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  • Location
    Bayonne, NJ
  • Interests
    Fishing, reading, writing, sports, traveling, culture, & video games
  • Occupation
    NYU School of Medicine
  1. I love Gault as a character but I find him pretty useless when I'm playing. His dps increase, in my opinion, doesn't come close to making up for his lack of heals or his squishiness. It's Mako or bust for me.
  2. I've been leveling as shieldtech and have been enjoying it greatly. Currently level 38 and I've spent all my points in the tree. You may not kill enemies as quickly as going dps but you're pretty much invincible and there's still some decent damage buffs you get along the way going up the tree and some cool abilities like jet charge.
  3. When you finished the quest with her, did you let her live but take all her money? That option will get you the "I hope you die!" e-mail. The lightside choice where you let her live and keep the money gets you a nice e-mail talking about her mother and how she is cheering for you in Great Hunt. I've also heard that there is a bug where the wrong e-mail gets sent by her after the quest, but I did end up getting the nice message.
  4. Sometimes you can talk your way out of a fight, so I guess you could consider that making things less difficult not having to battle.
  5. I've never been into PvP. I've tried it in several other MMOs and it just never clicks with me. It's been the exact opposite for me with SWTOR. I find the warzones very enjoyable with their variety and objectives that make it seem like you're PvPing with a purpose, even if it's all just smoke and mirrors it's enough to keep my attention and interest while playing. I'm still not a big PvPer, and that's not likely to change, but so far the warzones in SWTOR have been fun and I find myself queuing for them much more often than I do in other MMOs.
  6. Thanks, figured there was no way to change it but I am a little disappointed with my choice of a Legacy name and I was hoping there was at least a way to turn it off so it didn't show it after my toon's name.
  7. Is there a way to change your surname once you pick it? Or at the very least turn it off your nameplate so people can't see it? I was playing around in the options menu but couldn't find anything.
  8. If it's a bug, it's a very interesting one that I hope they leave in.. She's defeated, but not dead, she can still heal her master... I thought it was a neat little mechanic that made the fight tricky and made you think to stay alive and beat it
  9. Yes, if you notice during the fight she stands up, and her cast bar keeps going. and she has a casting animation, but she doesn't move and can't be interupted. Kite the Master out of her range and no more heals
  10. Lord, he is not bugged and he is soloable, but this is a very difficult fight if you don't understand the mechanics. Take out the padawan first and then pull the Jedi Master out of her range so she can't continue healing him. It's the Padawan that heals him, it's not a self-heal... I was fighting him for a long time and almost died until I realized this, once I pulled him to the other end of the room, he stopped getting healed and he went down on my first shot.
  11. Just finished this mission last night and he spawned for me just fine, hope it was fixed for all because I know this would've angered me haha. I don't know if the padawan still healing after you take her down is a bug, I think it's a mechanic of the fight... Take her out first then kite the jedi out of her range and take him out.
  12. 1. The Empire Strikes Back 2. Star Wars 3. Return of the Jedi 4. Phantom Menace 5. Revenge of the Sith 6. Attack of the Clones
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