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Posts posted by Andruide

  1. Leider war der Trailer ziemlich kurz. Es wurde viel gelobt, wie toll der Launch von SWTOR war und wieviele Spieler am ersten Tag eingeloggt hatten - das übliche PR-Zeugs halt. Auf momentane Probleme des Spiels wurde nicht eingegangen - wahrscheinlich war dazu auch die Zeit zu kurz und bei der E3 soll es ja möglichst toll und supi aussehen. Eine große Ankündigung war nicht dabei - für die E3 hätte ich da mehr erwartet.
  2. Es gab ein paar neue Infos zu Content, der dieses Jahr veröffentlicht wird:


    Dr. Ray Muzyka, Co-Founder of BioWare, is now on stage to talk about Star Wars: The Old Republic.

    "Our goal is to provide a living service that's always on."

    The Old Republic will be adding new PvP warzones to the game, along with more challenging group and high-level content, including a new version of Nightmare difficulty mode.

    Group finder, ranked PvP, and character transfers are now available, and level caps have been increased for every class.

    A new planet, Makeb, will introduce new storylines and more. There are also new companion characters and playable species coming soon.

    Looks like one of the new companions is an Assassin Droid! Lots of sneak peeks in this trailer.



    Neue Spezies: Cathar

    Neuer Companion: HK-51 Attentäter Droide

    Neue OP: Terror from beyond

    Neue Space Mission: Space Station Assault

    Neue Warzone: Ancient Hypergates

    Kostenlos spielen bis Level 15 ab Juli


    Nix wahnsinnig weltbewegendes leider, von neuen sozialen Möglichkeiten keine Spur. Ein genaues Datum wurde leider nicht genannt.

  3. For operations, we only allow queueing for the entry-level of an operation (basically 8-person story mode). This is because, if we balance things correctly, harder operations are pretty much going to be pretty much impossible with a pick up group not familiar with the fights or each other. We may reexamine this in the future based on demand.

    Another example how the devs do not trust the players to figure this out on their own. Instead of allowing it, they are restricting the LFG tool for heroic ops based on some imaginary problem players might have... I see random PUGs doing heroic OPs on our server - relatively successful too. So not having this option is yet another example to me how the devs create features based on their own expectations, not those of the player base...

  4. "The game has potential" - the most overused phrase in combination with SWTOR... I've seen it before release and after release, to finally realize that potential is nice, but it sucks when the talent is not there to actually realize it in high quality... So many ideas and creativity, yet so little ambition and skill on the side of Bioware... It's a tragedy.
  5. Das hat jemand im englischen Thread dazu gepostet...

    Originally Posted by GrandAdmlStrife


    screw content; one of the ones 'let go' today was my brother-in-law, who worked on the IA class story. Let me tell you something about QA and CS here, they DON'T DO THEIR JOBS. He only found out about bugs in the class story because I was telling him what we saw on the forums here. CS and QA ARE NOT forwarding those issues where they need to go. For instance, the class quest for IA that's been bugged since launch? And was supposedly fixed last week? He did the fix in 20 minutes' time, turned it in to his boss, and it sat on his desk instead of actually being implemented. He told me he even stood in front of a meeting and asked why he was only finding out about bugs from his family instead of QA and CS. Then he gets canned.


    Good thing I didn't re-up this month, wife and I are DONE with this game.


    Good job, BW. Wait til everyone came in to can them. Didn't even let them past security.


    Cuts were across the board, so I know he wasn't targeted, but now this means understaffed departments doing 2 or 3 or 4 times the workload.

  6. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=462269


    Oh je...

    Hey folks, since you’re reading this you may likely have heard that we’ve done some restructuring here on the SWTOR team. Sadly, we are bidding farewell to some talented, passionate and exceptionally hard-working people who helped make SWTOR a reality. Impacting people’s lives this way is always very hard, but we’re ensuring the affected people are treated with dignity, fairness and respect.


    Looking back at launch, we all came together and did something historic. We executed one of the largest, most successful and stable launches of any MMO yet in industry history. That is not an easy feat for any development team or company and we are humbled and honored by our fan community’s strong support both at launch and beyond.


    Looking forward, the studio remains vibrant and passionate about our many upcoming initiatives for Star Wars: The Old Republic. We still have a very substantial development team working on supporting and growing the game, and we feel we are in a strong position, with your continued involvement and feedback, to continue to build Star Wars: The Old Republic as one of the most compelling and successful online experiences in the world today. There are many strong initiatives planned for cool new content and new features that we’re excited to tell you about in the upcoming weeks and months.


    Rest assured that we remain dedicated to delivering a high quality service in SWTOR to you, our fans, and we will continue to support and grow Star Wars: The Old Republic over the weeks, months and years to come.



    Greg and Ray

  7. Es hagelt im englischen Forum genauso viel Kritik - teilweise sogar in höherer Frequenz, da dort mehr aktive Forumnutzer sind. Das Hauptproblem sind auch da "leere" Server, mangelhaftes PvP, wenig Kommunikation von Bioware. Vor allem auf Twitter wird auch viel nebenbei veröffentlicht, was hier im deutschen Forum gar nicht erwähnt wird. Ich lese daher lieber das englische Forum, weil da mehr los ist und man dort als erstes erfährt, wenn etwas los ist. :D
  8. Unsere Raidgilde hat in den letzten 2 Wochen 5 aktive Raider verloren. Es gibt fast nur noch Raidausfälle weil die Leute mit dem Spiel aufhören. Weniger Leute im Spiel = weniger Leute im Forum. Mir ist auch schon aufgefallen, dass hier wenig los ist. Da hilft das englische Forum über die Runden. Da geht noch was ab und zu. :o
  9. Hi everyone,


    While we recognize that some form of compare and contrast with other games is inevitable, we do ask that threads made in General Discussion center on discussion of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. We have closed this thread as the discussion primarily focuses on the merits/demerits of another game.



    I am surprised this thread is still open... in the German forums the moderators quickly closed the thread...

  10. Tja, mal schauen was da in den nächsten Tagen kommt. Morgen soll es das erste Preview Video und den ersten Screenshot geben... Konkurrenz belebt ja das Geschäft sagt man so schön. Scheint dass SWTOR da ganz schön zu tun bekommt dieses und nächstes Jahr.


    Übrigens hat da grade einer gepostet:

    "Zenimax hat vor ein paar Jahren übrigens die Heroes-Engine lizensiert. Das ist afaik die gleiche Engine, die auch SW:TOR verwendet."

    Hmmm... naja...

  11. Siehe PC Games.de:



    The Elder Scrolls Online kommt. Gerüchte aus dem vergangenen März haben sich also bewahrheitet. Konkrete Details zum Online-Rollenspiel will Bethesda in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten bekanntgeben.

    The Elder Scrolls Online wird unter der Führung des Onlinespiele-Experten Matt Firor (u.a. Dark Age of Camelot) entwickelt und erscheint für PC und Mac.

    Von Gamestar.de:

    ''The Elder Scrolls Online spielt etwa 1000 Jahre vor den Ereignissen in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim . Der Daedra-Prinz Molag Bal versucht den Kontinent Tamriel zu unterjochen. Der Spieler kann sich einer von drei Fraktionen anschließen - auch einen PvP-Modus wird es geben.''

    Persönlich freue ich mich sehr auf den Titel, sofern Bethesda Softworks / Zenimax Online sich nicht völlig übernehmen...

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