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Posts posted by Jtbaker

  1. I think some of the enrage timers are stupid. Get it on the first boss of EV, a wipe unless you are 20K from killing him. Get it on Gharg, step up healing and keep going.


    I'd prefer the mechanics to be the enrages on most of the fights. More and more spawns on Pylons for example, filling the floor with fire on Karraga, or Gharg could have X waves of normal adds and then they start getting stronger until they overpower the op. Only been to minesweeper in EC, so not sure of their mechanics that could be adapted.


    Much better than the boss saying to himself "oh wait, 5 minutes exactly have passed time to go super, kill these guys, and grab a beer".


    Yep. soft enrages > hard enrages. This especially makes me mad in HM EC. "Well, 5 min are up time to die." Well, you lost a dps midway through the fight, might as well wipe it because there's no hope for you now." I understand the importance of enrage timers and what BW is trying to prevent guilds from doing by implementing them. But there are better ways to implement a system to prevent guilds from using a gimmick to eliminate the true challenge. Personally, as a long time end game raider, I prefer complex mechanics of an encounter vs. fear the enrage timer the most. Because at that point, all you remember of the boss is the enrage timer and everything else because secondary. Which is not how modern day PvE encounters should be handled.

  2. enrage is fine.


    Very constructive.



    Here is the issue with enrage timers. Personally, I am okay with a hard enrage to a point. However, turning a fight into "beat the enrage or die" is lazy. It simplifies the encounter by turning the entire event into fighting the enrage timer instead of the encounter itself. The majority of the videos that are on the web show guilds hitting the enrage timer in HM EC. This is a pattern that should not be happening. Using EC as an example, there are only 4 bosses. Having the first 2 bosses with strict enrage timers ruins the point of getting a chance to gear up or "farm" some of the content before you hit those "dps check" bosses. This leaves you no chance outside of Rakata and whatever Black Hole you obtain to achieve more gear. So at the end of the day, your first impression of HM EC turns into fighting an enrage timer and not the joy of fighting a boss itself and strategizing the mechanics.


    Some will argue that a hard enrage is so guilds don't stack healers. Well my friends, in an 8 man raid if you take away 25% of the dps (ie 3 healers instead of 2) you will notice a substantial dps loss. With 25% of your main source of dps missing it's understandable to run into an enrage timer. But it'd take you what, another 1 or 1.5 minutes to sustain enough dps to kill an 8 man HM boss if you're minus 25% of your dps? What it comes down to is fighting the mechanics of the fight, not the enrage timer. There is absolutely no harm in adding another 15 - 30 seconds on each hard enrage timer. This still accomplishes a goal of preventing guilds from stacking healers while at the same time you won't be seeing a hard enrage near the end of every fight even though it was executed perfectly. That's how a proper encounter should be. If there is still an argument on that, then BW should reconsider soft enrages. However, as it stands right now this game turns into "You vs. Enrage Timer". Not "You vs. Mechanics" as it should be.

  3. Are you guys going to revisit enrage timers in ops, or make them more lenient? I understand you dont want guilds to stack a ton of healers to get the kill, but not being able to beat an encounter due to unforgiving hard enrage timers is kind of annoying. We have had a number of hard enrage's in HM Explosive Conflict because we lose a dps, but our execution is perfect. Another 30 seconds and we would have had the kill. What about considering soft enrages?
  4. Incorrect. Tanks can AOE taunt at any time when they are apart until just before a leap with zero issues. Additionally, they are not immune to taunts when they leap.



    Regarding the Vanguard issue, not sure what to say except play better. Threat isn't an issue in this fight at all. Either he needs to get a clue, or you need to replace him.


    Helpful tip for him: If he starts on Toth here is what he needs to do. Toth leaps, then he targets Zorn, Leaps, Taunts, repositions if he moved at all. Easy.


    If he starts on Zorn, he just taunts Toth and then moves him back to his original spot. Then applies the above on the next leap.


    Rinse/repeat then dead.


    Zorn will infact be immune to taunt of the other tank decides to ae taunt him before the leap. I've watched it happen several times before our kill. Either that or Zorn's taunt immunity is completely random. Either way, I've seen him go immune to taunt on numerous occasions on both Story and HM.

  5. March 30th patch notes removed the agro drop on the boss when they leap.


    Also, Zorn will be immune to taunt for a short time. However, if your tank aoe taunts to keep agro before the leap, Zorn will be immune to taunt for the duration of the ae taunt. Your dps needs to go easy before the first leap and use threat dumps. Aoe taunt should never be used in that fight, even if they're at opposite ends.

  6. Yeah you get the crit bonus regardless of being in a tech. You also currently get the procs despite not being in shadow spec. While this is nice don't expect it to last and expect a possible revision to the pve balance build. Either that or they will remove the shadow tech portion from the tooltip which is what I'm banking on. Either way there is a few discrepancies with the future of this build.
  7. circling shadows has nothing to do with any tech, it even works without any tech activated.


    Has a 100% chance to grant Circling Shadows while shadow technique is active. Read the in game tooltip. If it currently works without having a technique active than its not intended and conflicts with the talents tooltip.

  8. in normal mode there is no way....but...i think they did this coz 99% of pug groups will be on normal so it stop ninjaing


    Yeah, but its not even at all well executed. I've seen a sage get 2 pairs of legs when he already had them. So he has 3 Columi legs. I've seen a dps guardian get the tanking lightsaber, same with the shadow equivalent. I've seen a tanking guardian get a dps lightsaber that a sentinel could have used. If BW was smart they'd give you an option to control the loot. While normal is crazy easy, it still is a pain in the butt seeing loot wasted. The distribution could work if it was executed properly, but it isn't and its very annoying.

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