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Posts posted by kongol

  1. Max, cmon now. Don't backpedal. Every single post that you make just makes it seem like you are not enjoying the game anymore. Plus, if you do not like the way the game is going to be changed why don't you just take a break? Think it through! Don't burn yourself out. Just relax and see what YOU want! :)


    thats funny from you... There are no bugs or problems on this game . Move along... Keep your eye on the target everythings perfect...

  2. No, you're not the only one. Looking forward to it myself.. and Tuesday is one of my days off so I can enjoy it.


    yes you need medication as anyone that doesnt like new stuff they claim is great and on its way should be killed.... i think you need to live say some where around Syria with people of your like mindedness..

  3. Titles gone ok.. But ALL the companions will be the same.. No matter how you try and spin it. they will all be exact copies except for skins... pistol guys will be same sword blaster rifle etc... Devs stated they will all have exact same skills...


    So why even have them put in certain storys and not allow all of them they are all exact copys just let us chose hell you dont even have to change story as they all have same skills healer/tank/dps and can even use same voices..

  4. I have 22 toons on my main, half of which are top tier, the rest are PvP. But that doesn't matter.


    No, an extra 1200 to 1500 HP do not matter once you get past level 20. One extra hit has never mattered to me in combat. Damage bonus isn't that much either. You seem to think that the effect of presence at low levels stays constant throughout and it doesn't. But you just keep plugging away at your untenable position, I'm sure there has to be at least one other person out there that believes the same as you do. The rest of us know better.


    Trying to convince someone who has decided that they are right after countless people have proven them wrong is basically a waste of time. If you don't like the game, that's your business. Since everyone else seems to not be having your problems, I'd say you may want to look at how you are doing things as it seems to be the wrong way.

    No ones proved anything.. and i do agree it a waste of time talking to some people.. Have fun..

  5. Every last one of those gets deleted. I don't even go to Coruscant to get it and then sell it when the timer runs out. They aren't worth my effort. I can do better with crafted and loot drops.


    And no, 400 Presence isn't that big a deal as you get higher level. Sorry, it just doesn't add enough to matter. But if you think it does, what is stopping you from leveling up toons and raising their affection to max?


    The new system works the same for everyone. There is nothing I have that you can't get and there is nothing I currently have that makes leveling any different for me than it does for someone who doesn't have it. Not even presence.


    i can understand most of it but your companions getting 1200 to 1500 extra Hit points inst a big deal? not to mention damage bonus and such.OK no ones home..

    I probably have more leveled toons than you... But since people where talking about leveling problems i started a new toon or 2 on a new server... You say you dont see a difference i dont believe you have even tried.. Will just cal it a dissagreement and move on,,,

  6. But what does this have to do with the difference between Talent Trees and Disciplines?


    Still don't know what you mean by "Legacy Weapons" though.


    It seems like you are equating having multiple characters of high level being able to help out at low level, which to me means you are upset that you're using green loot gear while someone leveling up their 4th or 14th character uses the credits and crew skills from higher level toons to keep their toon geared up.


    Which again, still doesn't explain how this has any effect on Trees vs Disciplines.


    If you are a low level toon and you are using sub-par gear then yes, you are going to have a tough go at it...regardless of how AC skills are done now. And no, you aren't going to have the credit income possibilities that someone with multiple high level toons will have.


    Welcome to MMO's.


    But before you say anything else, understand that as an experiment I leveled a toon from scratch without any help from any other toon I had. While I can't do anything about the presence bonus my new toon companions get, it isn't that big a deal once you hit the high teens, low twenties. Before then, yeah, companions tear up mobs but they eventually come back to a more moderate role. When that toon hit 55 I had banked 6 million credits and had gear earned only from loot, rewards, comms and flashpoints that allowed me to jump into Flashpoints.


    The new system doesn't change that at all. Unless you are skipping planetary content like most people did during the 12x xp thing, you'll get more than enough gear to keep yourself and a companion geared well enough to level easily.


    So please, explain how any of this has anything to do with the pre-3.0 system and the post-3.0 system.


    SO you have never recived an item to go purchase weapons and such with a blue shield on them and they can be moved thru your legacy freely? ANd claim you played several toons to 55? Also 400 presence bonus effects everything a companion does including healing...its a big deal all the way to level 50ty



    Im not saying new system is crap im saying it works allot different for new guys and such not using legacy bonuses and such...

  7. Well, there's the class buff unlocks, the various companion bonuses, and the Human presence bonus.


    I assume those are what kongol meant. None of those are really significant even taken together though.


    Maybe HK and Treek?


    400 presence alone is a huge bonus at lower levels... legacy weapons another large bonus ,, tweek and HK yea... but those first 2 are rather large bonuses not to mention handing of credits and equipment...

  8. Heh. I actually lol'd. I'm only talking about PvE. The only difference between PvE and PvP in the old trees was the optimized builds took different talents.


    Now, they use different utilities.


    My classes so far haven't changed much in PvE. I'm not to 60 in every AC yet but getting close and I've yet to see a difference in playability. Yeah, some skills that I had regardless of what tree I went up are now tied to a specific discipline but I didn't need Harpoon while DPSing anyway.


    Thats also because your useing legacy etc.. handing off equipment... Try a new toon no legacy... You will see what people are talking about... Most of the people saying it plays the same are all in 55 plus toons and or Large legacy perks..

  9. Posting out of boredom at work...

    The TL;DR version of my post is this: the skill points are far from useless and in many cases you DO have to make a choice between more useful ones. The fact that the thread starter is not even level 60 yet says it all. If the only thing you are doing in this game is leveling and maybe SM flashpoints then no wonder you find the skills useless. You are playing the easiest content of the game. Try pvp or at least the story mode level 60 operations (not even talking about HM or NiM mode ops) and suddenly you'll want more and more of those skills.


    My main is a sage dps so I'm going to demonstrate how useful skills are in that tree. I'm pretty sure someone who mains another spec (and plays his spec of choice at an at least advanced level!) could do the same.



    If I was a sage healer this could be quite useful. A free aoe heal. If I'm in an operations fight which is healing intensive and my healers struggled a lot I may take this as a sage dps to help out whenever I can.


    Bonus damage resistance is always nice, in many cases you take unavoidable raid damage as dps, but hey, you can mess up something, fail to move out of a circle because of lag, so it still may be useful. Every bit of damage reduction helps.


    Here is something useful for you levelers. Force quake was buffed significantly in 3.0 and trash packs die quite fast even without taking this skill point. Don't tell me this isn't useful. And guess what, it even may be useful in operations, at boss fights which have lots of adds and in need of good aoe damage.


    This is a good bonus your healers and even you yourself receive, in case you need to heal yourself. This definitely helps out your team.


    Very good PVP skill. Not useful in operations but in any type of pvp this is a must. It may even help in leveling if you have trouble fighting some stronger mob.


    The reduced CD on stun is quite good in pvp. Also remember if you took Humility then this also means even more damage reduction. And once again, if you are having trouble with a pull while leveling, this may help you out.


    Well, if that percentage is really only 5% then it's quite useless, but it possibly is only a typo. Project is not used in any of the sage rotations normally, it's use is situational. For example if you don't have any instant cast abilities and the mob would die in 1,5 secs anyway it's better to cast project on it. It is still useful in pvp for kiting, and then it's a direct damage increase.


    So we are done with ONLY the skillful skills yet and not one of them is completely useless. There are useful things here for you if you are leveling only and just smashing through mobs with forcequake or if you are pvping, or if you are doing operations. Also, you can't take all of them obviously, so you have to choose from them, depending on what you plan on doing. But even if you know what you'll be facing you still may want more than 3, how much you usually take.


    Should I go on and explain why the masterful and heroic skills are useful? I don't think there is a point, but if you really want to, I'll do it.


    Doesnt work all that way for some of the classes... like a bonus to force quake yea great now look at sweeping slash LOL that 25% isnt so great...

  10. Go back and look at the old skill trees again. Take a good look. You had three trees. Each tree required you to use 5 points to open the next tier. Quite often, you had to put points in a talent you didn't want in order to get one you did. If you look at the old trees subjectively you can easily see that you were even more "cookie cuttered" than you are right now.


    The only difference between the two was the ability to make a hybrid by going about halfway up two trees. Since balancing for hybrids is very difficult, MMO's in general look for ways to break them. SWTOR has done that previously by moving talents farther up trees to make them inaccessible with hybrids.


    In short, unless you were playing a hybrid you were already playing a cookie cutter BH. If you were playing a hybrid, you were doing something unintended and it was going to get broken somehow. Most games breaking hybrid builds require you to reach the top of one tree before you can spend points in another, others remove the ability to go up more than one tree and then there are some that remove the tree altogether.


    The new system allows greater flexibility than you ever had with the trees, especially when it comes to optimized. For every person throwing points in the odd talent there are a thousand following the same exact build that was the most optimized for the class. With the new system, utilities allow you flexibility. And you can easily change builds within an AC. I'll spend more time changing my UI from DPS to Tank now instead of reallocating tree points to the most optimized build.


    And before you say "I didn't use the most optimized build"..if you didn't, you were a detriment to your group. You weren't doing the best you could with healing, tanking or dps if you weren't using an optimized build. No matter what excuse you try to come up with, if you weren't optimized you were a weak link that could have been better.


    I'm not disappointed at all with the new discipline system. It took what the majority of players were doing anyway and made it the standard while giving us a choice of utilities that we can change at need. It made spec swapping much faster and easier and will allow AC balancing to be done better. I can't believe it wasn't done sooner.


    yes its great for all that in PvP not so much PvE

  11. Stop splitting hairs. You know what they mean. You aren't going to find ways to up your damage (directly) in the utility side of the tree. The utility side of the tree is designed for play style choices and to give meaningful changes to the class.


    Everything you "need" (+dps, +healing, additional abilities) comes from the left side (aka the path side). They have chosen in 3.0 to make sure everyone who plays that AC get everything in that path. You no longer have to choose it.


    That way no one can willfully avoid specific talents and upgrades. It makes the classes much more streamlined and leaves meaningful choice up the user. There is nothing meaningful about choosing to take +1,2,3 to damage 100% of the time.

    And your saying the utilitys are meaningful choices.. FOr PvP maybe...

  12. Well mostly i play PvE as i like Star wars storys...i Have 16 toons so i could have 2 of each type and try them all.. but so far the utilitys all seem PvP... like the 25% damage bonus on 1 utility or the 5 % reduction to incoming damage on another... for th 25% bonus damage to say sweeping slash.. err ok it was a weak attack no one used now its a Normal attack YOU might use if you mess up an aggro 3 or more Mobs... the 5 %damage thing err ok yea not mush but better than nothing...Other than those 2 I am not seeing much for PvE...
  13. What else would you call them? They're a lot closer to tantrums than they are to anything constructive.


    Until people stop asking for skill trees back there's no real way to have a dialog anyway, since skills trees are definitely not coming back.


    True but the utility lovers only comment to say Well its better.... And it is for PvP...

  14. You still don't get it.


    And please don't be one of "those people" that picks apart the post and analyzes and gets defensive on every one of the sentences just to get your point across.


    So in other words its great but you have no response other than ITS great and will be better but i dont know how LOL trolls

  15. well this is all fine for the Pvp GUYS ... but i prefer PvE and most of the utilitys on my 16 toons all seem for PvP and very few are useful outside of it... like the 25% more damage one for a skill thats already so weak that.. no one would use them anyway... buffed some as they are not really useful past getting ship mission... 1 utitliy that adds some damage reduction... on a few classes.... as i said just about all three levels of utilitys are just PvP skills...
  16. That's not been my experience at all. I'm on Harbinger and it's packed. PUG raids everywhere. There are a ton of old players returning and new ones checking it out thanks to ads/friends. It's going to get nuts when the movies come out too. Great time to be playing this game.


    Not according to the servers when yo look at them... logged on for 12 hours and kept tabs... standard is as high as it got... Most of the servers say Light.... althru the fact they are removeing all skill costs for trees skills right before release might get allot more free guys on...

  17. You hit the nail on the head there. Until you can come up with a logical counter to anything I said, all you sound like is whining toddler. If your perception that losing anything despite what replaces it is bad, or money sink is bad, then you are the definition of entitled brat.


    Well to be honest you didnt provide logic you provided your opinion which is different..

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