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    Arlington, TX
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    NAVY Cardiovascular Tech
  1. LOL woulda GKICKED your tank a LONG time ago. LAWL Guild wont last because of annoying tank.
  2. You linked directly to twitch.tv Try linking to your stream instead. Might work better
  3. Here's my input: Belsavis World Boss x12: ONLY ever seen magenta +33 endurance schematic drop Hoth World Boss (Gargrath) x9: NEVER seen any schematic drop (he drops lvl 45+ purple gear) Hoth World Boss (Snowblind lvl 44) x8: Drops low level stuff. I haven't seen any schematics I had SOMEONE tell me they had the +33 power gem but when I asked him to link it to me he went afk (troll?). If schematics do drop from the Hoth world bosses I have yet to see them.
  4. Yea our Primal Destroyer bugs out after the first kill after each server reset and never respawns. I know its supposed to be every 2 hours but on Death Wind Corridor it dies once and never comes back. So...its an awesome pvp fest when it spawns after a patch. People want their pink light sabers pretty bad when they dont have anything else to do. I realize that the empire might hold SOME advantages in pvp, but in this OPvP is like beating your head against the wall (a la Halo vs Flood kind of ****)
  5. Is absurd. Having a highly contested mob right next to a Republic spawn point (read: zerg) was a great idea. Good foresight on that one.
  6. This dude is tough but doable however... IM NOT GETTING credit for the kill. I can't progress past this class quest cause the mob doesnt update my quest.
  7. Yea my group experienced the same thing. 3 boss loot chests that didnt open after completing all the bonus + bosses. Quite upsetting considering the amount of time and the tactics we had to use to beat those bosses
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