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Everything posted by darthtrunkmonkey

  1. 45-55, you need the magnetic gun you buy from lain rice on alderaan for 10k credits, the red crystal from the corellia museum you can google both of these locations
  2. find a gunslinger or sniper merc or mando and have them knock you up there i do this all the time if im on tat for some reason with my sniper/slinger
  3. i quickly glance read it, aint nobody got time fo dat!
  4. i use 4/40/2 and do just fine in all aspects cept pvp since i dont do 55 pvp then again i use the set bonus for ravage dmg i dont pick up deafening defense, pooled hatred, or stagger. since i use a healer companion i dont need the extra dmg reduction, and if im soloing champions for drops. i use a 6/40(extra 15%armor) build since you dont need to immob a champion since your melee hes gonna stay in front of you the whole time anyways. in the 6/40 build i pick up deafening defense to help with the bigger hits champs usually do.
  5. after the crap ive been through yesterday that brought my spirits up, i thank you kind sir
  6. its just a figment of your imagination. in a day or so the server will crash and there will be a influx of post asking whats going on. dont blame me that the new hamster died already. if anything were giving the pet shops a run for there money with how many hamsters weve needed to replace.
  7. is it me or did anyone else find the search term hilarious?
  8. i forgot that there are no true offhand weapons now, as everything is bound to slot now
  9. vigi/veng have shown better numbers with 150-160crit then 0 crit just because of the burns ntm if you use 2 auto procs and not a clicky then the crit will help your auto procs dmg my veng uses 2 dread guard force dmg proc relics(right now full power) and i love being able to see a hit with 5extra numbers popping up(bleeds 3, 2auto hits) ive always been a fan of small numbers and seeing alot of them
  10. i disagree with the preserverance if hes gonna stay dps then getting all the strength you can is gonna help...its a must and cant be argued i would go with 0/16/2 2 points into the extra aoe dmg since your getting the talent to make sweep cost 0 in a more simplified version: {0 in defese} [16 in Vigilance] {2 in focus} Defense- 0 Vigilance- 16 3- Single Saber Mastery 2- Sundering 3- Accuracy 2- Perseverance 1- Shien Form 2- Burning 2- Unremitting 1- Effluence Focus- 2 2- Swelling Winds i used this exact build till 55 and then switched to 4/36/6 with the 2 2piece set bonuses for the ravage bonus and vindicator
  11. the matrix cubes 1-50 are great but as soon as you hit 50 they become useless
  12. its prolly some apac guys upset that there servers got pwned, so they think by pwning a "information site of swtor" that itll make a difference
  13. also idk if its been entered into known issues but saleucami fleet action is bugged as well
  14. still boken as of 8:38 PM pacific standard time i know i had 100% space, and yet cant complete it
  15. i had a discussion with someone right after this went live and he was sitting online 5 of them and he tried to explain to me he was a major in business and all this other jazz...he missed the point where i told him the price which at the time was like 300k was only gonna go down, so the next day i bought one for my sniper at 96k the guy prolly felt like a fool
  16. bioware admitted in a dev post just not to long ago that they understand our frustations and a fix in in the works, and if i understood a recent post by someone they do have a patch for a fix but as i havent seen a dev say that in particular im just shooting hot air at this point
  17. EL OH EL J U S T E L O H E L you do realize you should just use it, and go make 40mill by crafting and doing dailies and youd prolly make it in just as much time as it will take you to find a buyer
  18. when bounty hunters get mandalore, you will get your title back...
  19. i get the same insults down range for clicking, its my way of playing as using the controller is your way. if it works for your play style more power to you. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE NOW PART OF THE MINORITY! ENCOURAGE MORE TO JOIN OUR MOVEMENT!
  20. wow we a have a true jack%^& how nice, at least you show your true colors
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