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    New Jersey
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    Law Enforcement/Navy Reserves
  1. I know there is talk of guild banks, but I haven't heard anything about Community Banks between your own characters. It is such a pain to mail stuff back and forth between characters, it would be nice if we had a bank that allowed each of our characters to access stuff within. Not so much armor and weapons as other stuff like consumables/crafting materials. If one of my characters is making stims/med packs I should be able to dump them in the bank for all my toons to access, and if I have multiple crafters that all harvest, I should be able to dump those harvestables in that same bank for all to use.
  2. I'm hoping they are just holding back on server load, i can't imagine with the limited amount of people that are in the game right now that the servers are truly that full, It just doesn't make sense. They may have them tuned down to 50% or so right now......Atleast we can hope. I currenlty started out with 880 people in front of me with a 60+min wait.
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