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Posts posted by Quip

  1. Australian players must be forbidden to leave me!


    What will be left?


    No more jokes about a soulless baby eating Prime Minister. All that will remain is Americans yelling at one another about which party is the most awesome and comparing all of their wars.


    I'll start singing if this crap is allowed and I will find a way to make you listen!

  2. The problem with retirement is...


    Well lemme quote this:


    "When you are a kid you have the time and abilityto play games, but not the cash"

    "When you are adult, you have the cash and the ability but not the time"

    "When you are old, you have the time and the cash but not the ability"





    My nine year old daughter did my space missions the other day and made me look like a total n00b.

  3. wish that bug worked on Khem....


    ...cuz he isn't very easy on the eyes


    Oh hell no, I want to make him wear the slave girl outfit and have EVERYTHING show.



    Edit: Now I'm picturing bent poles in every club in the galaxy.

  4. Oh I get that. I'm just amazed they designed that race with that problem in the first place, KNOWING it is a player companion race, and players would put them in skimpy outfits....


    I know, it's pretty crazy.


    Heck I want to tank in that get-up on my Powertech.

  5. Becuase heaven forbid they make custom skin tones for player companions... Not like it is THAT difficult...lol



    When a man in a very expensive suit named "Mr. Boss-man" walks into your office and tells you when you're going to ship your game.


    You're going to ship your game.

  6. Same thing happens on my Mako when she is dressed in the Slave Girl outfit.


    I have the white girl with giant eyeballs and a bob cut appearance and mine has skin with the slave girl outfit.


    Try a different appearance is all I can suggest.


    Unless it's a bug...

  7. A bajillion people come to play this game and Bioware makes reee-donkulous amounts of money. The internet hounds will bark and whine "fail, fail, fail" but the truth is that freemium flat out makes more money than P2P unless you're WoW. It's still much too early to make such a drastic move though, freemium conversions need to be very carefully considered and planned. You need merely look at some of the games that have made that switch to see how it can be done (Turbine) and how it most definitely shouldn't be done (Sony).


    Of course Sony as a whole is a fine example of how a great many things shouldn't be done.

  8. When you state an absolute, any example makes your statemet wrong.


    //Sprint lasts through death

    I am unaware of anyone who thinks this is not good for the game.


    Someone complained about it.


    Even called it "dumbed down".


    That sort of thing is the primary reason I read these forums.


    Also to the OP: Please don't post crap like this, you posted a response to a Bioware promotional post for the soul purpose of picking fights. That doesn't help this community.

  9. I think this is where I say "In B4" and some form of prediction.


    People are going to tell you you're lying.


    People are going to tell you that Christmas is over and this is normal.


    People are going to tell you the population drop is your fault.


    People are going to accuse you of various antisocial acts.



    All I can say is: If it really is that bad keep bothering Bioware, make enough noise and something will get done. You are just going to have to suffer the slings and arrows of those who don't wish to hear from you.

  10. How would server mergers fix population imbalance?


    The classes are mirrored. Just an fyi.


    You could theoretically alleviate imbalance with mergers, it would take some crazy time to do it though. Plus most of the servers really aren't light enough to just start slamming all of them together anyway.


    As to mirrors, I keep hearing about the terrible imbalance of sages and sorcs, but the only significant difference I have found is that sages just don't get attacked as much. All that lightning is like a "PLEASE KILL ME" sign.

  11. No .... its like Ford repainting your car for free because you suddenly do not like the color you chose.



    No, the colour doesn't affect the mechanics of the car, a multi-player game is most assuredly affected by a lack of players.


    "You chose a server that lost all of it's players, it's your fault and it sucks to be you" is the debating equivalent of slapping your hands over your ears and yelling expletives until your opposition gives up and leaves.


    Telling someone that choosing a heavy or very heavy server and then seeing it's population dwindle is their own fault is like telling someone who got hit by a car at the cross-walk that they should have known better than to be outside that day.


    But you'll just slap your hands over your ears and type another one line dismissal and I won't get drawn into your running tantrum.

  12. the pop dropped.... so you unsubbed?



    Imagine that, it turns out playing a multi-player game alone isn't all that much fun.


    It would be a nice gesture for EA to allow people wallowing on these low servers to join busier ones. Sort of like Ford doing a free repair on the Sable's rattling centre console. They didn't have to do it, but when you're an actual business with actual customers and not just so-called "fan-boys and haters" customer service suddenly means something. They're not obligated to do it, but people aren't obligated to keep using their product if it stops being fun. All the right fighting and forum wars in the world, heck even forum wars that Bioware themselves have taken part in, won't stop players from taking their money somewhere else, customer service will though.

  13. Threat is a boring mechanic, it was terrible in WoW during the late stages of classic and early BC and then they made it an annoyance again at the beginning of Cata before they sobered up.


    I like my cool-downs to be survivability, throttling players by threat just winds up making the game less fun. I realise that MMOs aren't supposed to be fun but screw it! I'm old and my leisure time is no longer about suffering, it's about goofing off.


    I say make threat secondary, make my game while tanking a game of easing the burden on my healers. That way healers can spend more of their time trying to keep the fire standers... I MEAN DPS... up.


    I'm really, really tired of trying to teach DPS to stop licking the windows anyway.

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