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Everything posted by Dajag

  1. This is a symptom of the disease. Get more Valor get better gear, get better gear get more Valor. PvP players are trying to get to Valor 60+ so they can wear their ubar gear and they want to get there the fastest way possible. Whats the fastest way? DAMAGE' DAMAGE' DAMAGE ! Why heal anyone? you hardly get any medals for that. Why cap a node? unless it's easy and convenient to add to your total, if you have to work for and might die forget it. It's not the scoreboard it's the Valor for gear disease that brings this behavior. It's no different in PvE raiding, get the best gear as fast as you can at all costs. Look at it this way, once you get to 50 and valor 60+ you can find a good PvP guild, make a premade and win, win, win. Because you will have out geared your opponents and they wont stand a chance, till either they get geared or the next patch adds higher gear.
  2. I am a good healer and know my class well, but I am no match for any DPS class that knows what they are doing. Yeah I don't die fast but they will wear me down and kill me. Most of the time though I get marked and get gang stunned and interupted to death by good groups. If your going 1vs2 or more you are going to lose if they have a healer. Its not that the healer is overpowered its that they out played you.
  3. There is a point at the 5 min mark of this video that shows just how silly everyone is when they ***** about the Sorc bubble ( Static Barrier ) The Marrauder rips through the Barrier in about three swings and kills the Sorc, I hope Bioware see this stuff and does not listen to the Cry Baby BSers on this.
  4. Back to subject of the OP now that we heard enough from the tread stealers. Yes there is way too much CC, stuns in this game are just horrid. Resolve is a joke and dissipates way to fast. Heres the life of a healer whos been marked: Stun, Stun, break stun, stun, death, stare at force field and rebuff... rinse and repeat. The stun break ability should have a cool down of 30 seconds in PvP and after you have been stunned twice you should have a 1 minute immunity. Resolve does not work as intended I have been stunned upward of 10 seconds at a time, no stun should last more than 3 seconds and all stuns should be broken the minute you take damage in PvP. Stuns should be used to let distance players get their distance and stealth players get off their one big attack. Stuns should not be used to hold players locked down for 10+ seconds and focus slaughter them over and over again. Bioware this is not working it did not work in War Hammer and it wont work here Just suck it up and say, "ok we were wrong and we are going to change it"! Trust me you will be happy you did and so will your players.
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