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Everything posted by Brainshack

  1. Das Spiel ist nicht unfertig. Ein MMO ist nie fertig. Das gewisse Funktionen aus anderen Spielen nicht vorhanden sind, kann auch reine Absicht sein. Auch der Grafikstil ist bewusst gewählt, das kann einem gefallen oder nicht. Die ganzen 1 Sterne bewerter bei Amazon oder Metacritics bei 0 Punkten gehören mmn. gelöscht, da sie einfach aus Frust über ein völlig natürliches Phänomen bei einem MMO Launch entstanden sind: warteschlangen. Gott was haben sich die Leute damals beim WoW Release aufgeregt. Und siehe nun was daraus geworden ist. Für einen perfekten Launch braucht es einfach Warteschlangen, da man 1. vorher nicht genau weiß wieviele Spieler kommen werden und 2. auch keiner halbvolle Server haben will. Man muss da die Balance finden und BioWare hat das heir ganz gut hinbekommen. Zur Not erstellt mans ich einfach einen Twink auf einem anderem Server. Es gibt mit jedem neuen Char soviel zu entdecken. Warum also frusten lassen wegen etwas dass in 1-2 Wochenv ermutlich eh keinen mehr juckt?
  2. With a little bit of tactics the Colicoid is quite doable arround lvl 21.
  3. Im not sure if I would like the idea of switching AC or not. Maybe for a incerdible high amount of credits. Making a Sorc out my assa would'nt feel natural. However, it would safe me some time, leveling the same char again^^ The state of the game by now is, that the AC you choose is final. However, since its allready on level ten and i wont take even 2hours to get to the level again when you skip all dialogues, I don't see the point in arguing arround here about your precious time. Just consider the AC choice being like a final class choice. You choose your class while playing, this is good, because you allready know your genereal gameplay mechanics a bit. You definitly won't be seeing any change to this feature in the near future. Even if it will come, you would be much faster just to level a new toon to 10, then waiting for a whole new feature^^
  4. And however hard you try. you wont be able to beat top notch starcraft 2 player. Because it aint that easy as it seems. As in everything, you can get to a descent level in everything by training hard and investigating time (i would even asay, you could become quite a good piano player by investing a lot of effort in it) but you would enver be able to master a thing, if you dont have those special talents. In SC2 that would be the perfect undestanding of the meta game and a perfect mindset, so you can read you opoonent perfectly. In MMO however, i guess there is a natural skill cap, regarding PVE play, since we always just play vs. a computer AI, which is by now not remotly as verastile as a human being could be. That makes the big difference in P v AI and P v P games. About the DMG Meters: nobody really needs them. Or how else have we been able to handle our first 40 man raids back in old vanilla wow, without them? Let's see this out of an TOR Raider. You're 8 or 16 Ppl in a raid. You have an encounter. Your tank always dies. What to do? Okay, the typically WoW Style player of type "I'm to lazy to do stuff my self, I'd rather have an addon jumping in my face, telling me what to do", would just want to look at some plain numbers to have reasons to kick people. But is this really to wishworthy in a game that also has some sort of social component in it? The funny thing that always comes to my mind when people start to complain that TOR is more of an Singleplayer game then of an MMO, is my personal experience with WoW. When i started WoW with the release of good old vanilla, people had to organise them selfes. You had to get into a guild to be able to get your 40 guys for the raid all together. You had to talk to eachother, because you didn't have the addons that did everything for you. Today you run from Random Heroics to Random Battleground thorugh random raids. You don't even have to talk to anybody. Even Guilds aren't what they used to be anymore, since the guild rewards came into the game. The whole emmersive World of Warcraft experience feels so mich more like a solo player game to me, since you don't have any reason to interact with people. not eben for trading, thx to the AH. Bioware is doing the things they do for good reason. Don't having cross Server stuff is good for the server communities. Don't having addons is good for player interaction. Ppl will have to talk to find out whats going on. They will have to analyze stuff on a deeper level instead of just counting plain numbers. I like this new "old" familial feeling i get when i play a warzone or a flashpoint in TOR. Screw competitive PvE, it was the worst thing that ever happened to WoW.
  5. Man könnte die Leku doch einfach nach vorne aus der Kapuze baumeln lassen, oder einfach üm den hals wickeln. War da auch leicht geschockt als ich festgestellt habe, das mein Inquisitor ohne Kapuze Angst und Schrecken verbreiten muss
  6. Also persönlich habe ich ja nichts gegen Progress orientierte Gilden. Ich selber kenne das gute Gefühl ganz gut, das erste mal einen herausfordernen Boss erlegt zu haben. Aber mal ernsthaft, der Progress beginnt auf Max. Level. Kills an irgendwelchen gammeligen Low-Midlevel Bossen hat doch nun wirklich gar keine Bedeutung. Hat sich ja auch niemand feiern lassen in WoW weil er als erstes Hogger oder Stitches legen konnte. Sowas hab ich wirklich in noch keinem MMO gesehen und ich hab schon ein paar miterlebt. Da scheint mir doch ne menge epeen hinter zu stecken. Wenn ihr auf 50 nen Server First in T1 oder so habt, dann respekt. Aber alles davor ist einfach nur lächerlich und poserhaft.
  7. Ja aber ernsthaft, Level 18 Mobs in so ne Liste mit aufzunehmen? Das grenzt doch schon arg an Profilneurose.
  8. There are some features on the list of a gazillion features which are currently in development, that might be a little more important than this. Maybe this comes with the announced additions to the UI in the near future. I don't care about this stuff for example, since I only play one character until it's 50. You see, importance is always a matter of perspective.
  9. Also ich würd ganz normal mit einer DMG Spec leveln und dann umskillen auf 50. Wenn du natürlich erin paar leute hast mit denen du zusammen leveln kannst, könntest dua uch direkt auf Heal skillen. Die Companions helfen natürlich auch beim leveln ganz gut, so dass man eigentlich auch als Healer gut leveln kann, zumindest sobald man einen DD Companion hat. Kem Vhal ist da wohl eher die schlechtere Wahl. Das erste mal umskillen sollte nicht all zu teuer sein.
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