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  1. I posted a similar thread, here with some suggestions. But it was in the wrong forum apparently. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=809495
  2. I would have put it in the best place but I never post so didnt know where Lwts hope the devs look here sometimes...
  3. I know they arrived with Rishi and the so called new class quests. I thought at the time well these suck. I assumed it was because the devs couldn't be bothered to include a separate class quest pointing each class where to go. But now they are a permanent feature it seems. Its OK to focus on PVP as they speak the loudest and provide new raids with every patch for players who like to do that sort of thing. But to make virtually every instance now a personal instance sucks big time for the people who like to play in small groups. PLEASE bring back the old "Group" instances especially now as they make a minute difference to the class stories. Or make it so you can select to go in as a group.
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