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Posts posted by Reyom

  1. So, after every patch I find myself noticing changes that weren't in the patch notes. Mostly small things, but it gets a bit infuriating to find that now things can't be done the way they were before. Bioware, if you're going to change something, tell us you're changing it. Don't leave it up to us to find out.


    Sidenote: would also be nice if the things that are claimed to be fixed actually were. I'm -still- running into issues with Jindo Krey's ship bugging out in HM FE.

  2. I believe i DO have a legendary weapon in my possesion right now. Its a deep royal blue and i recall seeing it after i talked to Blizz on hoth for the first time. I think he might have modded it for me with his superkickassjawapowers. I think you can only talk to Blizz if your a BH tho.


    Pics for proof bro. I wanna see this thing and then figure out how to get one >.>

  3. Legendary is actually listed as a darker purple on the gtn, not orange. Orange is simply moddable gear. As for what can be crafted, at this point there hasn't been any confirmation of any legendary quality items even existing on the live servers. If you want to dump a ton of time into RE'ing your artifact (purple) level craftables, be my guest. Let us know if it gets you anywhere, but I'm sure if it did, someone would've noticed by now.
  4. Here is MY proof because I have it and can provide it, unlike Daovin.


    Making them.




    Belsavis +33 Crit Schem




    My lightsaber.








    Again, where is HIS proof? I doubt he has a legendary to begin with. Like Almghty_gir said.. screenshot or it didn't happen.


    Magenta /=/ purple. As has been stated numerous times in this thread, the purple crystals are available only in tier 2 PvE and PvP weapons. As of this point, no one has reverse engineered anything to successfully learn a schematic to actually craft one, to my knowledge. Likely because these weapons already take forever to get without ripping out the color crystal to RE it just to hope to learn something that might not even be possible.

  5. Solo kills are pretty hard to come by when you're deception spec...but that's because some AOE, dot spamming, ledge camping assassin that thinks he's a sorc gets a couple ticks of damage in before I can finish my target.


    makes me a sad assassin...


    Really? Even without popping my relic, I tear through people in no time. Now that I've actually started using my relic in pvp, 1v1 kills are an every match thing. Bust overcharge saber, recklessness and your relic, in 4 pc stalker that gives you 3 recklessness charges. Discharge crit, VS x2 (probably crits), shock crit, chain shock crit, usually a maul proc by now, then they're under 30% for assassinate. Just don't blow your recklessness charges on shielded targets. Absorbed crits still lower your charges.

  6. I seriously can't believe that you're complaining about having the ability to turn invisible and walk away from a fight.




    stealth is actually one of the worst escape abilities. Dot or one of the countless aoes = no escape.


    I seriously can't believe you even think that.


    For assassins, force shroud before force cloak. Almost every DoT and AoE is force/tech based, force shroud removes those and makes you immune. GG. Best escape tool. Don't think Operatives get anything similar though.

  7. Why is the advanced class called Assassins again?


    Someone actually made a petition thread to change the Assassin class to Wraith. I think it'd be more fitting too. We're not very Assassin-y, to be honest. I love my character though, fully specced deception sin. My damage is fine, my PvP is fine, you just have to not be retarded.

  8. Dungeon finder is a terrible idea. It reduces every social aspect of the game, especially if it's cross server. Much easier way to address this is making a server wide LFG channel as opposed to just spamming on the fleet. It's not perfect, but it also keeps the social side of things alive.
  9. Honestly, I'm still content with the game. There's plenty of codex entries I don't have that I plan on hunting down at some point. PVP gear to farm up. Raids to do. Alts to level. Etcetera.


    As for content, I'd like to see a lot of different things. First and foremost, they need to fix crafting. Not really as a content addition as balance, but still. New WZs, additions to space missions, further customization of your character/ship, Space PVP, Guild VS Guild PvP, Faction Vs Faction PVP (that doesn't suck like Ilum. Stage an invasion of Coruscant/Dromund Kaas).


    I'd also like to see them give us some side minigames like Pazaak, Swoop Racing, Speeder races, etcetera. Heck, even an achievement system would add some replayability. They've already got a solid base with the Codex system, just add on into that for some additional goals for people to work toward.




    Here i more or less just live on the imp space station and feel kind of like a space hobo.


    Lol, space hobo.

  10. I somewhat agree with this, but honestly I'd say full premade groups would need a separate queue. It's already tough enough in a pug going against half of a team that's a premade, let alone a full 8 person group. A full 8 man premade would roll any opposition they had in the current WZ queue.
  11. Not this fella, me I was expecting simple things like cross server pvp.


    And many other things I think most people considered staples of mmo's these days, like a lfg system that doesn't feel like a last second thought.


    And much much more.


    I for one -like- single server PvP. Lets me know who I'm playing against, who I need to focus, who on my team is a healer. Now, the OPTION for cross server would be nice for those times you want faster queues or whatever. Honestly, my favorite thing about SWTOR so far is that it's the first MMO in years I've actually felt social in. I recognize people and guilds on my server, I know them, I've made friends. That's something that's been missing from a lot of MMO's recently and it's kind of sad, really.

  12. Trivial for you but the reason to stay for many others. Not everyone wants to just raid or do warzones. Having a good gameplay is indeed the base of the game but if they leave too many things out and delay their implementation, people won't stay around waiting for long.


    Not everyone wants to play "The Sims: Star Wars Edition" either. Yes, some of these things would be great to have, but you need to understand limitations. They can't actually make Coruscant as awesome and epic as it is in the movies just due to the amount of processing that would take. Thousands and thousands of NPCs concentrated in one area that you have free ability to explore every nook and cranny would break the servers, not to mention half of the player's computers couldn't handle it.


    Now, I agree, there are things the game needs. Additions to space missions, additions to crew skills, raids, pvp, social activities, etcetera. But some of your suggestions simply aren't feasible or provide no real value. What people need to understand is the game is a month old. Before that, there was a limited beta testing period where they were just fixing bugs, not creating new content. A ton of work went into the leveling experience in this game and, to be quite honest, it's the most fun I've had playing a game in quite a while. Yes, the end game is lacking. Give them time to add content and it'll be fine. This is Bioware's first excursion into the world of MMO's and it's a completely different beast than your average RPG development process.


    Wait it out, give it time, do something else in the meantime if you have to. If you didn't want to deal with bugs or running out of content, you shouldn't have jumped immediately into an MMO at launch. Every single one of them will disappoint you in some manner or another. /rant.

  13. I bolded the two sections that are conflicting in your rationale.


    You say that Armormech and Synthweaving (widely perceived as two of the weakest professions) are better than Cybertech because they can craft gear that is used primarily for people leveling or companions (ie orange or rating 124 gear) and then suggest that all of Cybertechs mods and armorings are useless after end game (also rating 124).


    Cybertech can also craft Mods and Armorings higher than level 49 and 124 rating via schematic drops in HM Operations just like Armormech or Synthweaving can. Except their items are BoE in nature and potentially could be sold if your guild were in excess of Raid materials.










    Same idea.


    If you really want to complain, you should complain about Armstech which gets absolutely no raid schematic drops at present.


    All the skills need new drops. The crafting system in general needs an overhaul

  14. The problem with crafting and most other things in this game is that people keep whining for "Balance". Crafting, classes, pve, pvp, quests and any other thing should not be balanced in a mmorpg.


    So, everyone should pick the same skills, roll the same class, use the same spec, same rotation, run the same bosses, PVP the same time of day, and run the same quests over and over. That sounds like a -fantastic- game to me.




    On a more serious note, I agree. It does need balance. And I understand the game is just over a month old. But they've already added in what they call a "fix" that did almost nothing to adjust things. They lowered the heal by about 15% or so. Thing is, even with that difference, Biochem still massively out powers every other crafting skill.

  15. So, the biggest problem with crafting skills at the moment is quite obviously balance. Biochem leaves every other skill in the dust. The patch that was supposed to "fix" this, didn't do nearly enough. It gave the skill a relatively minor overall nerf and did nothing to the other skills that desperately need a buff.


    Now, I don't expect there to be a magic fix all that makes everything all better. MMO Development is a constant battle for balance. Really though, I am a bit disappointed in the high end crafting for anything other than Biochem. Each crafting skill needs a specifically unique bonus that only they can use that is on par with every other crafting skill, or at least reasonably close. Whether this be as an add on to additional mod slots or just the ability to create and utilize better modifications, something needs to be addressed.

  16. Now I'm not sure if this was posted yet or not, I'm not reading through 9 pages of replies to check. It is possible to switch sides. It just takes -forever-. Once you cap on one side, any further gains to that decrease points you had on the opposing side. For instance, my sith assassin had about 600 lightside points. Once I reached 10k dark, the further gains of darkside points reduced the amount of lightside points I had. So, you can effectively switch alignments. It's just going to take you twice as long because you have to farm that 10k lightside, then 10k more to neutralize the darkside points you had.
  17. There are no bountiful/rich level 340+ missions for gemstones or lockboxes. Highest is abundant. You can still get purple gemstones from abundant missions if you crit (you'll get between 2-6 of them). If you buy crafting mission discoveries of 340 rank, you're guaranteed at least 4 purple gemstones, more if you crit.
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