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10 Good
  1. This is the perfect example of the community all thinking that they know something when they can't even verify it. Without combat logs all people see is the numbers that flash by their char so numbers they see they assume is one ability. It doesn't help that grav/tracer have a very distinct sound so everything seems to be associated with it. Can you spam this one button and do damage (mostly ranged DPS)? Yes just like almost every other class in this game Are you terrible and doing garbage damage if you do? Yep How about people start talking about their feelings about an ability now too?
  2. My fav is people that makes statements like John with no numbers to back them up. My sage will out damage a merc free casting any day and most of my damage done cannot be stopped. But John can continue to spout useless junk. I love that people think it's tracer that is doing the damage and not the other abilities with cooldowns. An interupt for PvE purposes is needed on many boss fights, it's that simple. EDIT: It didn't quote the quite qq
  3. Yeah blatantly, you don't have any real numbers to talk about, you are talking about completely separate classes that work completely different. Tracer Missle/Grav Round with a CD is probably the dumbest idea I've seen, the only way that works is if you change it similar to a sorc/sage and make unload the filler similar to Force Lightning/Tele throw. Tracer would then have to do actual damage compared to what it does now and not the fairy tale numbers everyone here likes to post, or base it off of a BM merc against fresh 50's.
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