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Posts posted by WindywaIker

  1. My experiences from the beta forums says I'm right. If you were there you'd know about the constant shock and complaining about how this wasn't the game veteran SWG players expected,which when pressed,they described SWG 2.0.


    Every day there was a new post complaining about it or a suggestion thread that basically said if BW made TOR a version of SWG 2.0 it would be a huge hit. Coincidentally or not, the majority of the OPs in these threads had toon and server names from SWG in their signatures.


    All you have to do is look through some of the posts in this thread and do all little reading between the lines to see that some people are clearly disappointed this is not SWG 2.0. It's glaringly obvious.


    My sig is like this because i signed up when the forums came out. Something like 2 years ago. Honestly it is not changed because im to lazy to do so.

  2. I have tried to stay out of this. The argument about which game is better is a stupid one. SWG came out in June of 2003. That was 9 years of content, not to mention pre-release development. Just like WOW has been out since 2004. Here is a secret that only those who played on release of both those games know. They both sucked. SWG was bugged almost beyond playability the first 3 months or so. WoW, there was very little there. It was bugged as well.


    Is there end game here? No. How much end game did WoW have the first year? SWG... I think it was 2 years or so before there was any decent end game. But to compare a game that just came out to games that have been out for years is stupidity. The graphics here are hands down better of course. It is newer. There is not as much content, yet. Content will come.


    Crafting in SWG was harder. It was more involved. And it meant that only those who placed their machines in a certain location first were the only ones for an entire year to be able to get decent mats. If someone came into the game in 2008 or so, they had no chance of getting into crafting. That is a flaw. Player housing. I loved the housing. Player cities were awesome. But I wouldn't want to see them again. There was too much chaos with building cities and stuff. But the decorations, in a ship and in a house were awesome.


    JTL was the greatest feature of SWG, IMO. The only reason I ever thought of going back to it was JTL.


    SWG had its good and it's bad. I no longer have 8 hours a day to play though. I play an hour a day, at the most. For my lifestyle, TOR is better suited for me, and others who have a life outside of video games. The vastness that was SWG made it almost unplayable for those of us who couldn't play a lot. And I am certain you will find more people like me, than people who can play for 25+ hours a week.


    In summary, don't compare a game almost a decade old to one now.


    What are you talking about? Resources moved on about a weekly basis.


    Also resources came from creatures as well. So hides and meats and all that stuff, you didnt need a machine for.

  3. EMU still works fine. The human graphics are a big buggered up though. Have a look on Google there are a few EMUs opening soon. But they won't be as good as the original IMO.


    Yea i was one of the people that was around when the emu first started the guys are from my server. and we had the most populous emu server (spraticnet) until we got tired of waiting, I hear the emu is very glitchy still, if that fixes i will happily go back

  4. To each thier own, i played on and off for 8 years....guess my 1st prof, go on guess....and the 3 things you listed were 3 of the 4 things i had zero intrest in, the 4th being space.




    So did you just go unbuffed on your rancor hunts? because if you had no interest in the social aspects you could not be buffed. Nor could you buy armor because that was from other players as well.

  5. For the most part, the biggest challenge in swg was becoming a jedi pre-pub 9, other than that, there wasn't much challenge. Your really splitting hairs, you realize that? What you mention can be done in this game in somewhat of a similar manner, its not exactly the same, but pretty close. The only you mentioned that this game does need to add is player housing that all the closet home interior decorators have something to do, and player bounties. For the most part player bounties became better in the nge, so i can let that pass for now.


    Ever went 1 on 1 with a Jedi, (not as a stacker) that sure as hell was a challenge, Had to time your food properly, spice (im not the biggest star wars fan but shouldnt that be available in the game) Drinks, proper states. I only states here are root and armor reduction.

  6. As a day 1 SWG vet and a last day member i have to say most of you are delusional.


    Pre-NGE was not a golden age, it was boring, it was expolitable, it was elitist, it was bugged beyond belief, it was unbalanced to the point of absurdity. And admit it or not by 2004 the game was bleeding subs by the thousands per month due to bordem and poor game design. In the end all that was left were quasi-religious SWG zealots (most of whom are populating this thread it seems) who had delusions that the game was good and everyone but themselves was an imbecile for not realising it.


    Some of you have got to have saddle sores from sitting on your high horses so long.


    Sadly I believe your wrong here, I think with some sort of community in this game this thread would not exist.


    Exploitable and unbalanced SWG Definitely was, theres no way to balance the hundred of thousands of templates possible.


    Now for me im not even a Star Wars fan (im sure that will get me in trouble on these forums) So me sticking around for Star Wars definitely isnt the case.


    As far as SWG being elitist if definitely was not. I was in high school at the time, which meant i had very little time to play. And i was still extremly competitive as a pistoleer or as a tkm/bh which definitely were not the best pvp classes when you had to face stackers. My gear was barely average, and i could still dominate a match due to skill and intelligence and not due to the fact i played the game 46 million hours more then the next guy so my armor is better.

  7. Again to say who would win comes to numbers , that is all ....

    SWG not a very big community and never got off the ground

    TOR made records in sales and community of active players


    SWG lasted 7 years

    TOR just came out accouple months ago


    If TOR last longer than 7 years it would have beaten it on every level . CloneWars Multiplayer right now has larger numbers of Active players over SWG .


    SOE made a mistake in how they made SWG but if they would have done it anyother way it would not have been the SWG you guys loved . SOE admits there mistake but said it was not worth making SWG into a F2P game with really low community.


    In the end the players decided who wins and loses and simply enough there are more players right now on TOR than SWG ever had. This can change and I know this like anyother old school MMO player but until it does , numbers give TOR win !


    Speaking of theme park , I seem to remember "Jedi Theme Park" that was in SWG ........just another reason I am happy this is not SWG and nothing of SWG is in this game !


    Yea this game has a bigger community numbers wise. But nothing in this game is community building, so honestly, that doesnt matter.

  8. I think you are mistaken sir. WoW was the bestest game evar and Blizzards is the mostest amazingest devloper in tha worlds. Nevar could there be bugs in the World of Warcraft! Simply working in the building next door to Blizzard means your poo will never stink due to your proximity to the greatness that is Blizzard and WoW.



    Delusional thoughts.

  9. I dont really care what they do, whether it be server merges or paid transfers, I just want them to do SOMETHING. I am fairly new to the MMO scene, I'm not going to lie, and I play in the TELOS RESTORATION PROJECT server. I understand that it is my fault for picking this server from the get go, its just that I was under the assumption to NOT pick a heavy server, since it would become over-populated. (My mistake). It just sucks that someone like myself who is an MMO noob has extreme difficulty finding ANYONE to group with, no matter I am trying to do. I play very often, but would LOVE to get the full MMO experience and join a guild but even that is difficult in the server im in. Its sucks, BIG TIME!!!


    Its definitely not your fault im on Port Nowhere, an above average server and i still cant group.

  10. I wish everyone would stop calling every new game that comes out a WOW clone. You all seem to forget that WOW was created based off of ideas taken from Everquest I. If you want to call something a clone, call it an Everquest Clone, because Everquest is where all modern MMO's have taken their roots from.


    Well I've never played Everquest. So the first MMO i saw like this was WoW therefore in my eyes its a WoW clone, but your probably right.

  11. This is pretty much the worst logic I've read in a while ^


    You didn't like the game so that means NOTHING in it was good? That's just silly.


    Why would this game suddenly need to become "slow and painful" to implement something good from SWG, like a good space game, or a good crafting system?


    They don't need to make EVERYTHING in the game like SWG to borrow some of it's better ideas.


    You people act there's two choices, WoW clone or SWG clone :confused:


    The best MMO would take the best ideas from all other games.



    This guy here has the right idea.

  12. Let me guess though, you quit right before the nge, didnt you? I dont disagree with you about how the earlier days were better than the nge, but to say that not one swg player didn't enjoy nge is bogus and a little misinformed. The nge lasted 5 years after, I dont see many people who hate it to play it until the game dies. What great features did swg have at launch? most of it was added pub 3 and on up until the curb and what people claim to be universal great features of swg was added later in the games life.


    The greatest feature of SWG was the crafting and housing.


    I was not a crafter but i did have a house... No one from Pre-cu/CU played the NGE, past the first week anyway. I would estimate 80% of NGE players never tried pre-cu

  13. What made swg complicated? You mean the nge that was utterly an embrassment and horrible in design. That was complicated. Please dont say pre-cu or cu was complicated either when they've been dead for years now.


    What is with all of you people talking about the NGE. No one cares about the NGE and to 95% of SWG players that was not the real SWG. Take the NGE out of this discussion, no one is referencing it.

  14. I actually like both games a lot. I know SWG kept my playing for a long time, and I'm not sure that this game will do that unless they fix the PvP end game. But this game still has a lot of potential in my opinion.


    I just wish they would take some of the really great things about SWG, clean them up, and use them here, instead of taking so many of their ideas from WoW.


    I honestly think thats what everyone wants... You could even keep the combat from this game, but the rest of the SWG elements should have been implemented.

  15. SWG the worst MMO to ever enter tha market !

    "CloneWars" Multiplayer Game has more Subs than SWG ever had ! Just pointing out the Facts!


    In the end TOR beats SWG in everything , because nothing SWG had brought in real subs !

    TOR Has more SUBS than SWG ever had



    SWG was a DeadGame from the start !

    Deadgame is a DEADGAME !


    Obviously TOR has more subscribers the MMO community now is much bigger then it was in 03/04 So duh, of course theres more people.

  16. If you compare swg as the state it ended to this game, your wrong. Gear matter in swg as much as it does now, but to be honest getting pvp gear in this game, isn't really hard.


    Definitely pre-cu. NGE was the worst game i've ever played

  17. You know Galaxies definitely had its flaws. A defense stacker duel shouldnt last 2 hours. CMs should not poison for 2k.. simple fixes.. maybe a 200 poison or something, but it was a game ahead of its time. Hopefully another game (star wars or not) comes out like it. I feel in a sandbox game it is extremely difficult to balance everything, probably impossible so something will always be under/over powered. In SWG templates were over powered, here, gear is over-powered. In SWG meh gear and still drop a jedi as a BH tkm, simply cause of intelligence. Here it doesnt matter.
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