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Posts posted by Killomend

  1. I quit game, is not perfect, expected it to be different from all other MMO's since they all sucked for the 1st month, I wanted this game perfect from launch. You dont know me but I post here so I can check it every 5 mins to see how much attention i have gotten, becaue even tho I dont know you I want you to pay attention to me and I want you to not like game becaus I no like game.
  2. if you rolled a toon on my server, Hedarr Soongh,


    you would not be a happy camper.


    It is literally premades roflstomping pugs and fresh 50s ALL DAY LONG.


    Look, its an MMO I get that. So why can't premades go against other premades, and solo que people be put with solo que people ?



    Because BW is perfectly fine with full Champ/BM premades on vent farming noobs.

    I have no problem with premades at all, but how would you go about coding something like that? Do you need a set ups so that 2 man premades or 3man premades go at each other or are they lumped i with the solo? Guess we'll just have to wait for rankings then.

  3. Dude, I could give two poops about coms, cash, or valor. Coms are a joke - pvp gear comes from dailies and weeklys. Cash ? Im rich already ? Valor ? A meaningless ranking system to show who plays more


    All I care about is winning. If My team is not performing well, I am out


    I will sit in a new Que for 10 minutes, and quit again if the team sucks.


    Waiting 10 minutes for me is much better than suffering through a pathetic loss where I am the only person on my team trying to win

    This is may why they changed the bag system. Multiply this sentiment across the board and its no wonder you lose 8-9 wz's in a row. Guess pre-mades are the only way to go. The only way I get wins late at night are this way with my guild. Maybe asking for daily reset upon clicking of the quit button would be a better solution.

  4. i'm sure everyone who's gotten dc'c from warzones in the past will vote for the debuff.


    some people are realy best left in the back seat and away from the controls.

    Well they can apply it the quit button and those thta stay in the deserter zone maybe

  5. it's fine the way it is, you have the groups of pvpers who need coms and those who are already battlemaster and simply need their 3/9 wins and are out of there, you cant expect battlemasters to stick it out for nothing cause that is what they are getting in a loss.


    Ah ok so I retract my statement as its perfectly ok to leave a group at a disadvantage to queue up for another loss to leave.

  6. If you're losing (just like me eh..) 8 wzs in a row with your faction , are you considering the fact that something is going wrong with factions?

    LOL no, its a warzone thing that's not factions thats bad players leaving wz's trying to find a win and leaving those that are figthing at a disadvantage

  7. You got a tons of server. If you make another ch on the unbalanced faction (speaking bout numbers) you make something bad to other players too.

    So, sorry, you're freedom ends when other one's beginning.


    You can't displease the many for a sake of a few. Cap limits per faction per instance on Illum may be the way to go. Will help those with lower end comps aswell.

  8. Well, you are the good guys :) Don't give in to the hate...


    Wait they committed genocide 1st by trying to wipe out the sith, also just lost my 8th wz in a row to republic players and have had 3 or 4 deserters in each

  9. That's what I'm exactly saying from the first day. The early days unbalanced numbers affects THE WHOLE GAME.

    For example on Ilum...After I spent one entire month farming wz's to earn rank 60, imperials did in LESS THAN ONE DAY on Ilum. Just because they're TOTALLY overnumbered.


    How would you go about fixing something like this? Capped instances? 200 per faction per instance?

  10. Allow people to leave. But let the person that replaces them get all the rewards that they would have recieved so the replacement has less of an incentive to leave.


    Isn't that determined by stats built up over time in a match it's hard to do when you have 2 minutes left in a match. They could make the rewards level across the board but then you will have botters and afk'ers

  11. I am for this option , also we need a button to let us out of the warzone if we want . Just today I had a real life emergency to tend through but I could not get leave the group in the warzone and the only way out was task manager . ( I usually don't quit WZ but real life is real life . )

    15 mins is a good time for a penalty anything thta takes you away from a wz usually takes around 15 mins or longer

  12. I'm asking you to consider the fact that when I have 3 Warzones I need to win a day, I don't have the patience to deal with 7 other people that don't communicate/don't have the skill/gear required in a situation that is a clear loss. It's lost time sure, but when you weigh out the odds of getting into another warzone that might either be winning or starting fresh you start to not care about it.


    PvP dailies take a lot of time as it is, and i'm fine with that, but factoring in more time by waiting out a losing game just isn't my style.


    The easiest way to fix quitters is to change the winning warzone daily.


    And how often do you join right into another lost wz? Granted there may be no penalty right now as there are some bugs that will boot you from a wz/

  13. When you leave a wz because it's a lost cause, all you do is give up your coms, cash and valor. The next person that joins that lost wz does not have time to build up there stats to get anything at all out of that wz but a loss. Yes, you get to queue for a new wz faster but odds are you wont get into a fresh wz, you'll just replace some other quitter's place in a lost wz. Until, BW puts in a penalty for leaving early I'm asking you to consider these facts.
  14. How is dishing out 1-3k every 1,5 sec.


    Um that every second so in 3 seconds your at 3-6k in 6 seconds you can do 6-12k damage. The pandoras box was opend when OPS got nerfed. now, you are going to have to deal with the nerf everything crowd.

  15. tried pvp a few times... never again, all the people who used the bag exploit before it was fixed are impossable to kill. Welcome to starwars the old warcraft.

    what a carebear, srsly you think that you are the only new 50? Pleny of others just starting gear grind. Stay with your team and you wont be focused by BM's as much.


    Well stop Feeding the Trolls



    Wait a minute.. I know what you are doing OP


  16. Is there honestly a ton of people who min/max AND care so much about the appearance of their gear


    Ill wear pink polka dotted see through nylon body suit if its bis


    I mean complaints about everyone looks the same I kinda get but really


    Did you ever even consider the concept that the pieces with slots will look better then what you are wearing now?


    Or actually chances are it will look the same as everything else for each character anyway


    Spacing things out does not excuse you from the fact,


    your post is all one big run-on sentence.

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