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Posts posted by Icecrypt

  1. Like sais previously, if they nerf healers in generall operative/scoundrel healers will become next to useless since if you interrupt them they are locked out cause they only have 1 real heal that is the base of everything else.



    So if your going to nerf healing all around somehow your going to need to give imps/scound more tools for healing in pvp.

  2. Healers are supposed to be vital to PvP and a such will get targeted so I get that they should be harder to take down than other classes.


    But I think you've gone a little too far imho.


    I do some really good damage on my sentinel usually in the top 3, but it is virtually impossible for me to take a healer down solo. Unless a shadow or fellow sent helps me on him he'll just shield up and kite me around.


    It's not a BIG issue but I think a SLIGHT tweak could be needed.


    Since WZ's are mostly random, the team with the most healers as it stands now have too much of an advantage since they are so damn hard to bring down.


    It's also a bit too chaotic and hard to distinguish between classes in the heat of battle.


    Just because one healer i.e. inquisitor and consular ones are OP doesnt mean the rest are. Especially not operatives/scoundrels.

  3. Im sorry but how can anyone say vader was that good at lightsaber duels when he obviously lost against kenobi, he couldnt take count doku down alone etc. I mean he wasnt really that good of a lightsaber duelist. And revan was renowned for his lightsaber skills. Also there is a very large difference in being very resilient against force attacks and being able to dish out force attacks. As far as i know vader was very resilient but not very capable of using that force against others. But thats just me.


    Who would win? I dont know.

  4. I would simply ask what happened that the game has so much loading screens for no apparant reason, why they couldnt bother to get a proper ui out before launch and why they felt it was necessery to have a pvp stat when most people think it's bad and just want to pvp in an even playfield where skills mather. Or in fact why the game is so gearbased, almost more gearbased then WoW is, more then wow was at launch atleast.


    Freaking redicilus how much gear makes or break a character in this game.

  5. I think most people that have done dps and healing considers dps to be easier as you have a much smaller amount of things to keep track of. You got a boss, you got a rotation, aggro management and the effects the boss does. And sometimes interrupt but healers do that aswell.


    A healer has the effects the boss does, energy management, effects of what the players does (ie dps ignoring the effects the boss does) and keeping track of 8 to 16 players instead of 1 boss, as they have to keep track of their own health aswell (pve wise). And sometimes healers have a rotation they need to keep up, and sometimes they need to do cleansing.


    I have probably missed something this is just from the top of my head but i think healers have to keep track of more things then a dps and as a consequence is harder to play or atleast play correctly.


    Myself ive played all 3 roles in high end guilds in WoW and think healing is often the most difficult, but tanking can be damn difficult depending on what boss it is.

  6. Agree totally, it is far to difficult to find people, especially since we dont have a global channel or anything. You can only reach out to people on the fleet and its maybe 150 - 250 people there at any given time on a heavy server. I mean that is not alot of people to get a group together considering 25 % are doing pvp and 25 % are not able to do lvl 50 flashpoint. That means there is about 50 - 100 people that can do it, but then you have the people that only want to do a specific flashpoint, the lack of tanks etc and it just becomes a nightmare to get a group going.


    And the argument that you need to make friends/use guild to do flashpoints is just silly. You should be able to do pugs and reach out to anyone who is interested in doing flashpoints. People who are leveling alts because they cant find groups etc. How does a global channel ruin community, it will just get more people together and playing.



    We need a global channel for looking for group. ASAP please!

  7. I just want to say that operatives have no faked casts, all of our non healing spells are instant casts, and only 2 of our healing spells have casting time. Only one that is dmg and has casting time is bombardment but that has a very long cd so if you use it (it is a pretty strong attack) then you do not have anything to fake with.


    So sorry to burst someones bubble of: Healers needz l2 fake cast wth



    And if you interrupt a IA operatives casting heal he is essentially blocked for 4 seconds from healing. Sure he can put up hots, maybe use 1 of his tactical advantage if he had one up to cast a 4k healing spell. But if you get his main healing spell that gives him tactical advantage then he is shutdown. And that is NOW! So if you would give people even more things to silence IA we would be even MORE useless in pvp then we are now.


    We have no shields, no knockbacks, no lifegrip or anything fancy at all. We just have 2 casting time healing spells, a instant cast heal (that requires tactical advantage to cast) and 2 hots.


    So please think about what you are saying before you cry out NERF because you might make sorc on par with everyone else but you will destroy operatives.

  8. If it is an emergency patch then why wait and do it when the US arent affected, as in when they are asleep. Or in fact always going when americans wont be affected but europeans are atleast halfway affected. Its simply poor service which EVERYONE knows they can do something about if they wanted to.


    It's just getting harder and harder to accept the crap they swing at europeans. And i dont even wanna think about the treatment against the red countrys, AUS and company.

  9. I completely agree stealth is broken in both pvp and pve. I mean it's redicilous how you sometimes can't get out of combat in pvp or bosses in pve that see you for a superlong distance, longer then people that arent stealthed i mean ***:cool:
  10. IMO consular healers, since you cant interrupt them as if i interrupt a heal they can just use other heals/shields. It's redicilus really when your in WZ and a consular just jumps into 3 people and can survive for over a minute. They are just almost impossible to kill, harder to kill then a tank really.
  11. He can trinket it all he wants, biowares funky *** resolve system wont give you enough resolve for immunity until u've been stunned twice, despite the insane duration of the agents stuns.


    PS: This is even worse in Huttball, when the agent can simply use vent to escape when he done his deed.


    Zetara, well then its not a burst class it is now? that is sustained damage.


    im an operative and i can say i NEVER get in 2 stuns because of resolve, so either there are ops out there that knows how to bugg it to get 2 stuns in or im just very unlucky in not getting this bug.

  12. pretty sure nvidia users enjoy all games more than ati users, after all nvidia has always and will always be better. same with intel over amd. Just go intel and nvidia and ull never be dissapointed


    If only this was true, but 90 % of the time ATI/AMD is cheaper and better (unless the game like swtor somehow messes things up so the card can't function with that particular game).

  13. Shadow can do pretty decent burst, and are definitely not underpowered, they just aren't consistently doing the same as an operative does.


    Not to mention their force depletes far quicker than an operative's energy, meaning that a shadow's all-out burst will leave them in a pretty gimped state, while operatives can stay on the offensive, doing a lot of damage for a lot longer while putting out incredible damage during their bursts.


    ye because we can just spam everything like there is no tomorrow! Its not like if we get under 60 energy the energy regeneration becomes too little that we either need to pop adrenalin probe which has a 2 min cd or simply wait for it to come up again. Because if we end up with 0 energy it takes 15 sec to get it back up again.

  14. (edited for one thing i got wrong that i misread ) so removing the one i got wrong

    i stand by the rest






    MY LAST STRAW ... i had overlooked or excused or hoped a fix was coming for the list below

    but i guess this is my hair that breaks the camels back !!!!



    The turret problems favoring empire are ridiculous


    screw this game yall have fun ... im walking away until summer ill look back in and see if they cared enough to balance the faction and hopefully management holds some DEVS ACCOUNTABLE FOR THIS BLANTANT ABUSE of POWER IN DESIGNING THE FACTION THEY WANTED TO PLAY to have all sorts of SUBTLE ADVANTAGES!!!!! the EVIDENCE IN ITS ENTIREITY is OVERWHELMING when looked at from a distance other than one at a time


    JUST SAD ...


    and REALLY LEAVES A BAAADDDDDD TASTE in my mouth for a company I have LOVED FOR YEARS AND YEARS :(



    so add it to the list of things that severely imbalance the so called "mirror" classes


    things like the following:


    1.) trooper mortar volley travel time verses BH death drom above instant!!!


    2.) consular animation delays verses their counterpart instant !!!


    3.) convert the trooper pool of energy to BH energy BH has 4% more -

    same for another classes energy i forget which one


    4.) IA can do dirty kick on the run without stopping while Smuggler has to stop perform action then move


    5.) Ever wonder WHY it always seems empire starts with lead on alderaan warzone?

    two turrets already pointing at republic ship and do not have to turn to begin firing not to mention the BIGGEST KICKER OF ALL .. the dumb DEVS ALLOW THE EMPIRE TO TICK QUICKER THAN THE REPUBLIC ... FILM IT FRAPS IT YOURSELF ... try and figure out how empire one caps and republic two caps and forst 5 secs empire ahead ... REALLY .. I MEAN REALLY!!!! W T F


    6.) force way has animation that makes republic jump up then come down before it goes off

    empires is instant ... very rough across the bridge in voidstar and in huttball


    7.) empires knockbacks are farther


    8.) instant lightening no travel time ... rocks have longer animation til impact


    9.) IA gets gets 30 secs less on its cc grenade cooldown than smuggler


    10.) electrocute ignores resolve bar and even dodge it gets through everything ... force stun DOES NOT!!!


    11.) smuggler sabo charge requires again you guessed it longer period of time .. IA instant!!!!


    12.) IA backstab instant - Smuggler has animation to pull out shotgun to deal with !!!!


    14.) im tired of listing them someone else take ove




    any reasonable person that understands probability KNOWS beyond a shadow of a doubt there a far too many "oopies and overlooks " to be beniegn




    have fun ill look in from time to time and see if they did anything about it

    im going to take a break


    if you are staying in this game and PvP you SHOULD DEMAND THE ABOVE BE FIXED and a REASON GIVEN as to way it was allowed in the first place and HOW SO MANY BETA TESTERS MISSED these GLARING ISSUES ... i guess they were just playing and not testing





    ps im mad and didnt proof read and im not the faster i log out right now the better and put SWTOR BEHIND me for a long while and hope it gets fixed


    how about list republic advantages...biased crap read. Void star = republic starts first and depending on their performance everyone knows who wins. See i can write stuff too!

  15. Shadows/Assassins are far squishier than Ops/Scoundrels and don't hit near as hard.


    thats a load of rubbish. Assasins have knockbacks, can get super speed to escape etc. Operatives have vanish, a shield probe that is like what 4k dmg and evasion for 3 seconds that dodges all melee and ranged attacks (not force). Ops are 100 % the most squishy class in the game.

  16. you forgot how empire classes outdo republic classes on almost every front, look around for some of the other threads for that little bit of info.


    ps. i play empire :)


    thats a load of rubbish.

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