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Posts posted by Honelith

  1. BW choking the playerbase. I struggle to find groups for heroics and flashpoints, I rolled on Chuundar which was maxed at one point at launch, now it usually sits at Normal population and I've spent far too much time on my character to roll elsewhere. Thinking of not subscribing despite this being a decent RPG, I was hoping for a Star Wars Massively Multiplayer Online like SWG, but all this instancing, lack of players and everyone being spread out thin makes me look towards other MMO's which have the massively bit.


    There's too many great RPG's out there with great singleplayer and SWTOR lacking the massively aspect puts it way behind these great games. I'm hoping Bioware will do something fast.

  2. I really didn't want to cancel my sub, but SWTOR feels dead, lonely. I'm sick of soloing, people hardly respond in chat and it seems there's a dozen players on a WHOLE PLANET ?


    Sick of soloing and I can't see things getting any better. The appeal of an MMO is gaming alongside the hundreds/thousands of players, SWTOR doesn't deliver on this. :(

  3. I'm sorry, but your thread title is very untrue. SWTOR has so little content? You can't surely be serious?


    1-50 and the 50+++ content seems more then enough in my opinion to last a couple months until they bring out new content. I've been playing around 2-6 hours every day for 3 and a half weeks, I'm level 27 and I feel as though I've seen and done alot, I know that at 50 there's still alot to see and do.

  4. Whether an MMORPG is good or not, you're still paying to access a service. I think some of the times Sky can be pretty rubbish on some days, there's only a good few channels in the package with loads of filler channels which are rubbish, but you don't see me moaning about that.


    Given that SWTOR encourages you to roll alts, fair enough, experiencing all the class stories would provide alot of extra content, but I'm not one for alts. Obviously new content will justify longterm commitments to this game, too early to tell if this will happen, but lots of interesting content seems to be heading our way.


    SWTOR does have top notch gameplay, it just feels so lonely, getting groups for quests can prove tricky most of the time, I'm on the Chunndar server which isually sits at Heavy load, yet I only often see around 30-50 players on a whole planet. If you're playing with 50 players most of the time which seems to be the case when I jump to most planets, it's hard trying to find people who are on the same quests.

  5. Pretty much spot on. Alot of players seem to want to live their life in these MMORPG's, like they get too emotionally attached and are offended there's a bug or a feature that's missing or not yet adjusted. Shrug, it's a game, and I'm enjoying this game more then I've enjoyed any MMORPG since 2007.


    I'm happily enjoying the content on offer and eagerly await the patches and new content like the rest of you patient folk.

  6. I've played every day during the week of beta, every day of the 7 days early access and everyday of the 2 and a half weeks since release, playing around 2-6 hours a day, I'm level 25 and I have to regard this game one of the best MMORPG's I've played. My last MMORPG crack like addiction was WoW all the way back in 2006 and nothing had topped it since then.


    Ofcourse I was also addicted to older MMORPG's before WoW which were Dark Age of Camelot, Anarchy Online, Planetside, EVE Online and Everquest II, these are my 5 fave MMORPG's.


    Loving this game alot and I look forward to all those bugfixes and new content which will be arriving soon.

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