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Everything posted by Hiro

  1. pointless is only to prove to very obvious. guess all those ppl who have been whining for sorcerer nerfs for so long, just because they got blinded by the big WZ numbers which never had any use other then to tickle the opposite OPs, have a hard time accepting the fact that sorcerers actually suck for skilled, competitive PvP
  2. please ENABLE it tbh /say isnt enough makes absolutely not sense not being able to have rep talk with imps. both humanoid races. its possible for them to talk to each other in the movies. why shouldnt it be allowed in game? would actually help alot to build up a better community. to organize stuff that the game failed to organize (like pvp settings etc) not being able to wisper/email etc cross faction was one of the worst design deicsions of BW ever
  3. Hiro

    Sorc/Sage Friendly Pull

    thats actually the first reasonable argument "against friendly pull" i can remember in this entire thread. thanks for that. and i agree with you. emptying the resolve bar or rather stop grapple from filling the bar (didnt actually know that was the case) seems like an option to be discussed.
  4. Hiro

    Sorc/Sage Friendly Pull

    how is a friendly pull more overpowered then a hostile pull? or then a hostile leap? or a friendly leap? at the end its all the same.... still ppl only whine about the sorcerers pull... not all the rest. like said before: if you whine you have to remove all of those tools. which leaves us with a very very very boring game. in fact why not remove all classes and all skills. give everyone 1 hp and 1 attack skill that hits for 1. sounds really exciting... yey....
  5. Hiro

    Sorc/Sage Friendly Pull

    maybe you should read up the meaning of the word ignorance. or at least be more careful using it. specially if you say stuff like the above quote in the very same post. there are certain tools in this game given to different classes to make combat and pvp more entertaining. obviously you are looking for a zergfest game where you pick up the ball and slowly run it over to the other base without having any tools of interest. just walk, hit, heal.... sorry but thats nowhere challanging. if you are looking for this you might check out for a less advanced game. stuff like friendly pulls, hostile pulls, KBs, stuns, sprints... all that is there to make the game more complex and challanging. it requires setup, timing etc. taking all that away (and basicly you would have to either remove all of them or keep all of them.... otherwise your whining makes NO sense whatsoever) leaves us with a really really sad and boring game. funny how its the same ppl who pretend the game doesnt require much player skills and ask to remove tools at the same time....... that just doesnt seem right...
  6. i LOLed again can only repeat myself. salvation is the most useless healing spell for sages WZ pvp. like it was stated before: 95% of its purpose is to use it for fake casting. making it instant would only make it worse. for your marauder panic: i cant remember any marauder that was able to kill me 1v1 and i dont even have your holy salvation specced. the key is not to stand still in your stupid area heal and try to outheal the marauders dmg (which is impossible btw if he is any good), the key is to avoid his dmg by kiting him, which again means salvation will be useless.
  7. Hiro

    Sorc/Sage Friendly Pull

    thanks for the headsup. didnt need you to look for another game. still for different reasons though. yes for me it is a core ability. its obvious use for pvp was actually one of the main reasons for my class choice long before the game was released. if YOU miss your priest without that pull, maybe YOU should be the one looking for a new... or rather an old game. its not hard to "wrap my head" around the possiblity of chain pulling a ball carrier. its WAS EASIER to find a counter for that though. and again: thanks to mirror classes there is nothing in this game that couldnt be used by both sides. he never said only certain classes should be usefull. he said that composition should matter. and thats a fact. every class has a use in certain situations on certain warzones. some are a little stronger, some a weaker. thats the nature of an mmo. things get shifted all the time. if you think a 8-sorcerer team will auto win every WZ then im really sorry for you. id be happy to face that team over and over tbh.
  8. read my first post again. remove salvation from your hotkeys. most likely you will profit from that. there is absolutely no need to change salvation or to buff sages healing. its fine as it is (oh yeh... im playing one btw)
  9. - movement! by far the most important one imo. know when to LoS, know when to attack and from what position. being able to full move your character while still being able to use any important skill without jeopardizing your movement. - decisions: about target choices (goes for dps and healers) when you should use an objective and when you shouldnt waste time on it (seeing ppl clicking bombs over and over again while being interrupted instead of finsihing of that last opponent quicky every day) - timing. know when to use which skills, know when to attack which player (e.g. does it make more sense to go for the healer or for the dps?... not the answer is NOT always the healer...). - know how to force your opponent to waste their skills, e.g. fake cast, force them to waste a gap closer to get away afterwards - not only knowing your own class, but every class you might counter / play with - ..... - ..... there are way more things that makes the difference between good and bad players then the most ppl think. gear matters alot (thats a sad fact), class composition matters a fair share (which is a good thing), the MOST important thing afterall that matters is still the players skill. im pretty sure that if you make 2 groups: team A: 8 really good PvP players . team B: 8 random players that know the stuff you mentioned and not more. force team A into whatever class you like and give them inferior gear to team B (which is allowed to play the class of their choice), team A will still win. and thats a good thing. otherwise there would be no point in playing afterall.
  10. lol ? what you want with salvation anyways in pvp.... just a hint: in most scenarios the spell sucks. in fact there are so few situations in warzones where you actually benefit from it that its not even worth speccing since other options will be way more valuable. if your play relies on it you should rethink what you are doing
  11. Hiro

    Sorc/Sage Friendly Pull

    wise man talking too few of them left in this game
  12. Hiro

    Sorc/Sage Friendly Pull

    1) there are mirror classes. both sides have access to the same ablities. specially if you group join. there is NO advantage that wouldnt be available for everyone. 2) friendly pull is a core ability of those classes. taking it away is just like taking away stealth from shadows or dual wield from sentinals. plain stupid. 3) if you lose cause of "chain pulls" you uttlery suck. its impossible to create a "line setup" for chain pulling unless the other team is total retarded. so easy to break that chain. 4) l2p
  13. saying arena is the "worst thing" is just as stupid as saying its the solution for everything. its an "option" and an addition to a game. its something that many ppl would love and others would not care about. those who dont care arent forced to play them. just as im not forced to go PvE, simply cause i dont care. does that make PvE stupid or useless? no... its just an option for someone else. the only thing that IS bad is only caring about yourself. the only thing that is right is trying to give everyone what he/she wants. many want arena stuff. just give it to us. simple as that.
  14. would probably be the only thing they can do to win back my subscription. however i fear that certain parts of the community of this game doesnt appreciate the idea of not being able to hide their bad pvp-skills anymore. (there are more then enough threads about this topic) id be instantly willing to pay 3 times the current subscription fee if they offered serious PvP, aka arenas or even better: 3v3 and 4v4 objective based warzones. all with a ranking system and x-server matchmaking or bigtime server merges ofc.
  15. and thats actually where 90% of the "nerf sorcerers!!! whiners" come from.... they dont understand its different classes. people take it just as the OP: they have no clue what they are talking about and feel like getting pwned by one class, when its actually 2. they just see many sorcerers running around and think its the same class that turned invisible, stun immune and bursted them down in seconds .... oh wait.... all that was the assassin..., nvm....
  16. the lvl 30 and valor 60 gave me the first smile... the new "shadowsorcerer" class that you invented gave me the rest. man that class really seems awsome! gotta check the char creation again where its hidden!!!
  17. first post of someone who is able to count 1+1 ive seen in a long time...
  18. curious how thats gonna happen. everyone i asked who used to pvp regulary stated they stop playing until 1.2 hits
  19. since you are posting on the PvP forum and left before i guess you are interested in serious and meaningfull PvP. so to answer your question: nope, nothing relevant changed. check back in early april for 1.2, but dont get your hopes up. doesnt seem thats gonna fix anything either.
  20. thats the fact, yep. if only it was april first today. somehow i got the bad feeling they are serious about that fail though
  21. what happens if you break something that was already utterly broken? does it get pulverized?
  22. you forgot to mention that those 10 daily matches you are forced into now are still completely pointless. one sad excuse of a "patch"
  23. that basicly sums up todays patch. loged in dropped cash on an item that has no use to me since you cant put it into pvp weapons/remove pvp hilts. played 1 WZ, realized that nothing changed other then they force you to play 10 pointless warzones every day now instead of afkin for 30 minutes in ilum. and there is still no reason to PvP. logged out not gonna miss the end of my subscription in a few days. hope bw comes back to mind and will do their homework afterall. no reason to play again until 1.2 and reading up on the changes even that patch will most likely fail. would give so much for a star wars mmo with meaningfull and skillfull PvP... guess this will have to remain a dream for a long time again... go ahead with your "QQ" and "byebye troll" replies..... i couldnt care less. just disappointed once again, had to let it out
  24. its not only the light servers that will be revived that way. its also the "bigger servers". on bloodworthy (EUs biggest PvP server) i haven't seen more then 1 WZ up at the same time during day or more then 3 WZs up during peak times on republic side in a long time now. its not anymore about who is better or who got better gear. its only about who has 5 and who has 8 man in his group nowadays.
  25. OP is right: rivals are awesome! too bad there is no rival left on the servers cause everyone stopped playing. so the thing you are wrong about: x-realm matchmaking or server merges is actually the only way to revive rivals!
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