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Posts posted by DregorThule

  1. Just as the title says, how about some empty orange shells for Droid slots and some off hand gear like shield/power generators and Force foci ? This would allow players to completely customize all gear for their characters.


    Oh and BTW add some Vibroknife,Techstaff, Scattergun and Electrostaff shells too.


    Can't you just get droid parts off planetary commendation vendors? Same for offhands? I'm not sure for the other weapons you mentioned if they have orange counterparts (I imagine the knives/scatterguns do tho).

  2. A dev mentioned on the forums several months back that adding the Togruta was not as simple as just using the NPC models. They stated that the Togruta NPC models were true works of art. They also said that they were working on the Togruta model to be used as a player model. In all likelihood, Togruta will be next.


    From Cantina tours, it was stated that they would be adding more races. They also said that they are now open to adding more alien/non-human races, as long as demand is great enough. The old rules that people keep hanging on to for races are likely to be much less prevalent than before.


    As far as people mentioning Kel'dor as a non-viable option....it is a very viable option. Their robotic voice is nothing more than a sound effect added over dialogue. It's the same as when you equip a helmet that alters your voice in game. There would be very minimal clipping issues overall, and ultimately only the head and hands would change.


    This was very insightful, thank you.

  3. What I want - no more races.

    What I think we might get next - Kel Dor. They are basically already in the game, just need to add some customization options. And if you hide the ears, most helmets will probably fit.


    Not gonna be Kel Dor, way too non-human. They want a race where people will think it's ok to be romancing. Also, just curious, why no more races? I mean, it doesn't hurt you..

  4. This isn't a question about which one you WANT to be next, but more a question as to which one you BELIEVE will be next. They've said they're working on another race, and there's generally a few nominal rules they follow in terms of whether a species is a valid candidate. Human-like features, nothing too outlandish. Generally no big horns or tentacles after the lekku problems with Twi'lek, but there may be exceptions. And enough desire to see them in the game.


    So, with that aside, let's hear your thoughts. Offer just 1 choice. I personally am going to say the Nikto. They offer a close enough resemblance to human, with variations on a similar level to Sith Purebloods. They offer a good opportunity for variety in the appearance, tho we'd probably only see the variety with noses ;)

  5. Server I play on is Ebon Hawk, however, I've found roughly the same class distributions on the PVP servers, and PVE servers.


    I guess since this post is a little old, and a different server, I guess things are a little different for me. Doing the math on some of the things of mats vs finished product I'm encountering either a slim margin of profit or a loss. Going much higher on the final products sell price also doesn't seem to work too great. Do you just buy your mats from GTN, or get them via crew skills? For the volume you're talking, I'm guessing you buy off the GTN.

  6. From what I'd seen on the internet, they weren't doing the promotion anymore? Has anyone redeemed a code recently?


    Thanks for the tip, I'll check out Amazon to see if it's specifically saying it includes the code. I know the hardware still exists, but I'd seen posts on Reddit and elsewhere saying the crystal promo had ended.


    UPDATE: Hey, thanks cwiggins, it looks like you are right. Either Amazon has old stock or they have restarted the promo. The mouse and headset are specifically advertising the crystal :D


    The keyboard does too, available through Amazon marketplace sellers.


    All can be shipped outside the US to "select" countries.


    So the question is, is it worth $80+ to get my 100%? I think my first post makes the answer to that pretty clear, right? :p


    I just ordered the mouse pad 2 days ago from NCIX up here in Canada, we'll see what happens when I get it (hopefully today). I figure if it's the SWTOR themed product then it'll still work.

  7. Not sure if this is the right subforum for this, but seemed most appropriate. I just wanted to praise whichever person was responsible for creating this mission. It's part of the Seeker Droid series, Imperial side, and it was a fantastic area. The vertical aspect of it, the jumping mixed with fighting, and the very dynamic feel of chasing an enemy through it all, was very, very good.


    That's all.

  8. Now don't get me wrong, SWTOR is probably one of the most polished MMOs I've ever played.....yet


    Having played most MMOs since the days of UO and EQ I'm starting to flag in hours logged in. Having played most classes I find everything post level 20 (when you stop gaining "new powers" and instead getting upgrades to existing ones) a bit similar to the last 3-4 levels.


    The storylines are great, but even that doesn't seem to draw me in.


    I suppose its due to the old MMO mechanics of Tank/DPS/Healer (which even if the game allows different tactics, most parties end up playing in defined roles) and no matter if I'm fighting in a secret Imperial Manufactering plant or the Dungeon level of Lord British's castle.....the setting differs but the game "feels" similar. The last few MMOs have given me the same feeling of being a retread. Its nothing to do with Devs not being bothered to come up with something new, more they satisfy what the customer wants.


    It give me pause to consider the term MMO, is it in fact a genre rather than a term used to describe its capabilites. Sure there's lots of different types of MMO, but the more popular ones all seem to "play" in a similar manner.


    So as an MMO player am I fated to have a number of years playing the big guns of the MMO world before settling down to drift between niche MMO in the search of new gameplay?


    I guess it all boils down to what the majority of the customers want. And I guess the big subscription numbers lie in not changing too much from a proven formula.



    ....but then again, if could just be that I'm MMO'd out :)


    Same boat here. I'm just done with MMO's as they are atm I think. 13+ years is a long time to stick to the genre.

  9. The companions don't react to a target until you finish an attack on the target (not just start casting an ability against them or even when the attack has completed and is in the air; they will only "activate" on the target when the attack actually lands) or the target finishes an attack against you. Disturbance doesn't seem like it activates your companion to attack because it takes 1.5 secs to cast and doesn't "hit" the target until the globe of force hits the target. It's simply an annoying quirk of the AI that your companions don't react to the combat state but rather you actually attacking (or being attacked by) something.


    No, they are definitely NOT attacking upon Disturbance hitting the target. I can chain cast several and my companions won't attack unless the mob hits me, or I use another attack such as project.

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