am unsure why. We ARE entitled to get updates to the vendor. They entitled us to when they stated we would get them. You seem to think that every person talking in this thread that disagrees with you thinks CE owners feel that they deserve to get every item in the game for free. No one is arguing that at all... whatever the start if this thread is about, the current argument is simply that CE owners were not provided with what we were told we would get. You argued that someone didn't bother to read what you posted... but YOU arent bothering to read what WE are posting. I have linked multiple times where Bioware started that the CE vendor would have regular updates, but you seem to have selective reading in regards to this. At this point it looks more like you are trolling just to start arguments. If not please take a moment to read what has actually been said instead of just blindly arguing for just that purpose.
  15. Not sure where your information is coming from. I don't exactly know what you mean by "several other things others are not getting" but the only bonus I am aware of for the CE is the 1000 coins. Since at this point we do not know what the currency value of the coins, or the item costs to compare what that might be worth... it doesn't really mean much. Negative sir we did NOT get everything we were told for the cost.
  16. Have a few months left on my subscription... should give me plenty of time to find out if this will be good or not. To those saying this will be great for the sub players simply because it will bring a larger player base... unless those players buy things from the cash shop, they really will only benefit the flashpoint and warzone runners.
  17. Please.... read what BIOWARE stated the Collectors edition entailed. This isn't the first time I've shown it. This is how Bioware explained what would be included in the Digital Deluxe and Collectors Edition versions. These are not OUR words, they are Biowares. http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20111021 If its too difficult for you to click the link and scroll down to where it explains what is included in the CE, it says, and I quote: In your words: "So we DID NOT get what we paid for. Pretty simple, actually."
  18. Yeah the link I put in the post before yours shows what was to be expected in the DDE version, its listed by BW... it does NOT list a vendor of any kind.
  19. We do... its in BWs own News section regarding the release of the CE information. You can click HERE if you wish to read it for yourself, or you can just read the quote below (I underlined the part in question for your convenience): EDIT: The point is it was ADVERTISED to us this way. Many players (myself included) purchased it JUST for the vendor. We were deceived (perhaps not intentionally, but nonetheless). I am pretty sure that BW will never live up to their word at this point, and that bothers me. Not because I want a crap ton of free "omgimawesome" stuff... because this was a company I had faith in, paid my hard earned money for a product based on their word, and have paid for months of service fees to. Even if you did not purchase the CE, if it doesn't bother you when a company you are giving your money to lies to its customers (that's YOU!) there is something wrong.
  20. It definitely makes you think about who can and can't trust these days.
  21. Lets give an example here: You buy a car. You spend more than your neighbor who buys the same car. You spent more because they advertised the vehicle as having some nice amenities that the cheaper version didn't come with. When signing the paperwork they tell you "Oh, the moon roof, remote keyless entry, GPS, and rear seat DVD systems will be installed later." They also include a few bonuses like a dust cover, a bra, a license plate holder, and some car wax.... things that don't make the vehicle drive better, but they can be nice anyway. Flash forward a few months You have been trying to get in contact with the dealership to get the additional amenities you PAID for installed, but they wont take your calls. You stop by, but the manager is never around, and no one else can authorize it. You talk to your neighbor about it and he tells you to "shove off" because you don't deserve the stuff you paid for because they gave you a bunch of cheap crap you never wanted. You are saying that we don't deserve to get what we paid for?
  22. You might be ok with it, that is fine for you. Personally when I purchased the CE BW promised that the CE vendor would have regular update with new items. This didn't happen. If this is the standard that BW wants to set for themselves, if/when an expansion for this game is released they will not be receiving the additional money from me toward another CE. I refuse to waste more money to buy what was promised to us when we purchased the first one. Do I expect CE customers to get everything everyone else gets? No, I actually do not... only what we were promised. They failed to live up to that promise thus far.
  23. I'm not sure if this is true or not... its not EVERYONE who cant see him, just a few players. And its not always the same people.
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