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Everything posted by Bielduwyn

  1. I wouldn't exactly call this a high priority issue, but it might be nice to see that added eventually. And besides, nothing wrong with added money sinks ('cause remember, the house always wins).
  2. Considering an Ysalamiri can completely push the Force away within a 10 meter radius bubble, you'd basically render Jedi Knights, Sith Warriors and Shadows/Assassins useless because they can only operate from within that radius. And you can't particularly say that all of those are overwhelmingly OP to the point that you need to strip them of ~all~ their powers.
  3. Why would the Selkath be playable? They can't speak basic and I wouldn't want to spend dozens of hours hearing my character repeating the same handful of Selkath lines. And furthermore, at this point in Galactic history the Selkath are a strictly neutral species. They wouldn't ever overtly help Empire nor Republic. And sure, you see a Selkath Jedi on Tython and another Selkath on Coruscant, but those two exceptions aren't nearly enough to make them playable and risk having hundreds of them running about. I really hope a day will dawn where everyone will realise that this is a story driven game and that means that you can't have the same selection of species like you can in a sandbox game.
  4. I can understand your grief, but you have to remember who you're dealing with here, Bioware has been making story driven games for over a decade and a half now, they're pretty set in their ways and clearly story and lore matter a lot to them. So you honestly shouldn't expect them to put the companion system through changes where certain companions might end up contradicting all they stand for, like my examples of the likes of Bowdaar, Qyzen or Khem being relegated to healing duty. Unless it comes with a trade-off of them losing X affection for every Y minutes they have to heal. Similarly Mako can't become a DPS companion, the very reason Braden took on the Bounty Hunter you play is because Mako's simply not good enough with a blaster to be in the Great Hunt. They explicitly say so in the first conversation you have in the BH story. So it'd make little sense to suddenly have her be a companion who can go toe to toe with you in DPS, if not outranking you because that would basically mean you just made yourself obsolete as well, Mako can clearly handle herself and any and all opposition now. And knowing the amount of importance Bioware attaches to TOR's story I just can't see them implementing such a drastic change. I'd sooner see them giving them the option to allow you to buy upgrades, if not a whole new body for 2V/C2 so you can spec him to DPS or tank for you after all. (That or HK-51 will have that covered once he properly gets added to the game)
  5. I also want to be able to send them to do PvP dailies for me while I stay behind and RP. And they should also do my space dailies. And double for me in Flashpoints and Operations while I do other stuff, but still get full rewards for all things mentioned. We should also be totally capable of picking just who our first companion will be, story be damned. I mean hey, if we're going to be all self-entitled we might as well go all the way. Not to mention some roles simply wouldn't fit some companions simply because it goes against their character. There are several companions who are all about fighting and wanting to find worthy foes, why in the blazes would they suddenly be happy standing back and healbotting for you?
  6. Sadly this'd make no sense at all on an RP server though. But I can see where you're coming from.
  7. Why not? 2V already mentions cleaning sublight drives, and being capable of painting entire rooms and polishing the entire ship. Flying the ship should be no problem. Plus, y'know, after a while you have several companions, at least one of the companions you leave behind should be able to do the relatively easy task of getting the ship out of the hangar and punching in a few hyperspace coordinates and letting the navicomputer handle the rest.
  8. The thing that bothers me most about Act I is how there is absolutely no consequence for shielding all the masters. Supposedly it's a hugely tasking procedure and the inventor of the technique died after using it, what, three times? My Consular must've shielded about five people by now and she still is perfectly sound in both mind and body. Heck, last time she did it she didn't even seem particularly fatigued after it any more. Really, for all that warning I got about not using the technique too much this sure is absolutely free of any and all consequences.
  9. And? Even our moon has a side that faces the sun. And some moons rotate, I'm sure, so it could have a day/night cycle. But again, it doesn't need one since the impact of Nar Shaddaa would be lost if it bathed in sunlight.
  10. You point me to an official article where it says that the terms "Ma'am" or "My lady" have died out in Star Wars, especially since in a very select few instances female characters do get addressed with those terms. (Like player female Smugglers or Troopers getting called Ma'am by a soldier in the very opening area of Ord Mantell, or Darth Zhorrid being called "My Lady" by her unfortunate bodyguard (at her own insistance, no less) So clearly it still gets used, so you'll have to excuse me for not buying this nonsense about it being honourable, what is so honourable about denying a woman her feminity? You could argue it's a path to gender equality but it's not exactly the right one in my opinion.
  11. I love how misconstrued some people's ideas are of how Bioware, or any other game developer works. They're not exactly out to screw you over, the mods don't try to sweep any criticism under the rug (they'd just delete the topics if that were the case), simply put, stop being so paranoid, you're being silly.
  12. I think you guys are underestimating just what getting rid of the orbital stations would entail. =p They'd have to remodel part of the planet to put down a spaceport where there currently isn't one. And since you're all lazy and/or in a hurry and don't want any transition screens they'd also have to be Coruscant styled spaceports where you can just run straight from your ship into the larger world, which would take up even more space than the elevator spaceports that take you to an instance of your hangar. And once that's done, well, we'll have to redownload the entire planet since the "level" has been changed, resulting in a patch sized several gigabytes containing planets we've already seen. So honestly, is it really worth that much to you that you want to occupy the time of the world builders to try and jam a spaceport onto Korriban and all the other planets that don't have one when they could be making all new planets? (Not to mention, given the nature of planets like Tython, a spaceport there would make no sense at all)
  13. Sorry to say it, but the book "The Art and Making of The Old Republic" makes pretty clear that the lack of cycles is something that was done by design, not by technical limitations. And I can kinda see where they're coming from, Nar Shaddaa has always been shown in the dark in games and comics and such, it just wouldn't have the same effect bathing in sunlight. And the day vs. night contrast helps differentiate Hoth from Ilum. Plus the lighting can help set the tone for the planet. Not to mention that there'll be plenty of conversations where the camera angles will need changing lest your characters or the NPCs they're talking to get enveloped by the glow of the setting/rising sun.
  14. Why should they? You can't have Republic Chiss characters, they are currently the Empire's only ally. Rattataki have been subjected by the Sith Empire as well. For story reasons the Sith Warrior can only be its current races, and even the Zabrak is a stretch there. And similarly, Mirialans are some of the Republic's longest standing members, Imperial Mirialans wouldn't make much sense. It's a story driven game, the races you play need to make sense within the context of the story and the Star Wars universe itself.
  15. I dunno about that, the moment they implement this feature you'll get people complaining that they have to start all over with gaining affection with the droid, or that the droid is boring. Actually, how would you make this droid work? Would it be a character with a plot or would it just be some empty shell filling in for the PvE role it had?
  16. But that game was boring, ever since launch. Great to RP in, but boring as hell to play. It sank for a reason. TOR should keep on doing what it's doing.
  17. Quoted for emphasis. I'd also like to add that in Europe that TOR enjoys a 16 and up rating, which doesn't seem to be a bad idea since you're letting people loose onto servers populated by random people on the internet, who can probably say and do far worse things than anything Bioware's writers ever penned. Additionally, and more worrisome, I think that the topic creator is hoping to simply censor Bioware. Which is something that should never happen in any media form. You can agree or disagree on how Bioware handled some topics and subjects in this game, but they, and any other game developer, should always be free to try and cover any subject in their games. Besides, you can only learn by doing. If you don't approve of the topic, or find it unsuitable for your kids, simply don't (let them) play the game.
  18. They're no doubt working on it, but surely there are more pressing matters than titbits of lore and information. =p It seems pretty vain to cancel your account over this, and I'm a roleplayer, nothing makes me happier than lore.
  19. Just how is your Kel-Dor going to kiss his/her companion? =p
  20. While they've said that that's a feature best kept for a more "matured" MMO, they are free to hurry it up and add it ASAP. ;D
  21. Actually, Stephen Reid said in a recent Q&A on Reddit that the Legacy unlocks would add more options, they wouldn't be of the "You've unlocked 30 extra beards" variety, so most likely it'll just be new race/class combination, like the Miraluka Sith seen in the video.
  22. I don't see how the game being more "sandbox" would equal it being more "MMORPG".
  23. I'd certainly love to have the feature to lock gear from being sold altogether, for RP purposes my Smuggler still has the very first blaster she started with (because it looks neat), but if I'd send Corso to sell my stuff he'd take that with him (unless I equip it first, admittedly), so it would be nice to lock important stuff, it'd also make selling things easier altogether as you know you can just skip over items with a padlock icon in the corner as you skim through the many rows of icons.
  24. That's not really a solution for people who enjoy engaging in random RP though, you'd basically force all RP to become pre-arranged since that would be the only way to avoid those conflicts. Not to mention during the course of a session, people constantly come and go, the leader would spend a good deal of time adding/removing people from the ops as they approach the group and make people joining sit through loading screens as the proper phase gets loaded. All in all, it seems more trouble than it's worth, especially considering the art teams and then the world building teams would have to spend a whole lot of time designing the new looks for the planets and then remodelling them accordingly. I'd rather see them put that time and effort towards whole new worlds. While I would love to see Taris during a later phase of its reconstruction or the Black Sun sector on Coruscant all cleaned up, those planets are now long behind me and I'm not going to run through all of Coruscant and every other planet I've been through again just to see all the changes Bioware made to it since I stopped questing there, heh.
  25. Hm, I see your point there, and people new to the game will probably choose to roll on servers with healthier populations anyway, so simply waiting for more people to buy the game probably won't do. Or it might. Either way, I hope Bioware will consider a few server merges then if it doesn't solve itself over time. They can always add or revive a few servers if the first expansion causes another major boost in sales.
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