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Everything posted by NeoFilipe

  1. If you ask me: Well they did nerfed Operative Concealment... But Snipers and Operative Healing needs to be looked up... Snipers aren't bursting that much (Compared to others) Healers have lower armor then BH and no any other Pro... Since they do heal way lot better, Heat management vs Energy management is way imba. And Inquisitors well They do look well placed But still have a easy life managing force and that AOE ? god.. Take a look for healers in Imperial Agent's... You fail to spot a Proc or to pop 1 energy stim and you have 1 less healer... They need to be looked at in energy costs... And defensive CD's... We aren't immune to interrupts as BH are... Our shield is not shielding enough damage... WAY far from inquisitors (not supposed to be equal though, I get it) And you guys say, well you can stealth True... Try to stealth in a Agent with a DOT on... Not all of them are "removable"... so we get found to many time They need to compare and balance in a role+armor+ofensCD+DefCD VS same role's different class... But Ranked is coming so let's just wait
  2. Penalty for Leaving a WZ should existed at start of the game... Now is becoming a major issue ! That and random Items as "Pure Shockfrozen water" Allowing a 9k Heal off combat with a 10 sec cooldown ! Its doing 2 medals without being a healer: 2,5K heal 5k Heal Guess Healer don't have exclusive medals at all...
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