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Everything posted by Shillen

  1. This only works if you created the thread. It's easier just to bookmark any thread you create. I dunno about you but I don't make 50 new threads a day. Maybe one a week at most.
  2. You sure? I'm pretty sure mine stopped at exactly 1 level.
  3. On my server I've seen at least 30-40 of them just running around. I'm level 48.
  4. I could list 40 things I'd like to change about the UI. That's the point of UI customization. Not everyone wants their UI the same way. And, seriously, you have no issue with companions coming back from missions and closing your windows down? That's a fault of the crappy UI.
  5. I really don't get that ability. No ranged npc or companion should have a grappling hook ability. Why would they want their target closer to them?
  6. So basically you're exploiting a bug. Great.
  7. Eh, I use Tanno on my dps commando (level 48) and it works great. He keeps the mobs off me and it allows me to use full auto without getting interrupted. By the time I pull aggro off of him his taunt is back up and he takes the mob back. His damage is pitiful but he's a great tank.
  8. Yeah cause the giant windows everywhere that they have now really help immersion. My UI will get smaller with mods.
  9. Happened to me also. Your stuff will reappear in the mail in like 10 minutes.
  10. Yeah the queues were going to disappear, regardless. They intentionally set server caps low to drive the playerbase to lower populated servers, not because the servers can't handle more people. Then they slowly lift the caps and the end result is a more balanced load across all servers than if they hadn't put the caps on. That said, this game will lose many players when the free month is over. It happens with every MMO. A good chunk of people will play the free month and not subscribe.
  11. Sorry dude, slicing pre-nerf was not that bad. People exaggerate. I was slicing on multiple characters with high companion affection and playing 16 hours a day and I didn't make "millions of credits".
  12. Bottom line is I can only remember 2 MMO's that had credit duping bugs at release. This one and SWG. These type of bugs cannot be allowed to make it onto live servers. There is obviously a flaw with their testing if this bug was allowed to get through. I mean reading how the exploit was performed it was really simple to do. There's no way it should have gone undetected.
  13. The dance bug was game-breaking but the other fixes weren't? The infinite credit exploits and the chat bug were both more game-breaking, IMO. I'm guessing you weren't one of the people experiencing the chat bug because it was one of the most infuriating bugs I've ever encountered in my 15 years of MMO experience.
  14. It's really hard to list just one thing. If I can only list one I'd say adding mod tools because the mods that would be created would fix many, many issues.
  15. So a random account that no one plays on gets banned while all the people with millions of credits are scot free. Yeah, BioWare would accomplish a lot. They can only ban the account that exploited.
  16. The problem is the exploiters that weren't idiots were using a dummy account to generate millions of credits and spreading those credits to other accounts (guildmates, friends) in many small transfers. You can't ban people for receiving credits in the mail. They didn't exploit anything. The damage is done, there is literally nothing BioWare can do to fix it.
  17. Pre-order bonus is dumb anyway. I bought the pre-order, but I would have been perfectly fine if they didn't give us anything. I mean why are you better for ordering the game the day before release vs the day of release? You both payed the same amount. If there is a pre-order bonus it should be exactly what we got, something crappy that is only useful for a few levels at most. If you wanted a nice perk then you should have forked over additional money for the deluxe edition.
  18. You don't realize that these people are putting you on their ignore list and talking about what a horrible person you are to their guilds. Needing on everything is not remotely acceptable to just about anyone. They all hit need also because that's the only way to somewhat combat what you're doing, not because that's what they think should be done.
  19. His thread is exactly what these forums are for. Why don't you take your useless post off these forums as you're cluttering a legitimate thread.
  20. Yeah they either need to take all stats off of social armor (so it's not good for anyone to fight in) or they need to offer it in medium/heavy varieties. But there are a lot of far more important issues in this game right now.
  21. Yeah same account and forum logins is the norm. The only place I can think of where they're different is steam accounts.
  22. OP came off as whiney but had a good list of things that need fixing. I'll add some more: 1. You get booted to char select opening mail also, not just joining warzones. 2. Mobs inside the terrain shooting at you when you can't shoot back. 3. A lot of abillities don't fire correctly, abillities both with and without cast times. Some abillities with no cast time get interrupted. Some abilities with cast times give you the cast time but they don't fire. 4. People disappear from guild window. Guy is online and he doesn't appear in guild window even with offline box selected. 5. Class quests breaking, usually because you can't get the dialogue to start. Then you reset the quest and instead of resetting that part of the quest it takes you to a previous part you've already completed in a completely different area. 6. Items on commendation vendors are all out of whack, particularly the modification vendor. A vendor will have like commando barrel 21 but only reflex barrel 18, both at the same price. Then there are enhancements that have the same exact stats but different names on the same vendor. I'm amazed this type of thing made it out of beta as it's extremely shoddy. 7. If I send 4 companions on missions I can't summon a 5th companion to fight with me without reloading my UI. 8. Myself and another trooper friend of mine can't get our relics to stay on our hotbars. As soon as we zone they disappear, but my jedi friend does not have the same issue. 9. There are many issues with getting stuck, even out in the open with no objects to make you stuck.
  23. I think it would be perfectly fair to ban anyone with over 30 million credits. There's no way anyone has earned that much legitimately at this point. The hard part is to catch the smart cheaters, the ones that only cheat to a point where you can't tell if they cheated or did it legitimately. People that are sitting on like 15 million credits right now. It's certainly possible they earned that much legitimately, although not likely.
  24. No, even if you played 24 hours a day there's no way slicing earned you 1.5 million credits in 3 days, even pre-nerf. I played all day for a week and had like 200k.
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