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    Drawing, painting, having fun!
  • Occupation
    Concept Artist
  1. Ishu


    Not quite sure what you mean by that, but if you ask for the refference i've used it was a google image of boba fett i guess, can't remmember tho i did this over a year ago.
  2. No, no and NO! It's not like an offspec it's an entire class, you wnat it, create another character. That's how it works. It's similiar to what lineage 2 offered all those years ago, for example you started as a mage ( or magi, cannot remmember) then at some lvl you were given a chocie of becoming a necromancer, summoner, sorceror, or cleric. The same system is impelemented here, deal with it.
  3. Ishu


    Hello Dear Star Wars fans; He's an art i did well over a year ago, but it's still in the topic so ... http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/061/5/0/Bounty_Hunter_by_Icecoldart.jpg You can also check my art blog at: http://icecoldart.blogspot.com/
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