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Posts posted by Feskitt

  1. Hi all,


    just a quick post. recently came back after quitting many months ago when 1.2 was deployed.


    I'm a SW fan since 4yrs old and a $150 CE sucker. I quit after my free month was up.


    after looking around and starting some new characters I must say I'm not impressed. nothing significant has been introduced game play wise. the only real new thing is the cash shop and crippled game play for non subs.


    AFAIK, they just fixed a few bugs and added stuff that should have been there at launch. The story/class playthroughs can be real fun, be the end-game is a joke.


    from what I can tell pvp hasn't really changed either since my absence.


    It's gotten far, far worse. Even for Mercs. (well, the OP FOTM classes apparently keep getting buffed... and Hackers are still hacking, so that has stayed the same)


    good luck to you Bioware! once my sub runs out again in January I will not be renewing since all iI see is fluff and cash grabbing from you.


    First, why wish them "good luck?"


    Their arrogance ruined the SW IP. Hell, they couldn't even be bothered with including elements theiry prior games had! (swoop, pizaac, dueling arenas, etc) They sold out. Then got fired or quit.


    BTW, I cancelled already, too. Can't imagine spending one more penny here. If I come back, it'll be F2P and just to run a class story I aint yet.


    I was expecting to see a lot more content at this point and will let my lapsed sub speak for me.


    After this expansion <snicker> I bet there will be little to no new 'content.' Unfortunately, this game is nearly done.





    Fanaticism can't ignore $200+ million = F2P in 7 months = laughing stock of gaming world.


    They'll keep trying, though.



  2. still not sure what you find so funny.........


    They're probably laughing cause no matter what convoluted explanations you make, you're just another premader scared of facing other premades.


    All you got is excuses.


    That's all any of you got.


    U scared bro?



  3. I cancelled the other nite. (I originally quit after launch after having wasted $150 on the CE, recently came back to claim Cartel Coins)


    The end-game is a joke.


    Solo Dailies where you gotta stand around and ninja loot quest items, all so you can buy mods that are already outdated.


    PvP = PreMades farming everyone else on small, isolated maps. Inexcusably unbalanced classes, a dev team that should be ashamed, fired, and never allowed to work in the industry every again. (I'm not kidding) Apparently no concern about (or ability to stop) hackers.


    Ops/Flashpoints only open to groups.



    So since end-game is a joke, why do it? And if I'm not gonna do it, why not stick to RPGs?


    Besides, I aint played ME3, Skyrim, or Witcher 2. I'll just go play them. If I ever come back, it will probably just be to play through a few class-storylines I haven't yet. (thus, F2P only)


    This game won't get 1more penny from me.


    I used to promote and lobby for this game to everyone I knew before release. Now I tell everyone to stay away.




  4. 1. valor has meant nothing beyond level 40 since 1.3

    2. ilum kill trading stopped in February at the latest

    3. valor never helped you acquire pvp gear; at one time it was a requirement to use gear, but wasnt used for purchasing



    failed attempts at elitism make lol :D


    Implied elitism? Phht.


    either way, changes nothing of what I said

  5. You must be beyond ignorant if you can not even see that there is a problem with the current system for both casual players and for hardcore players that want competition.




    They do see it. Hell, they depend on it.


    It's obvious -- the same type of "person" who fears competition is the same one who spends every moment lobbying against a legitimate PreMade bracket and/or matchmaking system.


    They're scared of facing other PreMades. That's part of why many of them had to run to make a premade to begin with.


    And they don't want to feel that way again -- being in a PreMade and farming PUGs lets them tell themselves they're good. And I suspect winning in a video game lets them feel things they can't get in real life.


    (just imagine the real life of a FOTM PreMade OP fully geared farmer. Ugh.)

  6. The thread title should have read "Bad players are ruining PVP."


    I've lost track of the times I've gotten a PreMader 1 on 1, and they seem to literally not know what to do. (especially when they're on a class I've maxed on an alt, and know what they should be doing)


    It's even better when they're all decked out om max PvP gear. (I can only hope they got it on Illum valor trading, then come in here and lobby against a PreMade queu bracket)



  7. I forgot to add in missle blast. THIS IS JUST TOO FUNNY!


    i am absolutely giddy right now because Im still doing just as well as everyone else in reg warzones using 3 buttons. Rapid Shots, Incendiary, and Missle Blast......I have what you call a **** eating grin on my face when i play like this. I have never had so much fun.


    I often wonder about folks like you.



    How do you take personal pleasure in something that has nothing to do with you, and even reveals how inadequate you are? (nevermind, there's that whole PreMade thread full of the same types)



  8. So since no one responded, does that mean that everyone agrees, or no one cares?


    (I was asked during a Heroic grouping, unprompted (after I said I was new to Section X) "How did you like getting the codes?")


    Hell -- come to think of it, that was ON ILLUM, LMAO!!!

    Someone on a whole other planet asked about it LOL! (which is kinda ironic, since that very day on Illum, I also had to stand around and wait for stuff to spawn)



    Remember when Luke had to wait in line for the Emperor to respawn?




  9. Fix the Daily missions, especially Section X.


    Too many people standing around waiting for things to respawn. It's a joke. Laughable. Oh so heroic -- standing around trying to ninja attack/loot NPCs just to get quest items.


    The worst is that small area, with few NPCs, trying to get those 3 launch codes. Would literally take 1/2 hour or more, just trying to get those 3 codes.


    Either make more zones and/or increase NPC respawn time or item drop rate.


    I'm not even gonna bother with it any more till it's fixed.


    Then again, I'm cancelling as soon as my sub closes runs out, and probably won't even bother with TOR anymore, unless it's just for a class story or two.


    Nevermind. Don't care what you do.



  10. Any reason why those who run in premades because they don't like losing don't want their own bracket? Hmm...guess that sorta answers itself.


    Everyone knows this is the case. Even them.


    It's just that the same type of person who is like that, is also too much of a coward to admit it.




  11. Which of these best destroys immersion, RP, and story?


    1. loading screen title cards with spoilers to your own storyline?

    2. getting the complete opposite favor reactions of companions (during conversation/plot choices) than you should

    3. getting a completely wrong, sometimes opposite dialogue choice to what the dialogue wheel words implied?




  12. I can see that you are also as constructive as they get....:rolleyes:

    So here's a solution for you, buy more RAM or lower the bloody details and the chances of having this problem will magically decrease, close to being nonexistent, shocking..i know.


    RED = laughable, and a joke. Something you should be embarrassed to say. Instead of making excuses, try growing a spine. Meanwhile, I'll play every other video game out there, as well as render HD video, with no problems whatsoever.


    CYAN = doesn't work, already tried. Do you just say stuff w/o having any clue if it's true or not? Just throw it out there, then feel better, eh?


    :D Truly LOL.

  13. Never had any memory leaks with this game, or crashes to desktop that were caused by them.

    Not saying that some people aren't having problems, just stating my experience so far.



    Why do people like you make posts like that? What did that add or offer or help?


    When someone says "they spent 200 million, lost over 3/4 of their subs, and went F2P in 6 months," do you say "BUT I'M STILL HERE!," like that changes anything?



  14. If I load a whole bunch, such as going from planet to planet, or constant PvP match after match, or log back and forth between alts, then the 1-2 hour crash time shortens down to ~ 30-45 minutes.



    What I like is how they throw out the ol' "run CheckDisk, run MemTest," almost like they think no one will bother, and assume it is a problem with their PC and stop blaming TOR.


    I ran both, had zero errors.


    It's the game already.



    Actually, I was wrong.


    Twice now, I've crashed after ~ 20 minutes. From relogging alts (cross-crafting)


    That's since this last post.



    Game is jacked up.




    4gb RAM

    550GTX Ti 1gb RAM

    3.2 QuadCore Phenom II

  15. If I load a whole bunch, such as going from planet to planet, or constant PvP match after match, or log back and forth between alts, then the 1-2 hour crash time shortens down to ~ 30-45 minutes.



    What I like is how they throw out the ol' "run CheckDisk, run MemTest," almost like they think no one will bother, and assume it is a problem with their PC and stop blaming TOR.


    I ran both, had zero errors.


    It's the game already.

  16. Problem:

    You PuG and fail.


    Solution (this is manyfold so try to keep up, ok?):

    Make friends

    Join a guild with PvP players (optional, but recommended)

    Join a Vent/Mumble/Teamspeak/Skype/etc with guild or whoever you are in warzone with

    Practice, study, duel, learn what works well, not only for your own class but for all classes

    Coordinate assaults, always be mindful of the objectives

    Be willing to identify your mistakes and learn from them



    Come to the forums to QQ


    Which will you choose? You're making Chibi Vader cry. :(




    You hide in a PreMade to farm newb 50's, pretend that means you're good, and are scared to face other PreMades.


    Solution (this is obvious, so try to ignore it and pretend it's not the case, ok?):


    Come to the forums to QQ lobby against what would enact real competition in the form of a solo vs group X-server system.




  17. I was first wave EGA, CE buyer. What a joke, huh?


    Left before the first free month was up.


    Came back to reclaim Cartel points. Signed on for a 3month sub, wish I'd only gotten a 1 month sub. Some things are actually worse now!


    Many, many 'small' things have been mentioned by others, but the biggest problem for me is there's no legit end-game.


    PvP is a joke; overgeared PreMades farming everyone else.

    Group OPs/Flashpoints/whatever.


    The only thing for solo players are Dailies, and all you get there is equipment mods that are already outdated.



    Why the hell would I want to re-roll another toon, why would I get attached to another toon, when I know there's nothing to do with them once I hit 50?



    Everyone at BW should be absolutely ashamed at their part in this fail debacle.


    200M --> F2P in 6months



  18. The meme about how talking in an Asian Accent is fake. He banned console users from playing their console games for him not agreeing with them on the forums. He is known for his outbursts. He got fired by EA and HR which he wrote on his on blog because they helped him he realize disliked his job (Disgruntled Worker) and then someone allowed him to come back and work for free because he cannot get work elsewhere except believes he is a talented artist and a singer! Don't believe me check Linkedin or go to Bioware Social to see him in action.


    Oh after he is done insulting you he always ends his message with "End of Line"




    He's an arse for sure, but people on Bioware Social will worship the ground he works on because he's a staffer and they want nothing more than for their glorious Bioware overlords to talk to them and say nice things about them.


    "End of Line" also gets real obnoxious real fast when he goes on a thread locking spree and there's 20 locked threads on page 1 with that post in them.



    Noticed this as well. The guy is a clown. TBH, speaks volumes of BW that he was ever hired in the first place. Also somewhat points to what happened to BW over the last while (ie, from games-of-the-year like KOTOR, ME1 and DAO... to 200 million dollar failures)

  19. Remember AAA means high production value and does NOT indicate popularity.


    Kim Kardashian is a AAA actress or celebrity or whatever it is she's supposed to be.


    Cause of production value.



    And every pop-music group in the last 5 years are AAA, while Mozart is nothing.




  20. Class > Gear > Skill


    I'll add to that:


    Solo vs PreMade > Class > Gear > Skill



    In other words, TOR's PvP for the most part, in an average match, has almost nothing to do with skill.


    You can tell who that applies to by the the posts they make here.



    200 million, eh?

  21. lol only thing killing regular warzones are the masses of bads.

    LMAO, yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that, hero.


    You're awesome.


    Keep hiding behind your team. (you'd all prolly backpeddle, hiding behind each other)



    Anyhow, to the adults, yeah, we know what it is, we know why it is, and so does the entire gaming world.


    200 million, down the drain. The biggest fail in gaming history. And cowards are hiding in it. And doing every single thing they can to make sure their fantasy-land maintains. The only place where they matter.


    Doing every thing possible to make sure they stay there. While pretending it's got something to do with them.




    (wonder how many of them traded valor on Illum?)

  22. Aint it neat how ALL OF THIS NONSENSE would be fixed if there were cross-server queues, with separate solo and group brackets?


    Then, there would be no problems. None. No, everyone would not click "Enter" at the exact same time, every single time, and somehow cancel it all out and make everyone wait longer.


    It. Would. Fix. All. Problems.


    What a bunch of wailing and crying and lying over such a simple fix. And it would be a fix. (makes me think it's really about something else)


    Also makes me wonder why one side really doesn't want this to happen. (guess which "side"?)



    Actually, don't have to wonder much at all.





    ps. if you're not sure which side don't want things to change, the next time you queue solo and go against a PreMade, isolate someone on the other side. Go 1 on 1. You'll find out real quick which side is frantically lobbying against a fix, and why.




  23. Since that is what is going on with the Cartel Crystals, they should remove the level caps on pre order crystals and let those of us who pre-ordered get the +41's for far cheaper than 250k. As it is, there is this huge gaping hole where our crystals aren't relevant until the end game after the first 2-4 levels of finally being able to use the initial one.


    Agreed. But won't happen.


    Anything that makes sense, would be helpful, and/or improve the game doesn't seem to ever happen.

  24. Upgrade your comp, or turn your settings down. Esp any setting that is heavy on CPU. Your ram is low, and depending on what you have running in the background while you play, that can have a huge effect on mmo's especially. I run into to ppl at work and their computers are an absolute joke of a mess. How many weather widgets can one person have on their desktop? But I digress, its an upgrade/settings problem. I'd rename that computer ground hog instead of beast.


    It's not a system problem, it's a software problem.

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