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  1. And by the game, I mean bow down to the Sith. I'm curious if you get shocked and choked for being disrespectful, or whether it's pretty much a power fantasy like the majority of the classes. I kind of like how my Sith Warrior is basically the greatest being the Empire has ever produced, and everyone is terrified of him. But it was jarring on my Trooper to be able to get away with some of the stuff I did. I plan to play an initially rebellious or callow Agent, who quickly learns the hard way to at least pretend to be respectful to the Sith. I'm just wondering if it's possible.
  2. By choice? Probably an traveler, a holographer, probably as a Jedi of Luke's NJO. Married to a nice Twi'lek girl. Though i might also choose to be Anzati for the immense lifespan. If i was just dumped in the galaxy? Probably dead in a gutter. I wouldn't choose to live in the eras listed in the OP at all, to be honest. They just don't strike me as homely as the the later eras, even if gallatically not a great deal is all that different. I don't know why, but the old Republic is somewhere I like to visit for games, like KOTOR or TOR, but they aren't my favorite settings for a 'life/living' fantasy. I suppose because the Sith and their Empire's are still so vast and powerful. Even in the Clone Wars, Gallactic Empire, and pre-Vong eras the galaxy seemed more quiet on the whole. The Clone Wars only lasted 3 years. Life under the empire was harsh, but if you didn't mind living off the grid/in the Outer rim it wasn't so terrible. The Remnant years were generally fairly peaceful if you weren't part of the military. And even the Vong war, while horrific, was fairly contained to one-third of the galaxy if I recall. In the pre-Bane eras the wars pretty much sucked up everything and nearly every one.
  3. Thanks, that helps a great deal. My Knight is only on the early portion of Taris at the moment, and level 18, so i'm not too far along yet. I'll try and shy away from too many outright lightside choice, as I go on. I will likely do both; i'll use Kira to have him break the code in starting their relationship, and have him come to share some of her issues, and then the other situation and companion can be what finally pushes things to the brink. After all, i'm hoping the games storyline will make some headway at a later date. So the 'end' isn't really the end.
  4. "It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it." So, my Jedi Knight is a goody two-shoes, aside from Kira being his weakness. I have decided I want to explore the dark side on the Knight, as my Sage is my real lightside character. I want to experience the Anakin to my Shadows Obi-Wan, so to speak. I heard that the plot of the Sage doesn't really fit dark side choices, and the character I designed wouldn't pick them anyway. I planned to have him generally be good, but as he romances Kira, start to make more selfish, proactive, (and protective) choices and for him to steadily get more and more ruthless when dealing with the Sith as their various evils begin to erode his self control. The issue is, I don't know the storyline all that well, so i'm not sure how to 'pace' my choices to the desired end. Nor do I know if being dark will even have any relevance towards the end. Is the ending satisfying either way? Is there any sort of difference? Can the character still marry Kira? In the same way her lack of regard for the rules will erode his own adherence to the Jedi, can she in turn be corrupted to the dark side like Bastilla could? I'm just hoping for some advice and information from more experienced players. I don't mind spoilers, in fact they would help me chart my course some. I'm more interested in the overall journey.
  5. I'm not going to be bullied or cowed into not sharing my idea because you have a bone to pick with the developers over lingering bugs. Have an issue with them not fixing bugs? Take it to them, in the appropriate thread. Edit: To be a little less rude. My irritation got the better of me.
  6. Thats a fair point, and something I hadn't considered. Actually making it is an improvement over just being dismissive. The use would be to take potshots at enemies, for fighting in low-level areas while roleplaying. I like to roleplay while interacting with what the devs gave us, rather than cloistered away in a cantina or the Jedi Temple. Or to take potshots in a duel, purely for the purpose of visually playing out a fight. Even just being able to draw it, and take the stance. I can only repeat what I said before: If I wanted to just use my imagination, I wouldn't be playing an MMO, i'd be playing Edge of the Empire or Star wards D20 with my friends. Not paying a sub and for cartel coins to a visual and interactive medium, and making such a request on a forum designed specifically for this purpose and not bug squashing. I can see the point about the above, however, and that would be an issue that would have to be thought through first. Aren't there already belts that seem to ahve holstered blasters? I'm pretty sure there are ones with lightsabers on them. Either way, I see your point, but I can see a point to using it - and I listed a couple above. Thats for explaining your reasoning. I disagree, except the exploit issue which would have to be worked around, but see where you are coming from.
  7. Fair enough, though i'm unsure why the approach you are using is quite so needlessly confrontational and dismissive. It doesn't exactly warm people to your opinion, nor increase credibility. 'Deal with it'? You would think we were talking about a change that would be the equivalent of the NGE. I stand by my suggestion. If I wanted to just use my imagination, I wouldn't be playing an MMO, i'd be playing Edge of the Empire or Star wards D20 with my friends. Not paying a sub and for cartel coins to a visual and interactive medium, and making such a request on a forum designed specifically for this purpose and not bug squashing. Only of use to RPers. Hm, have you checked the Market recently? A small but respectable portion of the items are for RPers. Perhaps a little more diplomacy in your approach? I can see your point, but the manner of you posts makes me want to argue on principle or just not respond, the latter of which i'd choose as I have no particular desire to derail the thread. That's not an attack by any means, just letting you know how it came across to me.
  8. Hm, I do believe you missed what I am saying. I never asked to be able to use abilities, just hold the weapon and auto attack. Lord of the Rings Online even has joke/fluff weapons, such as forks, spades and so forth. They do 1-2 damage.
  9. The animations are there, and there is no good reason why my Sentinel shouldn't be able to pick up a blaster pistol and be able to pull the trigger for 1-30 damage. It's hardly something that could be exploited or some such, but it would have a great deal of use in roleplay. Same for other classes. What if you want to roleplay as a Jedi, but the class you took to 55 and have an attachment to is a Smuggler/Trooper? You can get robes... but not a toy Lightsaber, because you don't have the pre-req skill? When I next get my subscriber coin payment, I plan to buy the republic trooper armor for my frail Consular, if only because it was something that never made sense for a Jedi fighting on the front lines to wear the equivalent of ceremonial gown. Something the Clone Wars did very right, when it suited it. It would be nice to be able to add a blaster rifle to that purchase for roleplay.
  10. Thanks for the replies, I guess I will try it and see how it goes. =)
  11. Hm, its less the darkside/lightside than I actually want to roleplay my character, and be a 'good man' working for the Empire. From what i've seen, Kaliyo generally doesn't like it when you are nice, or fair, or compassionate, or... ect...
  12. Hey all I've been playing a Jedi Shadow up til now, and don't feel like going to Inquisitor to basically go through the same class. So I decided I would probobly go for a stealthy close-range Agent. A big part of this was Kaliyo. I always found Jck in ME2 to be a facinating companion, and they seem to be cut from the same cloth, or similair. However, I watched some of her scenes on youtube and from the looks of it you seem to have to share her views on life, whereas in ME2 you could 'fix' Jack. Kaliyo seems to be an unrepentant nutjob. Is it possible (aside from gift-spamming) to Romance her as a good-natured Agent? I was hoping an Agent playthrough might make the month remaining til ME3 more bearable.
  13. I've been doing PvP for two days solid now, since I decided I want to have a lvl 50 set of PvP armor waiting for me. I've grabbed a few lvl 20 pieces and plan on building a lvl 40 set since they are so cheap... yet I don't understand how to get the level 50 gear. Under 50 it is simple, since you just use the comendations you earn in the battles. But the lvl 50 armor seems to require something else, and with no info on what. I was just wondering if anyone knew the process involved? Right now i'm just aimlessly fighting and hoarding points. I would appreciate some advice.
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