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Posts posted by Icecrypt

  1. Oh look, operatives saying operatives aren't overpowered. Oh yeah, nearly 1 hitting enemys with an opener directly out of stealth knocking them down aswell isn't overpowered at all. The fact they can even do this is self explanatory that they should be nerfed, big time.


    Ohplease, by the way, stop defending a class you so like to abuse yourself. Yes, that's what it is, abusing. 10k crits. Nuff said.


    Its not the CLASS that is overpowered, its the buffs and consumable, if you pit a green geared operative vs a green geared trooper for example. It would be anyones guess who wins. But if you pit a full epic operative, that has every consumable on in the game at the same time hitting a lvl 13 consular then he is going to get super high damage. IF you pit a lvl 50 epic operative vs a lvl 50 epic jedi sentinel and neither have consumables then it's still anyones guess who wins.


    You need to think a bit more before you cry out nerf and think why are they doing 10k crit when a green geared lvl 50 Operative is lucky to get a 2 - 3k crit with the same attack.

  2. Okay .. mister "lore-dork". You can't have a game where the "Hero/Villian" in the movie were total ******es and make their respective classes total ******es that means no one plays the other classes ...



    Sound like fun? **** no it doesn't. I am tired of you people talking about Luke, Leia, Han and freinds ... the game takes place 700 years before them. For Christ sakes Yoda was just a teenager.


    actually 3000 years before =)

  3. The major problem with pvp is the fact that this game is so SUPER gear based just like wow, everquest etc. Which is never ever good for pvp...ever. They need to do something about pvp because atm it's extremely broken and require little to no skill at all, all you need is gear. And when all you need is gear then pvp is as broken as it can possibly be.


    Shame on bioware for the pvp in this game, they have had 6 years to get pvp right and they come with this. PvP in this game feels like an afterthought and something they put in just to say they have it, which is wierd since this is star WARS and there is a cold war going on about to go over to fullscale war anytime soon but the world pvp is non existent and the WZ pvp is horrible.

  4. blah blah blah, i am an operative and figures like that are from people with much better gear then most people atm. Its not strange at all. Operatives are not OP, they just simply arent. There are SO many classes in this game that can dish out JUST THE SAME AMOUNT OF DAMAGE in the same amount of time that operative can. Just that we do it from stealth so you dont see it coming and you are stunned for 3 damn seconds. That is it, 3 SECONDS. Its not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7. But three. Then we have to wait like 7 seconds untill we can stun you again.


    Maraduers can dish out just the same amount of damage and they can stun and slow you down just like an operative only they have loads more hp and loads more armor and are alot less squishy. BH can tracer missile you down with one button no problem. Inquisitors and consulars can shield temself to no end making them almost impossible to kill.


    Only reason why people say they are Overpowered is because they are the only obvious ones that kill you, rest you dont understand what you are getting hit from. So stop being ignorant and learn how pvp works.


    Quite simply pvp SHOLD NOT BE SCALED AROUND 1 vs 1 scenarious but in pvp group battle. If they were the nerf operatives so they would not be the most powerfull 1 vs 1 class in this game, THEY WOULD BE UTTERLY USELESS. COMPLETELY USELESS PEOPLE. They have nothing in group fights since they have NO survivability except vanish. We are just 100 % single target very close range burst dmg. That is the only role we play. If you remove that, then operatives go from being usefull to being completely garbage. It's that simple.

  5. Melee is supposed to faceroll snipers, **IF** we get within melee range. That's why they give you 35m range and the ability to burst us down to half health before we even hit you once. You're supposed to be using cover to negate our gap closers and have teammates that are out in front of you to protect you.


    YE but most melee can charge or go invisible. So that 35 m range doesnt do much against melee.

  6. I suppose 6500 damage with one ability (crit + dot) is a tad much.


    That is from someone who has full epic, you would get blasted by so many classes in this game with full epics why whine on ops..


    They really done have that much to go with, just good burst that is IT!!!!


    THEY JUST HAVE BURST at the start, if you get thru that then you basicly win, or he leaves to try at you again. Unless of course he is full epic and you are green/blue. But that isnt the ops fault.

  7. I'm curious who think this story is amazing, have you ever read a book in your entire life that wasn't Goosebumps or featured Drizzt Dourden?


    This is typical video game plot. Some classes are flat out terrible stories (Jedi Knight for example is just plain bad)


    Is it because it's voice acted and you've never read a word in your lives? I really fail to see how anyone can say the story is better than a typical video game story, let alone an above average one like Planescape Torment or the BG or Fallout series (FO3 notwithstanding) or any of the many console rpgs over the generations that make a mockery of TOR.


    What makes this story good? People keep saying "the story!" in defense of the game. What about it? That it appeals to illiterates?


    The Imperial agent, which is the class i play is lovely. And i played jedi guardian untill lvl 25 and thought it was interesting. I dont think the story is groundbreaking in any way, but this game imo doesnt feel like a grind because of how they made it. Compared to all other mmorpg that does feel like a grind to level. And for that they must get massive credit for.


    If you expected some extremely well done plots on each class then you are just fooling yourself. I mean each class is really like it's own book in terms of how much dialogue and environment etc. Only people that takes things to seriously like yourself will not enjoy it.

  8. Goodbye insta-queues.


    Low levels QQing about not being able to destroy level 50s because every other MMO is like that :/


    PvP at low levels is a side-activity not a "I have to win at everything because it means something".


    What did you expect, what you think lvl 50's should be able to destroy low lvls because they are lvl 50's which they are atm. And when people playing lower level chars say hey this is bs they are unreasonable and they should just stand there and let the 50's kill them. That sounds like great pvp fun. fool.

  9. Some people are just plain stupid really i mean, how are bioware supposed to fix the faction imbalance? People choose what they want to play. What bioware sais oh sorry too many imperials you have to be republic. I mean are the people just plain iq free or what. Sigh really.



    Also republics has upperside on voidstar because they defend first, so if they defend well then they know they can win, if they defend badly then they can just go around ganking or w/e.

  10. Before i start to point out FACTs about this game, and then say my opinion.


    *Fact 1 (with my opinion)*


    This game is an instance based game, like Guild war 1 was. Everything is instance based. Even the "open" worlds are.

    If you enter any planet, regardless which one. You will see that it's devided into instances. "Balmorra instance 1" ect. So even if there is 300-400-500 people on your planet, you will never see more then 20-30 of them. Since the rest is devided into another instances. Which removes the feeling of an "MMO".

    Also if you want to play with a friend which is in another instance you need to transfer to his/her instance to be able to see them.

    This isn't the most annoying thing, the thing is it has a 30 min cooldown time to transfer to another instance again.

    So if i make a group quest one friend, then want to make another group quest with another friend.

    I can't join my other friend if he is in another instance, since i have a 30 minutes cooldown to be able to be in the same instance as him. Even in the "open" world.

    So having big open world pvp battles is almost impossible since everyone will be devided into instances.


    Also the world to me atleast feel alot "scripted". I can't walk around whereever i want to. Since the path Bioware want's be to walk is surrounded by big mountains, to make sure i stay "on the path".


    *Fact 2*

    The UI frames doesn't always update correctly in operations. (raids).

    So being a healer in BGs is completely stupid, since you can't see who takes damage ect.

    This is a bug that has been reported since closed Beta, but still hasn't been fixed.

    A major game mechanic that has been completely ignored by the game developers.


    *Fact 3*

    Bioware said that every class has their own unique storyline, with 8 classes on each faction.

    But in fact there is only 4 unique storylines. Becuase the advanced classes for each "class" share the same storyline. This in it self makes the advanced classes more as a spec then an class. Since the advanced classes also share alot of spells between eachother.

    So in reality there is 4 classes on each faction, that has different specs. Which you can't swap between without making an Alterative character, and play though the exact same storyline again.




    I'm not going to list all the other smaller bugs in the game, but the things i've listed is the biggest issues i see with the game.


    When i read this forum, i see that ALOT of other players share my view of the game.


    And before people start to replay with the standard replays, please atleast give some good replays or your view of this.



    "The game is new, you can't compare it to WoW. Give it time"

    That excuse is stupid. You would never use that excuse if it was for any other product.

    If you want to buy a Car, and you ask a dealer to show you some cars.

    And he shows you two:

    A ferarri

    And the new car from a new company.. The new car doesn't have a working engine, it explode after 10 miles.

    BUT if you give it time, it will all be fixed within 1-2 years.

    Which car would you buy?


    As you can see, we compare products all the time. To see which one that is the best.

    So the whole arguement that "it's a new mmo", doesn't work. Becuase if they deliver a inferior product compared to what other product of the same type that already exist. Then why should people buy it?


    And saying "If you don't like it, don't play it?", doesn't work either. Since i don't know about these flaws before i buy the game. And since everyone that acually tries to warn other buyers, or atleast gives them an honest opinion about the game, get's spammed with useless replays.


    That's why i would like people that acually think i'm wrong or incorrect about the points i stated earlier to replay. And to discuss these in a civil manner.


    Sigh so much wrong stuff in your post it's sad. If they say every class has their own unique class story, they mean the 8 classes in total, which is 4 per faction. They didnt say every advanced class, they said every class. Worst arguments ever..

  11. You know what is funny, there already is a gearscore in this game, im surprised people arent complaining about that. You just look at every gear and it has a score, sum up the score and you have a gearscore. Takes what a min to check a player like that with a calculator.


    So you can check peoples "skills" already. Unnecessery thread really, next time why dont you actually look for gearscore in the game...hate people who post things that are just a waste of time.

  12. I both enjoy and loath it, how? I hate it when i heal and enjoy it when i dps (im imperial agent operative). IA healing is rubbish unless its just you and another guy to heal vs 2 other dudes. IF it gets more then that you are basicly useless in my experience. And yes ive played mmmorpg for blah blah amount of years and have blah blah amount of healing experience and pvp experience.


    Operative dps is on the other hand quite enjoyable, im lvl 45 btw and i dont go around do 5k crits yet atleast i do maybe 3k crits. The thing is operative is, i think the most effective (noob) killer in the game since in max 1/10 people i jump actually break free of my first stun. And the KEY to win against operative is getting out of that first stun as quick as possible because it's 3 secs long and we then have a 2 sec stun and then thats it basicly you resolve bar is full and its open battle and we dont much dmg after 10 seconds.

  13. All right we'll end the conversation here. usually when someone takes a gut feeling and tries to present it as fact you can tell there is nothing to be gained by conversing with them anymore.


    As someone who played EQ prior to WoW, LOLOLOL WOW was and will always be extremely casual.


    You must be well bended if you say vanilla wow was extremely casual. Either you didnt play it or you have a very short memory, either way most of the time leveling in vanilla wow was spent simply grinding mobs. In the raids there were bosses that was quite hard and took quite some time to clear for 4 raids a week guilds. I remember doing bwl as a hunter and the first boss where you had to coordinate everyone was a real step up from MC. AQ 40 was a pain and most people never got anywhere in naxxramas really. Vanilla wow was not casual friendly if you look at what casual friendly means today.

  14. I dont know, i mean ive died in this game many many times more then ive done in any modern mmo ive played or in wow. This game is far harder then any other mmorpg ive played in terms of solo quests being difficult. I mean if you pull 2 packs in this game you are most often screwed, if you pull 2 packs or mobs in wow it's a breeze.
  15. Because most 50's started the 13th or the 14th ? that gives them what 20 orso days ? Almost a month now. It takes maybe 5 - 6 days ingame time to make it to 50 if you dont spend hours on hours doing nothing ofc. I'd say it's quite reasonable people are lvl 50 by now. I am not btw so dont jump on me accusing me of being lvl 50 and how horrible i am for being lvl 50. IF your in school youve had whole christmas break to game i mean that starts like the 21 december so..
  16. Except if a real software developer is informed about a bug, they don't sit on it for 6 months doing nothing about it.



    Most of the real big issues were let known in early beta. They just never did anything about it.



    GTN UI was made well and clear it sucked in beta as well.


    Bioware just doesn't listen to anyone, as they feel it's their game and they'll do whatever they want with it. In reality it's a terrible MMO, decent single player game if it was one. However makes for terrible MMO.



    It's like if they just all of a sudden made Dragon Age into an MMO with very little change.


    What are you on about, they know the ui is crap, they have said it them self and it's one of their top prioritys. Stop spewing out nonsence please.

  17. I must be super lucky or something because i havent encountered a single bug that on worlds and solo questing that hindered my gameplay. And im now at voss lvl 45. So i dont have any complaints about the leveling in this game, superb job bioware. And if what was written is true then hopefully it will get fixed within a month or two (the bugs that is). Other then that im enjoying the game so far and so is my guild and so are my friends. I just dont see why people call the game completely broken and unplayable and blah blah blah. It's is very playable and the stuff that isnt can be fixed.


    I dont want to say it again as so many has but this game just released, all games launch uncompleted in the mmo market, that's why they have patches. Did you honestly think this game was going to be released bug free or what, with everything super polished and read to play with 15 operations and super balanced pvp. I just dont get it, you seem to expect miracles.

  18. Wait wait, there are already 2 raids out there right, plus all the normal instances on hardmode for anyone to stab at. Pve wise that is + world bosses. Maybe there are a bug here and there in the operations but im pretty sure from the reviews i read of people who did them that they are absolutely doable and fun. So i dont get the hate vs pve. The hate against pvp i get but not vs pve. Im lvl 45 atm but im looking forward to lvl 50. Start getting some nice pve gear and start prepping for operations.
  19. They are just that powerfull when they are lvl 50 with the appropiate gear when are you going to learn. The problem isnt the class, the problem is lvl 50's playing with everyone else.


    I am an operative but im a healer, and if anything needs a buff in pvp it's the pure healers cause we can't out heal anyone dpsing us. I mean we just can't, if it's on us or on someone else. Maybe SI and Consular can because they got shields that scale super good, but the rest can't.



    Im not saying make healers GODLIKE what i am saying is if there is a healer he should be the priority to kill because he can keep other players up, atm everyone just ignores healers and kill them only because they are easy prey.

  20. You shouldn't be able to come out of stealth, stun them, knock them down and kill them before they can even get back up.


    Operatives have too much burst. Should they have a nasty opener? Absolutely. But the damage from an Operative/Scoundrel should not come from their opening shot and should be spread out to make them more viable outside of stealth.


    They are just that powerfull when they are lvl 50 with the appropiate gear when are you going to learn. The problem isnt the class, the problem is lvl 50's playing with everyone else.

  21. This class is so over powered in pvp it ruins the game. When you pvp against the imperials on the server I am on and 82% are sith inquisitors you wonder why there are more imperials than republic players. I am at least on a PVE servers so not exposed to it continuously but, it reaffirms my decision not to roll on a PVP server for this very issue.


    I battled one with companions 1 vs 1 and never got them past half way with a fully skilled sentinel 2 levels higher than the inquisitor I was fighting. The simply let the companion tank and bunny hop stun locked me to death. I can dismiss a lot of things in a game of this magnitude but when you clearly have on class that is a noob magnet because of the guaranteed win factor you remove a complete facet of playability from your game.


    I will not be pvping as long as sith inquisitor remains the way it is. At this point I would pay to have them remove PVP completely until they put in a viable system that actually works.


    You do realize that consulars are just as OP as inquisitor with their damn pebble spamming doing so high dmg all you can do is run away.

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