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Everything posted by StreetLethal

  1. Well that's just unprofessional. You're a spy. You were sent to spy on them. They found a way to make you a double agent. That's the way Cloak and Dagger works. Some of their agents could have used a bit more professional courtesy and not used you for their own private ends, but in the greater scheme of things that is more of a human resource issue than a governmental issue. Honestly, they had complete control over you, and could have made you into a party favor. Ultimately, joining the Empire or the Republic is a personal choice, and my Agent (when I get there) will probably remain with the Empire but the brain-washing thing was basically committed by both sides. If you're going to hold it against one, the other side balances it out to a zero sum.
  2. "Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…" W Churchill at the House of Commons 11 November 1947
  3. To answer for real. Hmm. There's all the "forgettable" characters for the reasons mentioned by others. But 'hate' is too strong a word because I just don't remember them enough to hate them. They have no impact on me. I personally like Kaliyo but I understand why so many do not. Strongly dislike Koth, much for the reasons others have mentioned. He's awfully judgmental for someone who has been participating in a guerrilla campaign for five years. You mean to tell me there has never been a single collateral damage casualty the entire time? This goes generally to the (very long time) theme entertainment has. That war can somehow be clean and heroes never kill. It was forced on the audience by moral crusaders in the 50s and 60s but the time has long passed. Sometimes people gotta die. There's actually an Old Trek show which address this. "A Taste of Armageddon", written by Gene Coon. The Enterprise finds two warring worlds running their battles by computer simulations. Once the results are calculated, people just report to disintegration chambers for a humane and bloodless death. Typical Kirk fashion, we ignore the Prime Directive and blow up the computers. The leaders are horrified that they might have real war with death and pain and suffering so they work out a peace. I know I side tracked, but the point is that War is terrible and awful and bad things happen. I hate characters that seem oblivious to this fact. And Koth really seems to be that guy who doesn't get it. Despite the hypocrisy of basically having been Kaliyo himself for all intents and purposes. Apparently causing destruction and killing police who are just doing their job is only okay if He does it, not if anyone else does.
  4. Really? After going through the storylines once or twice to play with options, I almost always have the Shipdroid as a constant companion. He never seems to care about any of my choices so I can do whatever I want. Sending Companions on Crew Skill Missions and Gifting raises their attitude enough for me. I use HK for much of the same reason, once I get a skin to change his looks.
  5. I always thought naming her Juda was a little too much on the nose. From the moment I met her, I kept waiting for her to do some sort of betrayal.
  6. Above all, Kaliyo has the best battle cry. "Dibs on the head!" Sure beats the whiny 'I am so good enough' crap from Mako or Kehm's constant threats to eat you when he gets a chance.
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