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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Location
    DownEast Maine Coast
  • Interests
    MMO's, Sci-Fi / Fantasy books & movies, drinking too much and smokin' cloves while doing it.
  • Occupation
    An 8:30 to 5 Operations Manager for a DME provider.
  1. It fixes itself at 10k, but then returns if you swing either way afterwards. When people ask my alignment I type out the entire 14-digit number just to impress them.
  2. Don't forget those sneaky space-mission players! They're out in space shooting up ships and collecting credits and commendations, too. This is a slap in the face! The face I say!
  3. This is a major problem with the UI design at the moment. By making the UI area "split", they forced us to constantly switch between views and try to manage information in a very non-intuitive way. Additionally, the same thing happens if you're trying to compare an item in a listing to your inventory vs your companion's equipped items. There's no way to keep a vendor open while checking both your inventory and your companion screen, so you have to either write down the stats or remember them while you look around. I believe that if they fix the "only two windows open at one time" issue, most of these problems will go away. Movable windows would be a nice touch, too.
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