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Everything posted by MiaRB

  1. you just quit? maybe the other team also had people in PVE gear? what would changing bolster really do? so you change bolster to give people more exp and then take away some of their stats, end result is still the same. by the way, doing it that way is much more complicated than the current method.
  2. typical. nothing to say so you just start calling names, lol.
  3. the difference between first and second tier PVP gear isnt a big gap. a skilled player in first tier gear is still going to do better than an unskilled player in top tier gear. it has everything to do with selfishness. as I said, its all about wanting to play numerous alts but not wanting to have to spend the time to get them all in min/maxed top tier gear. you can give someone new to PVP the best gear and they are still going to do badly. the more time they spend PVPing the better they will get. MMOPRGs are about progression and earning things for your characters. people don't do dailies every day because they love doing the same things over and over. they do them to get comms and credits to improve their characters. PVP isnt really different. more people do WZs at the beginning of a new gear set cycle than at the end of a gear set cycle. why? because of the progression.
  4. didn't say if it was good or bad, just that is what its about. people want to do away with gear for selfish reason, not because it would make PVP better and certainly not because they want to help PVEers do better in PVP. you don't need top tier PVP gear to do well in PVP. first tier is good enough for your alts and doesn't take long at all to get a full set of that. stop being so lazy.
  5. don't fool yourself, or let them fool you. those "veteran PVPers" are looking for shortcuts for the numerous alts they have.
  6. you mean yavin. maybe you forgot, but there was plenty of QQ about base camping on old ilum. even more QQ about camping the center area. so much QQ that BW totally removed it from the game. heck, even now in gree event, general chat is full of QQ about people camping one of the PVP quest area objectives. not to worry though, next time gree comes around they'll get that spot turned into a safe zone too im sure.
  7. MiaRB

    Shadow/Sin fotm

    i know what CC sturdiness protect against and what it doesn't. i also know what it protects against isn't the majority of CC in the game. i play shadow just fine... as i said before, im not even using sturdiness right now and i am not having problems vs assassins that are using it. maybe its because i understand its not a total immunity to CC? if you are having troubles, maybe spend less time raging on the forums about it and more time figuring out how to deal with it in game. or are you just totally lost if you cant stun for 12 seconds?
  8. haven't noticed anything like that happening. but maybe they added the 5% fail chance back in, which I assume you would be in favor of.
  9. MiaRB

    Shadow/Sin fotm

    you need to learn what a fact is.
  10. MiaRB

    Shadow/Sin fotm

    what are you going on about? lol. sturdiness protects you from the first group( which you claim to be the majority of CC in the game ). sturdiness doesn't protect vs the second bigger group with overall lower CDs( which you claim to be the minority of CC in the game ).
  11. if BW brought old ilum back, everyone would just campaign on the forums to get it turned into a safe zone.
  12. MiaRB

    Shadow/Sin fotm

    you might want to check your facts. hard stuns and mezes are not the majority of CC in the game. lets just take a look at shadows, ill even include soft stuns. stun 60 second CD, lift 60 second CD, low slash 15 second CD, spinning kick 20 second CD. slow 12 second CD, force wave 20 second CD, sever force immobilizing effeft 9 second CD, slow time( AOE slow ) 10 second CD, force pull 44 second CD, telekinetic throw 6 second CD. sturdiness should keep you stationary? really? a melee class's counter to stuns should keep it stationary? did you really think that through? are snipers melee or ranged? snipers don't have to chase kiting targets to do damage, which is why entrench doesn't need to be active while they are moving. ill say again 20 seconds of full immunity every 60 seconds. that's fine, but 12 seconds of limited immunity every 120 seconds is game breaking? lol. get out of here.
  13. MiaRB

    Shadow/Sin fotm

    sorry, but stun, meze, lift is not the vast majority of CC in the game. as I said, im not even using it and really I am not having trouble vs other assassins who are using it either. maybe you should learn how to counter it yourself. what about entrench? lasts 20 second with only a 60 second CD and gives immunity to all controlling effects. if sturdiness is OP that entrench must be super OP. how in the world has the game survived with such a OP ability in the game. hey, i'll trade sturdiness for focused defense. I would much rather have a second life in rateds than 12 seconds of stun/lift/meze immunity.
  14. MiaRB

    Shadow/Sin fotm

    please go look up what the word immunity means. 12 seconds of stun, meze, lift immunity every 2 minutes isn't what makes shadows/assassins OP. the only thing that is OP is the DOT spec. tank spec seems fine, other DPS spec is garbage and def not OP. ive been trying a different set of utilities since yesterday and am not even using sturdiness. and guess what? DOT spec still does crazy performance in both normal and rateds. the problem is DOT spec is just too good. as I said before, im fine if BW removes it, as I can function without it just fine. but they have to remove some goodies they gave to other ACs as well. plus, removing that utility isn't going stop DOT spec from over performing.
  15. this is why so many devs from so many games shy away from saying anything at all. they say something, circumstances change, then they get people like you posting this type of stuff. "you promiced!!!!"
  16. MiaRB

    yavin 4 pvp nerf

    that is a lie. not once have I been prevented from getting quests or turning in quests. first off, there isn't PVP happing there all the time... even when it is, it dies down eventually. second, all you have to do is respawn, move away, change instances and poof, you can get or turn in your quests. but, not sure why you wouldn't just take part in the PVP if you see it going on.
  17. MiaRB

    Shadow/Sin fotm

    putting the extra potency charge back as skill bonus isn't going to help the middle tree any. it needs a lot more than that to make it worth PVPing with again.
  18. MiaRB

    Shadow/Sin fotm

    stop saying "we". based on the things you've said im pretty sure you don't play shadow or assassin in PVP. you may have an shadow/assassin alt, but you cannot have spent much time, if any, PVPing with it.
  19. MiaRB

    Shadow/Sin fotm

    if you are going to argue something, then argue using facts not made up rhetoric. saying shadows have 17 seconds of CC immunity isn't accurate and is exaggeration. anyway, as i said, go ahead and remove the utility from deflection... just be sure to remove a lot of the new things from other AC's as well.
  20. MiaRB

    Shadow/Sin fotm

    shroud isn't a CC immunity, its a force and tech attack immunity. not all CC in the game is force and tech based. deflection with the utility is 12 seconds of stun and meze immunity. can still be rooted, slowed and knocked back. so shadows don't even have 1 second of total CC immunity.
  21. MiaRB

    yavin 4 pvp nerf

    i understand that being killed as you zone in is annoying. but what do you really lose? nothing. its worth that minor annoyance that doesnt really affect you all... for some us vs them open world PVP that is more than the normal, gank random people while doing PVE dailies.
  22. MiaRB

    Shadow/Sin fotm

    you have no idea what you are talking about. stop pretending to play assassin/shadow... if you did, you would know they don't have 19 seconds of cc immunity. the rest of you post makes no sense at all. its like you are not even aware of all changes and additions to all the other classes in the game.
  23. you are just talking nonsense now and arguing just for the sake of it.
  24. MiaRB

    yavin 4 pvp nerf

    at starting zone you can just respawn and fight back or get away. god forbid you PVP on a PVP server. costs you hardly no time at all. but out questing, very easy for a couple people to prevent someone from finishing a quest. die a few times and you either wait for longer and longer CD on respawn or you respawn way back at med center. its funny people boohoo because PVP happens at starting area, but its much easier to really grief someone out in the other areas of yavin. why even roll on a PVP server if you cant handle seeing your pixels die. its not like you lose ANYTHING at all, lol.
  25. MiaRB

    yavin 4 pvp nerf

    but you are ok with 3 people ganking you while you are fighting a gold or a pack of mobs? maybe get that removed from PVP servers too? how about making it so people can unflag for PVP while questing? or wait, we have that, PVE servers.
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