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Everything posted by Lordmird

  1. What so you can point your mouse over your companion, and right click, and the system knows to attack the closest enemy? Sounds legit.
  2. Lordmird

    Hackers in PVP

    If you're server hasn't seen these "mythical hackers" then don't presume to know that they're just using "Predation" There's a difference between Predation and moving from one side of the map to another in under two seconds, all the while glitching as they do it.
  3. Lordmird

    Hackers in PVP

    The amount of hacking in PVP is getting rediculous. Reporting does nothing, apparently recording and uploading vids does nothing either..... What is there to do? It gets pretty stupid when you play Huttball, and it's 0-5 them in the first 30 seconds because of sped hacking. What's to be done?
  4. This is the right forum. EDIT: Sarcasm
  5. Can't read the content when your eyes are on fire though
  6. Is this T.V. show full of lore? I've seen a few episodes before but I assumed it was for young children
  7. canon* And I was just about to say about Vader's apprentice.....jokingly though... I wasn't aware any of TFU games were canon?
  8. Ehh, not in a good way. I meant the way that the first part has no breaks. It's one big paragraph which burns the eyes.
  9. My eyes started to burn before I could read the story. Changing up the format could bring in a lot of readers
  10. Worth it? None of it. Buy the gamble boxes and see if you can find something over 500k
  11. Welcome to the vast universe of Star Wars. You might want to check out Wookieepedia, it has pretty much everything about Star Wars on there. However, that being said.... Star Wars is an interesting universe, in the sense that it's lore *cannot* be learned in a matter of hours, days, or weeks. Your knowledge here is accumulated over months and years. If you're that interested, watch the movies, play the games, read the books, and research on Wookieepedia. Then, you have my permission to roleplay.
  12. I got 4. It took forever doing the test too
  13. Agreed. No offence, Xkeyon, but it's not a very good idea. At all. But that's why BIOWARE developed the game, and you didn't ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These new class threads just need to go away.
  14. I'm looking for 2 different types of fan-fic... Looking for an inquisitor one, that details the use of the force and is really in depth about the force Looking for a smuggler one, one that's not stereotypical and being chased by bounty hunters the minute the story starts. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Edit: I realize a little too late this might not be the best place to ask. However, what's done is done. Please, and thankyou's
  15. Even us force users have a hard time catching ourselves with the Force. It's not that easy. Trust me
  16. She left enough time between now and when George made 4 bil from the Star Wars franchise to *not* make it look suspicious.
  17. Buuuuut fixing the Codex doesn't bring EA / WARE any money now does it? Cartel Market does. Makeb expansion does. Codex fix does not. BIOWARE doesn't hear the sound of their customer's complaints. BIOWARE only hears the sound of their customer's money.
  18. Yea, I reckon I'll be doing a "If you had" thread every week. Nice explanation too
  19. You think that's bad? Obviously you've never taken a Jawa's Nutella. Needless to say, i didn't wake up the next morning.
  20. Loving the ideas.... For me, dual shoto's, one green, one red. If I had to have another, I'd steal the idea of the green "Dooku's blade".
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