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Everything posted by wolfmith

  1. Some people give instant KB right after you charge on them. One thing is getting charged and get kocked back 1GCD latter, other is getting it right after you land on them. And the same happened more than once. It's more than pure luck or skill -.-
  2. Edited, trying to make it a bit clearer I'll try to explain better. I do PvP since the beginning of the game, though with a Sorc. I PvP a lot with my marauder and lately, when I charge some people, I get a KB too fast to be good. Sometimes I'm not even on the ground and I'm already getting the KB. I find this a bit odd, specially in the middle of large team fights, that in the middle of the struggle, someone gives a KB that fast. Too all the morons trying to troll, I'm not complaining about KBs, I'm not asking for nerfs, I'm not QQing about the game mechanics. The game had problems with hacks in the past and I'd like to get a serious answer if it is possible or not to do this. I don't know if it's through the Combat Logs, through something else, I don't care how they do it. All I care is that it's awkward the speed some people repeatedly hit the KB when they're doing other stuff.
  3. Can we have some, plz ?? it's the only companion that is the same to every character, so, why can't I use my old parts on the droid of my lower lvl alt ?
  4. because you can use the barrel at lvl 49. duh...
  5. I was looking for a post about this xD the price is... idk... a joke ?? and a bad one..
  6. 1. PvP class balance 2. the ability to send any companion on a crew skill from any of my chars. 3. Proper Space Combat PvP
  7. wouldn't be a waste if they decided to make proper space combat and expand it to team work both PvE and PvP. By proper I mean OFF THOSE STUPID RAILS ! ! -.- whoever got the idea of making it that way on the first place I sure hope has been fired on the lately team cuts.
  8. One of the features I'd like to have is a combo-box on the Crew Skills system that would allow me to change the character I wanted to send companions on missions without the need to logout, login 8 times ! I wouldn't mind, if the loading times didn't take ages ! As they do, I'd like to be able to send all my companions to work and still be queued for WZs, FPs in 1 char, not taking 25 mins just to send every companion on every char.
  9. I've seen a lot of potential solutions when you requested feedback on UI improvements !! it's pretty simple, give us the ability to choose what we want to see there, and how we want to see it ! not the stupid usual buff/debuff party with 3 lines of squares -.-
  10. I agree with your points (post above me), but 2000 is just too little... I can't hardly be away from the fleet that my comm reaches it's cap. When we had the vendors inside WZs was easier. Now you're forced to fly back to the fleet after 15-20 WZs
  11. we were with a full team. On Huttball there's some logic on the victory attribution when it's a tie. In other WZs is just stupidly random. How can something as PvP be random ? -.-
  12. You have so many ways of getting the teams ranked. Just choose more kills, more medals, more ANYTHING. Winning randomly in PvP is just stupid. If anything else, give both teams a defeat !! I was on a Novare Coast low lvl on the other day. We went out, capped the 2 objectives and even before 1 shot was fired against the other side bunker, the WZ ended, giving them a victory. Happens they had 6 people on the other team and they WON THE MATCH WITHOUT HAVING EVEN CAPPED 1 OBJECTIVE. Like I said, if nothing more, give everyone a defeat, don't give a random victory to a team just by doing nothing, that's just completely stupid.
  13. I bought it for the ingame advantages, not for the physical stuff it brought.
  14. are you sure that is possible ? isn't that thing higher than 30m ?
  15. I agree and already made thread about this. Sorcs atm aer amoung the worst PvP classes ingame. They can hardly achieve the same amount of damage that other DPS classes can, and have way less survivability. Thanks on nerfing our DPS. Bacause PTs are perfectly balanced, right ? I just see them jumping into the middle to team fights, and getting the highest DPS every WZ. While I'm aside casting, die at first focus and can't even match their DPS. You guys are a failure when it comes to class balance.
  16. I've already sugested a walkaround to this... Change WZs chance probability each day of the week Rank The Warzone Maps
  17. I'm meaning just the VIP area.... The items you can get from the vendor.... well... I already gave up on that, they simply don't give a **** about collector's edition (yeah, we'll have 1000 Cartel Coins (yay........)) That area is simply a complete joke. There's absolutely no reason at all for someone to spend 1.000.000 credits on the ring to access it. There's no exclusivity at all in having spent more money at beginning of the game. I still have to walk around all the fleet, wasting time to get where I want, I still have to constantly return to the Fleet, taking away any will I might have of venturing on other maps, since I need to be there to get the daily, then I need to be there to return the daily !! At least would be nice to have everything in one exclusive place.
  18. well, if you get the comms before lvl 50, it's still doing pvp. So, why the hell should we be forced to play in underwear for a week or so, and waste comms before we reach lvl 40 ?? It's not as we're buying the comms in any other way, it's still a pvp grind. People who pvp at low lvl bracet should be rewarded for that. Anyway, if not removed completely, at least increase it greatly up to 10.000 or something near it
  19. Can we have SOME advantage on buying the colector's edition ??? Why not get the most required things on the Fleet all there ? -PvP & Flashpoint Mission Terminal -Mailbox -GTN -Personal Bank -Guild Bank Then at least there would be a purpose for that area. Every time I've been there it's soulless. Why ?? Because it's a useless area !! We haven't got any decent reason to be there !! Colector's Edition vendor ? What a joke.... VIP vendor ? Even more funnier.... -.-
  20. Can you tell me the logic between so many differences on the spells ?? Why does the Vengeance Juggs get a HUGE shield and I can't tell the difference when the Guardian has the same talent point ?? Why does Sorcs healers innervate is a vivid purple beam and I can hardly see whatever spell the Sages cast ?? Visual information is very important, I can't see why such a disparity between the 2 sides on the same abilities.
  21. yes, the torhead's system works great, but there should be an ingame system such as that
  22. duh.... that's the idea.... to give people a way to control a little the WZs they want to play without making it so that there's no other playable WZ. It's not so radical as "queue for the WZs you'd like" and not so random as "every WZ with the same chance"
  23. I'd like to ask of you to change the chance we have to get a certain WZ each day of the week plz. Instead of 25% chance of getting each different WZ, make it 15% chance to get 3 WZs and 55% chance to get 1 WZ. Then it would rotate each day. Just drop some post here with the monthly calendar and people would be able to see when they'd like to play WZs ot not. Since it rotates everyday, every week would be different from the previous. Anyone else would like a system such as this ? That way we'd be able to train a certain WZ if we feel like it, or enjoy a WZ we really love the day it comes more often.
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